Geek Depression

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  • #40164


    34.714% – Total Geek

    I don’t understand…. not only do I worship at the altar of technology… but I have been doing so since early 82! I tithe more than 10% of my wages to the techno gods. I am a faithful handmaiden of the electronic deities.

    I introduced theBrother to D&D and Role playing over 25 years ago, sucked in all of his friends and helped him run a gaming shop. I can bootleg Citadel miniatures for heavens sake, even the plastic ones!

    Not only have I been a member of the SCA, but I have an AOA, the last device approved with a dragon on it and held office! I was a herald for crying out loud.

    I should have cheated. *sob*

    + Geekish Tendencies………………..>09%
    ++ Geek………………………………………>15%
    +++ Total Geek………………………………..>25%
    ++++ Major Geek……………………………….>35%
    +++++ Super Geek………………………………>45%
    ++++++ Extreme Geek……………………………>55%
    +++++++ Geek God…………………………………>65%
    +++++++! Dysfunctional Geek…………………….>75%


    33.331% – Total Geek

    Not too far off of you, thefrey, and I don’t have anywhere near your impressive geek credentials! 😉

    My guess is that some geek along the line dropped the ball; they’re not very good with sports, you know (groans all around, I know).


    Ha! Beat you both: 47.53452% [b]Super Geek[/b]. Now if this a good thing is another matter.

    Must’ve gotten bonue points for being able to honestly say that I’ve designed and built a nuclear device 8)


    Gah! That site! My EYES!

    I got… 36.29191%

    Major Geek…uh…so…yeh…


    i only got 27.21893%. 😮 ok, i admit i know very little about computers, etc, etc…. unfortunately, there was no questions like:
    [i]do you collect dragons?
    do you own a massive Star trek t-shirt collection?
    do you own a Locutus of Borg porcelain bust?
    do you own script books for Star Trek TV series?
    do you write original science fiction?
    [/i]and, of course, there’s plenty of other stuff……
    does that make me a geek, or just plain sad????


    Well we are all Glad to be Sad. 😀



    Im not a geek.

    It just so happens that I, and some of my like-minded friends, are not part of the human race.


    YES! 58.57988% Extreme geek! I rock!

    😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀



    geek envy… why do you suppose you check 5 boxes just for being a female of the species anyway???

    Though I’m game to say we are from another planet.


    As [url=]User Friendly[/url] once put it: “A female who groks UNIX, my world is collapsing!” 😀

    fluffy bunny

    28.4023% -Total geek


    I know I’ve not kept up with this geek thing for a few years but I still thought I’d be higher than that


    I suggest we put out a hit on both Headge and MuadDib. Won’t improve our scores any, but it would make us feel better. 😛

    Oh, and for gloating…. perhaps a kneekapping is in order before Muad meets that great geek in the sky. 😀

    What do ya think ?

    fluffy bunny

    Sounds like a plan, but given the nature of the test I’m not sure if they’ll miss their knees.

    Just taking out their televisions should be enough 😛


    [quote=”fluffy bunny”]Just taking out their televisions should be enough :P[/quote]

    Now that’s just downright evil. But at least you’ll leave the computer alone.


    Well heck. I took this again, and this time came in just over, rather than just under Major Geek. But I also now understand why I am not scoring in the techo-geek-god range.

    Age Discrimination!! Yes, that is it. Most of the questions are present tense. Do I own….. no, not now, but I did. Do you do…. again not now, but I did!

    I spit upon this test! I have been there, done that, and moved into new forms of geek-dom that have not yet been recognized as geek traits. 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛


    You’re all going to hate me even more, I retook the test and got:

    73.9654% – Geek God.

    Now kneel before your God and worship!

    😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀


    Ah, I’ll live I guess. I shall just have to quietly savor my role as the early adopter for my little part of the universe and take comfort in the fine relationship I have with the Techno-Gods.

    but… but… if the wording of the questions had been changed to ‘have you ever’…… 😛 😛 😛 😉


    I am only 24% geek!


    31.75542% Total Geek

    not a Geek Goddess, but me and my faerie coffee are still enjoying my morning.


    Hi Fellow Sci-Fi Fans,
    I’m definitely 95-100% Geek; I’m on the computer a lot; both in the morning (or whenever I’m awake) & at night untill midnight; since I use the family’s computer in my mom’s room, we have a mutual understanding that I can have the computer till midnight, then I have to turn it off. It’s fine since, I’m online every other day or every 3rd when I’m at work; plus, it gives me time to do other things, offline. I also like chatting online, posting on boards, posting Bulletins on Myspace, playing Spider Solitare, working on my web sites & a whole lot more; & I’m having fun in the process.

    Happy 2005,
    Jhevz 😉


    Total Geek (29%). How disappointing. I was sure that I could do better than that.


    [quote=”Jhevz”]I’m definitely 95-100% Geek[/quote]

    I commend you for embracing your inner geek, we are Geeks; Resistance is Futile! Your biological and technological…on second thoughts given the usual geek shape we’ll just take your technology 😀


    32.74162% First try… Let me graduate from DeVry and I’ll take it again.


    60.17759% geeky…wow…I feel like I’ve reached the pinnacle of my existence.

    How sad is that??!!

    I like meeting people online…

    Ya know what’s really scary? I’m only 21, and female…it really turns heads when I say “D-10” or “Ephraim Cochrane”…yay?

    ::Starts chant:: Go geeks go geeks go geeks go geeks!!!…


    If anyone answered all those questions then they must be a geek.

    The list was waaaayyy to long for a non-geek like me to answer.

    I DO admit to taking apart every electronic and electrical piece of equipment I own. But they needed looking at.
    That does NOT make me a geek.

    I do admit to falling asleep in uni with my programming books open and waking up 3 hours later to toss off my running shoes (because they hurt) and then falling back asleep still in my clothes.

    I do admit to prefer working overtime on juicy projects than go out on dates.

    I do admit to helping more than half my class pass their exams.
    I admit to always carrying a Sharp-506P in my pocket.

    I admit to many things but a geek I am not.
    I will not go to Geeks Anonymous.
    I refuse to discuss it anymore.

    ohhh trance…that’s really scary.
    You actually completed the test??!!!
    Get help!!!

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