OT : Episode II Trailer

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    Anyone seen it yet? I was lucky enough to be off work (due to injuries during my recent car crash) and watching NEWSROUND on BBC1 tonight and they showed the trailer. It looks pretty good. Didnt get the same wave of excitement that I got when I saw the Episode I trailer but still….its Star Wars. Some of the effects looked a bit like effects at the moment but I cant wait.

    ps. I think “Attack of the Clones” is a good name and in keeping with the other titles.


    There’s supposed to be a trailer floating around the net somewhere that has some nice FX in it, but I haven’t seen it yet. If they have that annoying JarJar Binx or whatever his name is, in this next one, I will definitely NOT go see it at the theaters.

    I hated that silly character, it totally ruined the movie for me… [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by mayaxiong:
    There’s supposed to be a trailer floating around the net somewhere that has some nice FX in it, but I haven’t seen it yet. If they have that annoying JarJar Binx or whatever his name is, in this next one, I will definitely NOT go see it at the theaters.

    I hated that silly character, it totally ruined the movie for me… [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]

    The bad news is that Jar Jar is in it, the good news is that he only appears for about two minutes…hurrah!!!
    [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]


    Yea, Jar Jar is back. I liked Jar Jar, he added some comedy. If it were all super hero Jedi there would be no light relief.


    I have a theory about JarJar and a very good reason he might have been placed in the Star Wars films.

    Many, many people are annoyed by him. But a few like him, think he’s funny. I’ve often joked with my friends that it’d be funny if JarJar had a lightsaber accident! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    Since Episode II is going to be released soon, my friends and I have been theorizing about what sort of things Anakin would do to turn towards the dark side.

    Then it hit me. Anakin kills JarJar! It makes perfect sense when you think about it. We got to like little Anakin in Episode I, but we can tell there’s something amiss. Maybe by accident or out of anger (my vote), Anakin kills JarJar and horrifies the audience. “Why did he have to kill poor JarJar! Boo-hoo!”. There would be no doubt that Anakin is an evil b@stard! It would be so tragic!

    Or maybe it’s just my wishful thinking. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]


    I beleive JarJar was created for one reason, and that’s to sell merchandise when the movie came out, it was wayyyyyy too cutesy to have appeared in any of the previous episodes, as a comedy relief for lack of credibility.

    The merchandising of the new movie went way beyond anything ever seen. I think this character was strictly a mercenary device for profit, and nothing else. But, I’m pretty cynical by nature regarding huge mega-blockbuster movies that promise the universe and deliver far less than expected.
    But totally just my own opinion, I know of others that loved the character, but I found it quite distracting from the storyline, such as it was…. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]



    Posted originally by Flamegrape:
    Since Episode II is going to be released soon, my friends and I have been theorizing about what sort of things Anakin would do to turn towards the dark side.

    Then it hit me. Anakin kills JarJar! It makes perfect sense when you think about it. We got to like little Anakin in Episode I, but we can tell there’s something amiss. Maybe by accident or out of anger (my vote), Anakin kills JarJar and horrifies the audience. “Why did he have to kill poor JarJar! Boo-hoo!”. There would be no doubt that Anakin is an evil b@stard! It would be so tragic!

    LMAO!!! Yes! Kill the annoying cutsie character! I positively HATED JarJar, and in general, the first movie came in waaaaaay below my expectations. I am so glad they at least have someone different now to play the older Anakin….that kid’s acting in Phantom Menace made Kai look like a bubbly socialite in comparison. [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]


    Originally posted by mayaxiong:
    I beleive JarJar was created for one reason, and that’s to sell merchandise when the movie came out, it was wayyyyyy too cutesy to have appeared in any of the previous episodes, as a comedy relief for lack of credibility.

    I agree totally! I wish they’d settle for just giving us awesome entertainment; if they did that, the marketing aspects would take care of themselves. I hate going to see a movie when it’s like watching a two hour commercial. [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by mayaxiong:
    I beleive JarJar was created for one reason, and that’s to sell merchandise when the movie came out, it was wayyyyyy too cutesy to have appeared in any of the previous episodes, as a comedy relief for lack of credibility.

    I’ve got one word for you:


    If I had to make a choice between a computer-generated amphibian comic relief character and a bunch of adorable teddy bears running around, I’ll take Jar-Jar any day. I can *believe* Jar-Jar. He’s oafish and clumsy and naive, but those are believable traits in his character, and it’s not too surprising that they’d run into someone like him along the line. He doesn’t pull me out of the world of the film or ruin my suspension of disbelief. I can’t buy those Ewoks as little heroic action-packed figures to save my life. They ruin the film for me every time I see it. If this had been a Wookiee village, I’d be singing a different song (and yes, I have seen “A Very Wookiee Christmas” or whatever that atrocity was called, yet I stand firm). But those sub-Mogwai things are just there to be cute and sell merchandise.

    God, I hate Ewoks.



    I can’t say I find either Ewoks or Jar Jar intolerable.

