MM’s poodle’s sex?

Science Fiction TV Show Guides Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx MM’s poodle’s sex?

  • This topic has 11 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 23 years ago by Anonymous.
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    My head hurts!! Can we get back to the important issues about Lexx? What sex is Michael’s poodle? Will Stan have sexy new overalls for Series 4? How much money does 790 make and who is he REALLY dating? I need answers to THESE questions!! Thank you for listening.


    Stan has worn the same clothes for over 4,000 years!! I doubt he’ll ever change them. He loves his boiler suit too much. Remember when he lost his hat?!
    “Yeah, we’re all gonna die but at least you guys’ll be dressed!”

    “pRiCk yOuR FiNgEr, iT iS DoNe. tHe MoOn hAs NoW eClIpSeD tHe sUn. ThE aNgEl hAs SpReAd iT’s wInGs, tHe TimE haS cOmE fOr BeTTEr tHiNgs…”


    The poodle doesn’t belong to McManus. It belongs to someone else associated with Lexx and Salter, Electropolis. I imagine with a name like Goose, it is a male.



    Originally posted by nwmonikr:
    The poodle doesn’t belong to McManus. It belongs to someone else associated with Lexx and Salter, Electropolis. I imagine with a name like Goose, it is a male.

    okay, i’ll bite, WHAT POODLE? are we talking about kai’s hair again or the thompson twins or just hallucinating in general…by the way, i vote they change stan’s panties to some pillow tick boxers, just for variety…i thought 790 was dating giggerota? and they pay hirschfeld in booze and all the bad poetry he can write


    For poodle details and pictures, go to Pat’s Michael McManus Tribute and check out the Halifax pictures. It really is a dog.



    Originally posted by FX:
    i thought 790 was dating giggerota

    Actually, after a disastrous and traumatic break-up with her long-time love Crow T. Robot, Kim Cattrall has fled into the loving…umm…presence of 790.



    If the crew of the LEXX is headed for the “Blue Water Planet” then maybe they’ll get to do some shopping while they are there. How about a stripped jumpsuit with a matching hat for Stan? You know, the Alcatraz look. Are they bringing that poodle on the show? Wonder what 790 would have to say about a poodle?I personally think that 790 is really moonlighting on “Farscape” as John Chrichton, so technically he’s trying to date Aeryn Sun.
    I definitely agree with FX about the booze and Jeff Hirshfield.


    Was it actually a poodle, or one of those other puffy littly white dogs (I forget what they are called, they were in fashion a few years ago).

    I see M.M. as more of a Jack Russel terrier type of guy, the smooth kind not the wire haired. As for the character of Kai, he would have something a little more exotic.. an iguana or snake perhaps.


    *Hysterically laughing*
    Oh, we got into this conversation in chat –
    “Yes, he’s holding the chain,”
    “Any man secure enough in his sexuality urm.. machisimo – to have a tiny dog…”
    I thought it’d be a freak of nature to think of MM having THAT kind of a dog. Always thought of him as the retriever or malamute type. All that traveling he does…
    RATS. Okay, somebody tell me before I gag, who’s poodle was that?!

    “We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars…” Oscar Wilde


    LOL! I just found this discussion, sorry if I’m late on this.

    I believe Goose was a poodle-mix, i.e. has some other type of dog breed mixed in there, too. But don’t take my word for it, since I know nothing of dogs!

    And he belongs to a Salter Street employee (the lady sharing an office with the lovely Hannes).

    And yes, the dog will be on the show; in episode 4.09.

    Pat xx

    P.S.: oh yeah, since somebody plugged my site earlier… Here’s where you find the photos:


    Not an authority by any means but a couple of other small, furry white dogs would be Maltese dogs and Shih-zus, the Maltese being closer to the size of a toy poodle, than the Shih-zu. It is a cute beastie, tho’ my preference would be a Basenji.

    [This message has been edited by nwmonikr (edited April 16, 2001).]


    okay, i checked the site a while ago, it is a cute little walking football whatever it is…personally i prefer a dog you can get your teeth into so to speak;my murphy is a gorgeous titian red labrador/golden retriever mix and his walks around the neighborhood involve several stops to greet his fans and strangers who can’t seem to keep themselves from patting him…he is very gracious and always has a kiss and a wag for everyone…maybe i should bring him to the uncon for people who need a little dogtherapy (what blackie calls “prozac with fur”!) does anyone know if hirschfield will be at the uncon, i really want to hear that snide little voice in person!

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