Lexx Timeline

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    Slopmaster gave me a great idea the other day: a Lexx timeline! So I’ve compiled a list of major events in the Lexx universe and some significant ones in the real one which may pertain to Lexx. Many events are undatable, but we can get a pretty good idea of a few…

    I’m updating my Lexx timeline. Since I posted the original more episodes have aired, and I’ve found new information, most recently on Slopmaster’s Lexx dictionary. I’ve also incorperated my new theory of Lexx time. So, here’s the new Lexx timeline:

    ca. 16000000000 B.C.-Time begins. According to early 21st century physics, the Dark Zone is formed when a tiny yet immense black hole explodes in what will come to be known as the Big Bang.

    ca. 4560000000 B.C.-In the Dark Zone a little blue planet that will one day be called Earth is formed from the accretion of planetesimals.

    14000 B.C.-Long after humanity (from the last cycle of time) has conquered space, the Brunnen-G lead the species to victory in the Great Insect War. All of the Insects are destroyed except for one, hidden in the planetoid later called the Cluster in the Light Zone.

    The Brunnen-G abandon their planet Brunnis-1 and migrate to the Light Zone via a fractal core.

    4324 B.C.-The Divine Order destroys the planet Brunnis-2 with the Fore Shadow. The only survivor is decarbonized and kept by His Divine Shadow.

    2601 B.C.-Five teenagers from Bingo 9 put themselves into cryonic suspended animation. They are supposed to be revived three days after freezing, but the computer is misset and they remain in stasis until they are discovered by the Lexx 287 years later.

    ca. 2400 B.C.-A Divine executioner is sent to the Dark Zone by His Divine Shadow to destroy Earth. She arrives through a bruise in the time-space fabric, and lands in eastern Europe. She will play an instrumental role in Earth history, and will come to be known as Vlad.

    At around the same time a sect known as the Druids appears in Brittany. Rock singer Nigel Bumpson would later believe one of his previous lives was as a Druid.

    2324 B.C.-Heretics try to steal the amino acid codes to the Lexx, but the plot is foiled by the Divine Order. The 94 Reform Planets are destroyed by the Mega Shadow.

    2315 B.C.-Heretics steal the Lexx, grown in the Cluster. The Divine Cleansing occurs. The Divine Order is destroyed.

    2314 B.C.-The Light Zone collapses in a big crunch, precipitated by the rearrangement of matter by drone arms controlled by an entity formed from His Divine Shadow and the Bio-Vizier Mantrid. The fractal core formed by the catastrophe sends the Lexx into the dark Zone.

    The Lexx is low on fuel, so the crew go into cryostasis until it drifts into orbit of a suitable planet.

    ca. 2000 B.C.-In the nomadic culture of Cimmeria on Earth, images of the Seal of the Divine Order and a dark figure are recorded in relation to mass human mortality.

    634 B.C.-The Cimmerians are defeated by the Scythians, another nomadic race of barbarians.

    ca. 300 A.D.-The Druids disappear.

    457 A.D.-Uthr, who is called the Pendragon, becomes king of Glastonbury on the Earth island of England after the defeat of King Hengist by Ambrosius Aurelianus. Former pop star Nigel Bumpson will assume the name Uther de Glastonbury in the 21st century

    1431-Vladimir Bassarab II, the prince of the Earth country Wallachia, is exiled to Transylvania. He joins the Order of the Dragon, a knightly sect dedicated to fighting the Turks. His title in the native tongue of Wallachia is “das Drakul,” meaning “the Dragon.” Vlad II’s descendants, Vlad III, IV, and V all carry the name Drakul.

    1436-Vlad II regains the Wallachian thrown after the assassination of Alexandru I by an individual working for him whose name history fails to record in the midst of a peasant revolt somehow initiated by the former prince.

    1447-Vlad II and Mirka Bassarab are assassinated by an anonymous party. A rumored prophecy circulated among Wallachian peasants holds that he will return one day. Vladimir Barrarab Tepes III becomes prince of Wallachia. Vlad III is nicknamed “the Impaler” for his bloodthirsty tendencies.

    1456-The Castle Drakul is built in the Arges region of the Carpathian Mountains in Transylvania under the instruction of Vlad III. The Seal of the Divine Order is in its stonework.

    1476-Vlad III is killed by an unknown assassin.