    Jar Jar would’ve been fine if he got less screen time for his silly antics, but they practically focused on him. I also think maybe it would’ve been a good move to have him his usual self at first, but more serious in attitude when he became a general for the battle at the end.

    In the Star Wars Insider Ahmed Best said something about “taking the character in a different direction” for Episode II, which sounds good to me. He’s also only getting a cameo appearance and a few lines, so he can’t detract from the plot like he did in Episode I.

    I think all of the [i]Star Wars[/i] films are great, but each one has a few minor problems.


    I agree on the Ewoks, also, Aleck, I wasn’t too impressed with Return of the Jedi much either, except for the fight in the forest, it was pretty cool watching them speed through the trees..

    However, I don’t think those little ewoks were ‘created’ with as much greed as JarJar,
    and is it just me….or did they make him out to be some kind of big dumb Rastafarian? I was sort of uncomfortable with this comparison, I thought it was in poor taste to mimic a culture with such obvious disdain.

    I didn’t feel his character ‘fit’ as well as the others either, and DT is right, when he says they concentrated on him too much. I think we all know why they did that…advertising.. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by mayaxiong:
    However, I don’t think those little ewoks were ‘created’ with as much greed as JarJar,

    Oh, I couldn’t disagree more. The Ewoks were originally supposed to be Wookiees and (despite the typical George Lucas retro-fitting of his decision-making) were changed to cute, teddy-bear-esque creatures after the success of marketing the alien characters (especially Yoda) to children. The Ewok situation is based purely on greed and marketing potential, while they at least gave Jar-Jar some character and personality (whether or not that character or personality is *appealing* is another question, but they at least were able to create something that had more dimension than the Ewoks).

    quote[quote]and is it just me….or did they make him out to be some kind of big dumb Rastafarian? I was sort of uncomfortable with this comparison, I thought it was in poor taste to mimic a culture with such obvious disdain.[/quote]

    No, it’s not just you, many people have made the same comparison and drawn the same conclusion, but I don’t agree with this either. Ahmed Best, an African-American actor, developed the vocal characteristics of Jar-Jar’s character, and has continually stated that he did not (at least conciously) base it on any one particular group of people. People have tried to level accusations of racism against Episode One because of this character (plus the collaborating Trade Federation leaders, who some claim are anti-Asian stereotypes, while they actually sound more like people with heavy Asian accents imitating Bela Lugosi), while ignoring the treatment of the Gungans as a whole — they’re technologically advanced, great warriors, and honorable (Boss Nass is more of a blustery, though ultimately genial, politician than the boob some people try to paint him as).

    Jar-Jar is evidently modeled on silent movie comics (many of his schticks are copied directly from silent comedies) with a heavy dose of Jerry Lewis as far as his mannerisms go (he’s not really *stupid*, I’d argue…just extremely awkward, clumsy and naive). And I don’t think that his vocal characteristics can be branded as racist or discriminatory. He doesn’t really sound like *anybody*.



    Will Jar-Jar finally die?

    I sure hope so! I got ****ed of every time that demented Donald Duck copy opened it’s foul mouth. He looked and acted like something from a Walt Disney movie.

    I think they should take the time to bomb some ewoks. I hated those too. [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]


    Will you people lighten up?

    The only people who don’t like Jar Jar, are the ones tha enjoy bitching about stuff, he’s not that bad.

    The episode II Trailer I thought was good, with Boba Fett being in it (actually I think his name is JANGO FETT) A different guy.

    I cant wait to see it…



    Originally posted by Aleck:
    The Ewoks were originally supposed to be Wookiees and (despite the typical George Lucas retro-fitting of his decision-making) were changed to cute, teddy-bear-esque creatures after the success of marketing the alien characters (especially Yoda) to children. The Ewok situation is based purely on greed and marketing potential, while they at least gave Jar-Jar some character and personality (whether or not that character or personality is *appealing* is another question, but they at least were able to create something that had more dimension than the Ewoks).

    I don’t think the transition from Wookiees to another race was just to sell toys.

    quote[quote]The Wookiee planet that I created for [i]Star Wars[/i] was eventually turned into the Ewok planet in [i]Jedi[/i]. I basically cut the Wookiees in half and called them Ewoks! I didn’t make Endor a Wookiee planet because Chewbacca was sophisticated technologically and I wanted the characters involved in the battle to be primitive.[/quote]

    -George Lucas, [i]Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays[/i]

    If you look at the development of the Ewoks in the concept art for Episode VI you’ll see that they weren’t always cute. The Ewaks [sic] were originally dwarfs, but fairly ugly. They then evolved to plain, then super-cute, then the semi-cute look that’s in the final version.

    I think the final Ewok form was unnecessarily cute and possibly commercially-motivated, but it could’ve been worse (just look in [i]The Art of Return of the Jedi[/i] *cringe*).

    Yoda also went through a Disney-esque stage before the now familiar look was created (by Wendy Froud, no less).

