Have you heard of the Gweeps?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Have you heard of the Gweeps?

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  • #37148

    The Gweeps sprung to life awhile back while I sat in my big red chair after conversing with my father about the fantasy book I’m writing. They are, so far anway, little guys and gals who talk (non stop and monotonously- is that a word?) this way:


    I discovered their language is based apon, or a variety of acrostic poetry which is like this:


    Lemme tell you all about this
    Exceptional T.V. series that’s better than
    Xena and light years ahead of

    Look at the first letters of each sentences, read down and what have you? L E X X.

    So my Gweeps talk a variation of this.

    (I know I could open myself up to theives by posting this but I decided to climb down from my pile for once.)

    Post Script: Their language was also inspired by their name GWEEps.


    anyway has a Y in it.



    Iwee HweeOweeweePweeEwee YweeOweeUwee
    WweeRweeIweeTweeEwee YweeOweeUweeRwee
    BweeOweeOweeKwee IweeNwee
    EweeNweeGweeLweeIweeSweeHwee! [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]

    E lectronic
    L ifeform
    M anufactured for
    E xploration and
    Y ardwork

    (Acronym comes from: [url=http://www.brunching.com/cyborger.html]Acronym Generator[/url]
    found by someone on Lexx.com)

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