    1481-Vladimir Bassarab Laiot V dies. He is the last of the Drakuls. The new prince, his son Vlad VI, tries to distance himself from the bloody reputation of his predecessors.

    ca. 1515-In Europe there is an outbreak of alleged vampire activity. In response, hundreds of superstitious peasantfolk in several countries dig up the bodies of the recently deceased and impaled them through the hearts with wooden stakes. After several years, allegations of nocturnal exsanguination cease.

    Around the same time in Carpathia a painting depicting mass human mortality includes the image of a dark figure bearing the Seal of the Divine Order.

    1901 A.D.-On Earth, Guglielmo Marconi transmits the first radio signal. It is apparently received by an extragalactic construct.

    Also on Earth, the Quantum Theory is pioneered by physicist Niels Bohr. Extension of this theory predicts the existence of quantum singularities, or fractal cores. These are regions of space warped by immense gravity that can allow objects to travel between distant points in space or time, and even travel into different universes.

    1919-Eccentric Earth scientist Charles Hoy Fort is the first to speculate that mysterious objects in the sky are interplanetary super-constructions built and piloted by beings originating from regions external to Earth’s atmosphere. This concept will become widely known with the mass U.F.O. sightings in the 1940s and 50s.

    Guglielmo Marconi receives the first of several untraceable radio transmissions. He believes them to be of extraterrestrial origin.

    1920-Czech science fiction writer Karel èapek coins the word “robot” in his novel R.U.R.. The term will be used millennia later by the Cluster.

    1926-In Romania (former Wallachia), a young girl named Eleonore Zegun has the word “Draku” carved into her arm, apparently by a sharp implement. The girl was in the presence of Countess Wassilko-Serekki at the time, who said that the wounds appeared spontaneously.

    1930-The trans-Neptunian object Pluto is discovered by Clyde Arthur Tombaugh. It is initially thought to be a planet, but its designation is later demoted to planetoid. Pluto will be destroyed 90 years later to test the Lexx’s targeting systems.

    1947-Human pilot Kenneth Arnold observes seven unidentified objects flying in formation. Media coverage of the sighting emphasizes the possibility that the objects were extraterrestrial craft. This is the beginning of the Great U.F.O. Wave.

    Mysterious debris near Roswell, New Mexico is identified as wreckage from an interplanetary craft by United States Explosives Division 509. The statement is retracted six hours later, when it is said to be the remains of a weather balloon, misidentified. Rumors that form around the incident hold that the wreckage was of the crashed space ship of an ancient and powerful alien race known as the Grey, and that these facts were deliberately covered up by a conspiracy in the U.S. government. The popular image of the Grey will be used by the government in the early 21st century.

    1959-Humanity’s space age begins with the launch of Sputnik I, Earth’s first artificial satellite.

    1963-President John Fitzgerald Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Although officially the work of the lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald, conspiracy theorists will later conclude that the president was eliminated under orders from an élite government faction known as the Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence due to his refusal to comply with their orders.

    1993-In Waco, Texas a cult called the Branch Davidians is destroyed in a fire after the compound is attacked by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

    1997-Work begins on the International Space Station. It will be accidentally destroyed by the Lexx 23 years later.

    2001-Two Boeing jets piloted by terrorists belonging to the Middle Eastern sect known as the Taliban collide with the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Over 5,000 are killed. This will be the greatest disaster to strike the United States until the destruction of Orlando, Florida in 2020.

    2018-In the Solar System, the Lexx crew are revived after their ship enters orbit of the twin planets Fire and Water.

    2019-Fire and Water are destroyed by the Lexx. The Prince of Fire infiltrates the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

    Extragalactic robot drones reach Earth. The Lexx enters orbit of Earth. Independent candidate Reginald J. Priest is elected president of the United States of America.

    2020-A U.F.O. investigation group discovers the crashed moth with the Seal of the Divine Order. Reginald J. Priest is sworn in office. The planets Venus and Mars and the planetoid Pluto are destroyed by the Lexx, along with the International Space Station and Orlando, Florida. Cuba and Newfoundland are destroyed by thermonuclear attacks from the United States Military. The Divine executioner known as Vlad is destroyed.

    ???????????? A.D.-Time ends. The Dark Zone follows the Light Zone in a big crunch, collapsing all matter into a tiny yet immense black hole. At this point, time will begin again.


    [ 11-10-2001: Message edited by: DalekTek790 ]


    Where did you get the LEXX was sent back in time and this nonsense that the Dark Zone collasped as well? Where in the show was this stated as fact of the program?

