HELP!! :)

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx HELP!! :)

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  • #37280

    Hiya Peeps,

    Please would any of you budding writers who have seen the new episodes and who aren’t writing for anyone else…. please please please consider sending me your reviews for the show!!

    FX has done some sterling work for this board and I’d like to complement her efforts by providing a closer link to the review material, the discussion forums and the news feeds – all I need is review material! [img]/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

    I am not likely to get to see the show for a while yet (Brit TV has said that it will not air the show anytime this year!! 🙁 but before I get any hooky tapes from friends a very cool person has offered to send me her vid captures and anyone interested in doing reviews would help out the SG Guide A LOT!

    Any takers?




    Originally posted by SadGeezer:
    [b]Hiya Peeps,

    Please would any of you budding writers who have seen the new episodes and who aren’t writing for anyone else…. please please please consider sending me your reviews for the show!! [/b]

    Why don’t you just cut the comments you like from the SadBoard and edit them together into comprehensive reviews?

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    Why don’t you just cut the comments you like from the SadBoard and edit them together into comprehensive reviews?


    A good idea, but it’s a bit time consuming and I think that it’s better if there is one review with comments by different people.

    The idea is that I’ll post a review on a review page and people can comment themselves on the show (or ther review) in this forum.



    I’m up for that Sad, just tell me where to send it.

    What is the criteria for the Sad Review guide. I’ve read all the LEXX ones, but is there a specific format? I tried reading some from the Andromeda guide here and they were way too detailed and long. Not sure if the scripts were that long.

    Anyways, I’m one for it. I’ll be making cruddy tapings of it cause the signal is weak on my TV for some reason. But I am endeavoring to record them all.

    [This message has been edited by X (edited July 16, 2001).]


    Thanks X, but I have a couple of tapes fropm a very cool LEXXian so I can start the reviews again 🙂



    I’ll write a revwiew and send it in. if you like it then i’d be willing to do more if not then who cares lol. i am taping them all and already have the first 3 recorded. post back if you are intrested.



    Originally posted by Stans#1Fan:
    [b]I’ll write a revwiew and send it in. if you like it then i’d be willing to do more if not then who cares lol. i am taping them all and already have the first 3 recorded. post back if you are intrested.[/b]

    Thanks Stans#1, but it looks like I will be getting tapes just a few days after you see them. I’vg started putting up reviews and hopefully this will continue for a while.

    Thanks for the offer though [img][/img]


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