More on Tremors

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    from [url=]SciFi Wire[/url] [i]Michael Gross, who has appeared in all three Tremors movies, has signed on to reprise his character in the SCI FI Channel’s upcoming original series based on the film franchise. In the show, which is also called Tremors, Gross (Family Ties) will again play Burt Gummer, a survivalist and monster hunter.

    The series, which is set to debut in January 2003, takes place in Perfection Valley, home of giant, worm-like Graboids and other mutant monsters.[/i]
    I was wondering how they’d milk an entire series just out of grabiods. It appears that it’ll go the route of other shows (Buffy, SeaQuest…) an introuduce other exotice creatures. Hopefully this won’t appear too cliche.


    Loved the movie Tremors, v. amusing and scary in some parts, the other two came out straight to video here and I thought they were a bit lame because of how the creatures evolved. The graboids were much better and original. I think that they have already milked the idea too much, and making an entire series out of it will be too cliched.


    They’re making a series out of Firestarter:Rekindled as well. They’re nuts. Dont get me wrong I loved Tremors even liked the first sequel. But content wise, you’re stretching things a bit trying to make series out of em.


    They strechted the Tremors series too far when they made the sequels. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed all three movies. But like the Jurrassic Park trilogy, the first one is by far the best. According to a blurb put out a few months ago, the residents of Perfection Valley will be dealing with Graboids and other new monsters every week. So it sounds a bit like Buffy. i.e. how it’s about vampire slaying (in this case graboids) but vampire’s are never seen, but there’s always a new monster killed.

    Scifi just can’t let a bad idea die. Hence the firestarter series, amongst others. It’ll flop, just like Black Scorpian.


    This is all stuff that’s going to be made by people who don’t really care–
    The plots will be second-rate soap opera and the programs will disappear after a season.

    Each time SciFi announces a new addition to their lineup the whole thing gets more depressing.


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