    “The best defense is a strong offense.. and I intend to start offending right now.”
    -James T. Kirk


    That’s nearly accurate except you start going back wards into past Lexx history after the Lexx arrives at earth in our present time. By the way there is no time travel in Lexx. Lexx only moves in one direction.


    “Your wrong this is one hell of a planet!”
    -ATF agent in “Texx Lexx”

    [This message has been edited by Slopmaster (edited August 04, 2001).]


    I think I get DalekTeks thinking on time beginning again, the Lexx is going in one direction, but moves along the timeline in a circle, as the time prophet said it has happened before and it will happen again.
    So going to Earth would have happened before Lexx was created…hypothetically, so at some point Lexx would have to be destroyed or it dies of old age,and is made again in the time of the divine order, it’s a temporal loop.
    I think it makes the whole thing more interesting if this is the case.
    I only say this because of the time prophets words, it may not be true, but many Sci-fi programs have used the future to affect the past



    Did Cimmmeria actually exist, or was Paul using a name familiar to Sumeria, if so then I can’t understand why he didn’t just use Sumeria, I think the copyright on the name would have long since gone!!!



    One other thing on DalekTeks list of events, I don’t think Lexx was thrown back in time, it arrived at Fire and Water when time had begun again.
    They basically crossed the threshold between the end of time and the beginning of it while in stasis, I don’t think the fractal core would have played a part.
    Like I said before, Lexx is a big player in the way Earth came about, and has some influence on future events, and we may find out that undirectly Lexx is responsible for it’s own birth by being important in the timeline…but definitely no time travel involved, as far as I see it.
    This sort of storyline is commonly used in Sci-fi and can be confusing, but Paul maybe using the concept of ’cause and effect’.
    It’s possible that the end of time doesn’t mean the end of everything, that it’s no big deal and you wouldn’t really notice it, and everything gets reset to it’s original starting out point at the beginning of time.




    Originally posted by Squish:
    Did Cimmmeria actually exist, or was Paul using a name familiar to Sumeria, if so then I can’t understand why he didn’t just use Sumeria, I think the copyright on the name would have long since gone!!!

    I thought the professor did say Sumeria, the Sumerian city of Ur is what he mentioned, wasn’t it?



    If it is Sumeria, then it would really make the plot a lot more juicy, Sumeria always seems to be the place that demi-gods and other nasty things of myth usually come from.
    I don’t know why but I always shudder when I hear about Sumeria, it’s got this sense of evil about it.
    I think Lexx is looking to shatter every perception of myth we have, which is great because I love programs that seem to re-write history and then tie the whole thing together to make it beleivable.
    Next thing you know is that Prince was the King of Sumeria!!!



    Cimmeria is real. It was located along the shores of the Black Sea. I got the (approximate) date of its collapse in The Epic of Man by the editors of Life. As I mentioned before, in the Odyssey Cimmeria is mentioned, and called something like “a place of darkness.” Maybe that’s why the writers put the ancient evil Shadow-ish thing there.

    I really doubt Prof. Longbohr (okay, I have no clue how to spell his name…) was referring to Sumer. He said four thousand years ago, and I don’t think there were Sumerians that late. The first civilization in Sumer was ca. 6000 B.C. (according to my early civ. textbook, older sources say like 4000 B.C.) and I think they were gone by the middle of the 3rd millennium B.C. Anyway, I’ve studied Sumerian mythology. It’s really something.

    Can anyone remember the date of the Carpathian painting?

    The whole time travel thing is pretty speculative. The fractal core sending them back is pretty much just my pet theory (for the details look at my latest endless post under the “Divine Shadow” thread.

    The Time Prophet made it sound like there was/will be a point when the future and past meet, so that could be the transition. But if the Lexx were at the beginning of the Dark Zone then they would’ve have to be frozen for at least 14 billion years (if the most conservative of the high-I.Q. boys on Earth is right) before they got to our near future.

    In conclusion: my posts are long and boring.

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.


    Dalektek, I wouldn’t say your posts are long and boring, long yes, but boring no, at least you’re open minded and offer an explanation some may not of thought of.
    As for Cimmmeria, well you got me stumped on that one, mind all these places sound the same.
    I love the Sumerian mythology, it really does open your eyes to the possibility of ancient evil, it reminds me of Atlantis and the Inca tribes, virtually vanishing without trace.
    It’s a very dark chapter of ancient earth, and many use it as a reference to explain the origins of dark forces.
    As for the time Lexx took to get to earth, well there has to be a logical explanation for it. We know that Earth became so after the destruction of Fire and Water, but surely it can’t be possible that creation started in the 21st century, but if Lexx only took a day to get there, then that would have to be the case.
    The only other alternative is that for every second that passed on the Lexx, thousands of years were passing on Earth, that seems more plausible, but how would it be possible?



