it’s back!!

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Stargate SG-1 it’s back!!

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    in case anyone in the UK missed the ads, haven’t got a TV guide, etc, etc, Stargate is back on Sky One on Wednesday, in its usual slot. Just thought i’d let everyone know! [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by snooklepie:
    in case anyone in the UK missed the ads, haven’t got a TV guide, etc, etc, Stargate is back on Sky One on Wednesday, in its usual slot. Just thought i’d let everyone know! [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    And bugger I’m gonna miss it, Liverpool are playing that night and they are the team I follow, and what’s worse it’s probably gonna be a crap game, trouble is, is that neither get’s repeated…hot damn!!!


    Hope you saw it today on Sky One (I think it was 2.00pm)

    They showed the double episode. It was definately only worth One episode and it wasn’t one of Stargates best. You didn’t miss too much.

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