Need copy of Lexx episode….

Science Fiction TV Show Guides Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Need copy of Lexx episode….

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  • #36530

    I’ve been going through my Lexx season 3 tapes and I realized that I’m missing 3.9 Garden (the one that features the return of Lyekka). Does anyone have a copy of that episode that they can dub for me? I can send whoever a blank videotape and money for postage. Or I can just send some money for both tape and postage ($6 should cover it).

    Also, I can trade for it. I have all the other episodes from season 3 and all the to-date episodes of season 4.

    It would be great if the dub was from a 1st-generation (not a tape-of-a-tape) NTSC VHS tape recorded in SP mode on a hi-fi VCR with the commercials intact.

    On the other hand, it would be terrible if the dub was from a multi-generation (tape-of-a-tape) recorded in EP(SLP) mode with the commercials edited out when the initial recording was made. 1st-generation is the best source. EP(SLP) speed recording should never be used for any reason whatsoever. And trying edit out commercials while recording a television show never works because there are always problems with restarting the recording at the right times.

    I can surgically remove commercials using the digital video equipment I posses. I’ve been putting together compilation tapes of my season 3 collection. Someday soon I would like to have a marathon party with my friends who are new fans of Lexx. But I realised that I spaced my 3.9 tape!

    I know that season 3 will come out on DVD, but I can’t wait until 2002 (or maybe even 2003) for that particular episode.

    Please help! I want to do this trade ASAP!


    FlameGrape, check your private messages. I think we can help each other out.

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