    Hey DalekTek, did you know Conan The Barbarian came from Cimmeria?, apparently it was a land of Barbarians…but you probably already knew that.
    Is there anything you don’t know?, it seems that for every fact brought up you seem to know all about it…do you live in a library or something?
    I went to Uni in Oxford, but I never picked up as much as you have, maybe you should enrol at Christ Church in Oxford, you’ll probably breeze it.



    DalekTek-Theres been no indication of time travel on Lexx before. Which dosen’t mean it didn’t happen. Cool theory.

    Squish- Since time is relative, a second on Fire could be a millenia on Earth but I think that Fire would have to be moving much faster than Earth somhow.

    If it was Cimmeria and not Sumeria(I agree with DalekTek about Sumeria being a bit too long ago), then checkout the painting here http://www.serpukhov.su/museum/boagaev_e.htm
    Pretty dark, and in keeping.



    Originally posted by Hypatia:
    DalekTek-Theres been no indication of time travel on Lexx before. Which dosen’t mean it didn’t happen. Cool theory.

    Squish- Since time is relative, a second on Fire could be a millenia on Earth but I think that Fire would have to be moving much faster than Earth somhow.

    If it was Cimmeria and not Sumeria(I agree with DalekTek about Sumeria being a bit too long ago), then checkout the painting here http://www.serpukhov.su/museum/boagaev_e.htm
    Pretty dark, and in keeping.

    Hypatia, it’s quite possible that Fire was moving faster than Earth, but it wouldn’t really matter as the souls had not arrived at Earth, so the growth of civiliaztion on Earth wouldn’t have occured until then.
    I would have thought that after Fire had been destroyed and Lexx begun it’s journey that the speeded up growth of the planet happened.
    As for Time Travel, I still rule it out, but having said that, in Star Trek IV, Kirk used the sun’s gravity to slingshot the bird of prey round the sun and incredible velocity and ended up in the 20th century.
    Lexx may have done the same thing unknowingly, but I don’t beleive in that premise and I doubt Mr D would have had that in mind, all in all, Lexx never used time travel in the past and it’s just not in keeping with the show.
    Thanx for the link to the painting, I haven’t seen it at the time of writing this post, but I already have a mental picture of it…dark, gloomy, evil and apocalyptic depiction no doubt, hold on I’ve just described where I live!!!



    If you guys want to compare paintings. I got the one from “Texx Lexx” http://www.geocities.com/slopmaster4001/Painting.html


    “Your wrong this is one hell of a planet!”
    -ATF agent in “Texx Lexx”



    Originally posted by Slopmaster:
    If you guys want to compare paintings. I got the one from “Texx Lexx” http://www.geocities.com/slopmaster4001/Painting.html


    I haven’t seen the painting before, so thanx, is it depicting hell or the planet fire?
    I can clearly the Divine Order’s logo in the painting, but can’t make out the figure everyone was talking about. Did someone at Lexx paint it, or was it an original with the logo added?
    Nicely done, I would like one to hang above my mantlepiece, anyone got an A3 printer?!!!




    Originally posted by Squish:
    Is there anything you don’t know?, it seems that for every fact brought up you seem to know all about it…do you live in a library or something?

    I know this stuff because I’m an introverted geek with no social life who spends his spare time reading and watching the Sci-Fi Channel.


    I went to Uni in Oxford, but I never picked up as much as you have, maybe you should enrol at Christ Church in Oxford, you’ll probably breeze it.

    In two weeks I head off to the University of Iowa. I haven’t decided on a major, yet.

    On the topic of the Cimmerians, here is the only decent site I’ve been able to find on the culture. Isaac Asimov has a theory about Gog in the Bible representing the Cimmerians or their king, but most scholars are skeptical of the connection. I bring that up because that would imply that His Divine Shadow played a part in the Apocalypse.


    I haven’t seen the painting before, so thanx, is it depicting hell or the planet fire?

    Neither. It’s Carpathia (not far from the location of ancient Cimmeria), possibly during one of the Plague Years. If anyone knows what date Prof. Longbohr gave for the Carpathian painting, please post it so I can update my timeline (I can’t remember and couldn’t tape Texx Lexx so I didn’t include it).

