Looking for a few honest comments

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  • #40360
    Triple -F

    Pretty new here so apologies if this is the wrong forum to post this.

    Yep, you could say this is blowing my own horn a bit, but I am genuinely looking for comments/suggestions as well, as this is a first attempot at a web page.

    I’ve just put a fan site together for B5, it was an exercise in learning Java and the like as I have to put some “real” sites together.


    It is a bit different from your average fan site, not so wordy but full of stuff.

    Feel free to view and pass on criticisms, views, ideas, etc.

    Cheers in advance.


    t was interesting, but I had a difficult time reading it due to the backgroud/text color choices. I had to highlight some sections so I could read it more easily.

    Triple -F

    Yeah, I realised it may have not been the best choice once I moved it off the machine I had put it together on with it’s particular graphic settings. The problem was the texts where held as gif files so changing it quickly/easily was not going to be possible, and I can’t allocate too much time to it for a while. But it will be on my “to do” list when I add other pages.


    It’s a great start. I really like the backgrounds too, is Garabaldis nose really that big? 😛

    Good stuff, cant wait to see more.

    Triple -F

    Because the site is being hosted by a crazed group called TMG (the mad goners) I thought a less than serious approach to the layout would be a good idea. Hence the “school desk” look.

    The “site” started with an idea for the ships page which would hopefully make it a little different. The inclusion of the fading images in the episode guide was to hopefully make that section a bit more “interesting”. Bad spelling and typing errors aside, it hopefully works.

    But I ran out of ideas, 😕 there is so many sites, doing so many things on the net that trying to come up with something different started hurting my head after a while, and I didn’t see the point of creating just another dry, run of the mill layout.

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