New Dr.Who trailer is up

Forums British Sci Fi Series Dr Who New Dr.Who trailer is up

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    [url=]Check it out! And tell us what you think! [/url]


    Cool, trailer, LexxLurker,
    I just watched it & now I really can’t wait till next yr; I think he’ll be a great Dr, once we get to know him a little better.
    Thanks again for sharing; I think it’s just cool that the show’s coming back. 😀

    Whovian to Whovian,
    Jhevz 😉


    Thanks for the link LL.

    Must admit, I didn’t like the trailer much and damn! I was hoping that the rumour about Bill Nighy being the new Dr Who was true 🙁

    Having said that Christopher Eccleston is a superb actor and will prolly be great in the role (he has a great ‘down to earth’ quality and I’m sure, will make the show less silly that the previous two or three seasons.

    I’m not sure whether to be happy or sad that the show is coming back. I used to love it as a little sadgeezer, and remember hiding behind the sofa when the opening theme music played because it was so scary 🙂

    Unfortunately, the last two seasons were IMHO shameful. I desperately hope that the show will be less tongue-in-cheek.


    Also found the following info:

    [b]Who is the Doctor? [/b]
    Christopher Eccleston

    [b]Who is the companion? [/b]
    Billie Piper

    When’s it on?
    [b]Sometime in 2005. [/b]

    [b]How many episodes? [/b]
    13 x 45 minutes

    [b]Who is making it? [/b]
    BBC Wales

    [b]Who are the writers? [/b]
    Russell T Davies, Steve Moffatt, Mark Gatiss, Robert Shearman, Paul Cornell

    [b]Daleks? [/b]
    They will return.

    [b]Will it be shown in the USA? [/b]
    No announcement has been made.

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