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    Neither. It’s Carpathia (not far from the location of ancient Cimmeria), possibly during one of the Plague Years. If anyone knows what date Prof. Longbohr gave for the Carpathian painting, please post it so I can update my timeline (I can’t remember and couldn’t tape Texx Lexx so I didn’t include it).

    Thought that this might be of interest:
    The painting used in 4.02 was the central panel of the tryptych The Temptation of St. Anthony by Hieronymus Bosch, c.1500. It depicts St. Anthony being assaulted and tormented by devils as a Black Mass is taking place. While the Beans may have intended for the setting in the painting to represent Carpathia (though probably it was just because it looked cool), Bosch spent his entire career in the Dutch town of Hertogenbosch, so I doubt that it has any superficial similarity to the Carpathian region (not that any of Bosch’s work has any real similarity to reality as we know it).

    As for it depicting one of the Plague Years, that, too, is doubtful as the Black Death (or the Bubonic Plague) took place in the mid-14th century, Bosch lived in the mid-15th and early 16th century, and St. Anthony (the painting’s subject) died in the early 13th century.

    …and, just in case anyone’s wondering, the painting doesn’t actually contain the cloaked figure, either. That was just crudely put in there.

    Here’s a link to the actual painting (the image used in the episode was reversed, so that’s why it may be hard to spot the similarities between this and the painting in the link that Slop gave:



    Thanx Aleck for the link and now I aM More Scared than ever. Season four are turning norMal Lexx fanS into hiStorianS, ScientiStS and art criticS. Hehe thatS why Lexx iS great becauSe it createS the SmarteSt fanS anywhere.


    “Your wrong this is one hell of a planet!”
    -ATF agent in “Texx Lexx”


    Aleck – HOW did you know that?
    DalekTek – cool timeline.
    I love all this intelligent and creative speculation and discourse. Excuse me while I try the protein regenerator on my poor atrophied brain.

    – Aurora



    Originally posted by aurora:
    Aleck – HOW did you know that?

    Well, it helps that I’m a huge fan of Bosch, so I knew his history, and knew what sites to look at to get clued in on what the name of the painting was (because I couldn’t remember the exact title, just that it was about St. Anthony, Bosch’s favorite saint). Bosch is a very interesting artist, though very little is known about him as a person.



    Valdron once wrote a Lexx Timeline, in his inimicable, immense, Valdronesque style.



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    I’m updating my Lexx timeline. Since I posted the original more episodes have aired, and I’ve found new information, most recently on Slopmaster’s Lexx dictionary. I’ve also incorperated my new theory of Lexx time.


    First off, one slight error in your timeline:

    The Heretics never attempted to steal amino acid codes from the Divine Order. It was the Divine Order who stole the Lexx designs from the Heretics, and then destroyed them before they had time to build one.

    As for the cycle of time stuff, and the relationship between Fire, Water, and Earth, here’s my pet theory:

    The Light and Dark zones occupy the same space, place, and time (1.0). When the Light Zone collapsed, it also affected the Dark Zone. The Lexx was unaffected, by virtue of being “between” universes at the moment the cycle began again.

    However, like Kai, the two universes have been knocked “out of alignment” in ways that are unpredictable. The surrealistic aspects of Fire and Water do give me the feeling that the Dark Zone has been reborn as well, though it seems apparent S3 and S4 don’t happen at the VERY beginning of this universe.

    It seems apparent that the “souls” on Fire and Water went to Earth after those planets were destroyed, but it seems equally apparent to me that there MUST have already been people on the planet beforehand. Heck, at the start of S4, we flash back many years to when that French dude detects the alien transmission, so obviously there’s people already there.

    A big hole in the concept becomes, how did these “souls” from Fire and Water get so quickly acclimated to Earth? We can presume Prince landed only hours before the Lexx investigates, yet he’s already established himself as head of the ATF!

    The answer? I don’t really have a “story” answer. I suspect the “real life” answer is pretty simple: The beans are more concerned with setting up interesting story situations, than they are about show continuity. They probably thought Earth would be neat for a setting, and worked their way backwards from that.

    And I tend to feel like that’s been their philosophy all along. They’re more concerned with creating interesting situations, than being careful about how characters realistically arrive at those interesting situations.

    And I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. I’m not saying it’s a GOOD thing either. It’s just the feeling I get from watching the series. What do you folks think?

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