Great Free Game

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  • #35670

    this is a great game i just got the latest version and it rocks – here the address

    ps – on level 8 you can blow up barny the dinosaur (great fun!!!)

    pss – use the disruptor to make it about 200 times easier and just leave it on!!!



    thanx jabba. Added this site to my favourites. Should keep me amused for a while.

    Christine Carroll


    Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:
    [b]this is a great game i just got the latest version and it rocks – here the address


    [img][/img] I went to the site and pressed “Download” But it came up as a fatal error!!! I want to try this thing out…. Any help from someone?? [img][/img]

    “to err is human” or is it “the air is human” ?? matt Gideon “Crusade”

    “Look for me by the moonlight-
    Watch for me by moonlight-

    I’ll come to thee by the moonlight,

    though Hell should bar the way”

    ——-The Highwayman


    I cant get past level 8. Barney is just too good for me. If anyone else has played this, what level can you get up to?
    Jabba, how about us two having a game online. I think thats possible. Are you up for it or are you chicken?


    problem ive got cable and as far as i can tell its not compatable we could have a go thought some time – have you got a hotmail account? to use MSN messenger? – oh and to get past barney use the deflector stay perfectly still in the middle and just turn around shooting

    life dont talk to me about life – HHGTTG


    thanks jabba, i’ll try that. i have got a hotmail account so we’ll have to try something soon.
    Off on hols today so i’ll speak to you all in a coupla weeks. Bye


    Commet rocks. And I have Cable to so dont ask for a game. Thanx for getting me past Barney jabba.

    I also Cook!!

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