Just a little question.

Forums Announcements/New Stuff Just a little question.

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  • #39271
    mandara k

    In general, is their a phrase the Sadgeezer’s site uses…. as one that can be placed on a placard or written on a shirt for DC.

    I mean what better place than to push a sci-fi site then a Sci-Fi convention, right?

    Though it would be appreciated by a few (I think) a magic marker and duct tape is probably not the best way for me to mention Sad’s.

    Just curious… is there anything “official” it should say?


    “Glad to be Sad”?


    Hmm. I haven’t really got a slogan. I guess [b]Glad to be Sad [/b]is the closest I have to one.

    I used to have some mugs and t-shirts – but all that was handled by someone else (when we used to have a membership).

    The only real SG thing that I’d call unique is the logo:



    Used to have? So is this site not current then? http://www.sadgeezer.ltd.uk/

    I was going to get a baseball cap!

    Confused! 😕


    How ’bout : bad-ass sad-ass!

    A -DM

    I was thinking how saddy’s logo could fit nicely into the Superman diamond logo, and then you could be the world’s first ‘Sad Superman’, I can just see it, you walk along in an important manner and then rip open your shirt too reveal the sad superman logo, I bet that would bring a new level of respect to Sadgeezers, probably get sued by Jerry Siegel (is he still alive?) though!!!


    P.S If a clothing chain arises from this, I wanna cut of the profits!!!

    mandara k


    Now that you are linking well; are we still sticking with “I’m glad to be sad ” format?

    More eyes that see might mean more stay. around… wha’d ya think?

    More peeps to talk with….it’s all good.


    I never did figure out where my Sad pen disappeared to as soon as it arrived.

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