    As for Jar Jar Binks and the Gungans, I don’t see them as being African-American. They aren’t all silly, either. Of Course Jar Jar is, but he’s not the typical representitive of the culture. He was an outcast, an atypical Gungan specimen with traits that the Gungan social majority despised.

    People just dissect [i]Star Wars[/i] to the point in which they’re inventing meaning, rather than discovering it. Some say it’s predjudiced against Blacks, Orientals, even Jews (yeah, right). That’s nonsense.


    People that don’t like JarJar are always bitching about something? I think that remark was uncalled for…I very seldom bitch about anything on this board. And if I don’t agree that he ‘wasn’t that bad’ why does that mean I’m bitching? I’m entitled to my opinion.

    I also don’t dissect Star Wars to contract any hidden ‘meanings’ of racial prejudice or whatever..I merely offered my impression of the character from having seen him just the ONE time in the theater, and that’s the impression it left on me. I mentally cringed every time they used this character, it just didn’t ring true for me, in spite of what the writers had in mind. It’s the impression I got from the film, not from reading anyone else’s take on it, I didn’t like this film very much, and decided not to waste my time and money seeing it a second time, even though I was a big fan of the previous trilogy. The main reason was…the character was so obnoxious, it spoiled my enjoyment of the rest of the film. And I’m entitled to not like it if I don’t want to…regardless of whether I agree with someone or not, that doesn’t mean I’m ‘bitching’..Does that mean if you don’t agree with me, that YOU’RE bitching? I don’t think so… [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    “The Wookiee planet that I created for Star Wars was eventually turned into the Ewok planet in Jedi. I basically cut the Wookiees in half and called them Ewoks! I didn’t make Endor a Wookiee planet because Chewbacca was sophisticated technologically and I wanted the characters involved in the battle to be primitive.”

    -George Lucas, [i]Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays[/i]

    That’s what I meant by the typical GL retrofitting. He isn’t shy about just making stuff up to cover his tracks. For instance, insisting that he never intended [i]Star Wars[/i] to consist of nine segments, until people kept calling him on it and quoting earlier statements about his plans. Also, he claimed after [i]Jedi[/i] that he always intended on Luke and Leia being siblings, when there’s enough incesteously-creepy-in-hindsight stuff going on in at least [i]A New Hope[/i] to give you shivers. GL may be a talented guy, but he is also incredibly profit-minded and knew by the time that [i]Jedi[/i] was in the planning stages that small alien creatures would be more likely to be commercially viable as a product than the Wookiees (as someone else, pointed out, I forget where, Ewok is a household word, even though it was never said in the film). Sure, the initial design of the Ewoks may have been more dwarflike and uglier, but then, Yoda is pretty dwarfish and ugly himself, and Yoda toys flew off the shelves (plus, he got a cuter sprucing up in [i]Jedi[/i] as well). Basically, I like the SW films, but I wouldn’t trust George Lucas with an accurate representation of what he had for lunch yesterday, much less what motivated him to create those b*stard Ewoks (I mean, I hate to bring up the most obvious point, but here’s a guy who wants people to believe that Greedo shot first!!!!). Ugh. There’s their cutesy-poo appearance, there’s the fact that their tactics could *never possibly* defeat the Imperial Army (no matter how badly the Stormtroopers can aim…the Wookiees would have a reason to fight against the Empire, being enslaved and all, being enslaved would have kept them at a technological disadvantage, and the Ewoks can’t be able to know the Empire from the rebels), there’s that Tarzan yell that one of them does, there’s THAT SONG that they at least got rid of in the Special Edition, there are the lousy spin-off movies…Oh, I *hate* them Ewoks, boy howdy.


    As for Jar Jar Binks and the Gungans, I don’t see them as being African-American. They aren’t all silly, either. Of Course Jar Jar is, but he’s not the typical representitive of the culture. He was an outcast, an atypical Gungan specimen with traits that the Gungan social majority despised.

    People just dissect [i]Star Wars[/i] to the point in which they’re inventing meaning, rather than discovering it. Some say it’s predjudiced against Blacks, Orientals, even Jews (yeah, right). That’s nonsense.

    Mabel, lock the door. Carl, get off the couch. Wake the kids and phone the neighbors and whip the horses.

    DT and I agree on something.

    Seas turn to blood, locusts descend on Los Angeles, news at 11.



    Mabel, lock the door. Carl, get off the couch. Wake the kids and phone the neighbors and whip the horses.

    DT and I agree on something.

    Seas turn to blood, locusts descend on Los Angeles, news at 11.

    Hehe, Pigs in flying saucers have been spotted over England, could this be a result of Aleck agreeing with DT!?!
    Actually, I agree with DT on something as well (see DT, sometimes you say things that DO make sense!!!).
    DT wrote:Jar Jar would’ve been fine if he got less screen time for his silly antics, but they practically focused on him. I also think maybe it would’ve been a good move to have him his usual self at first, but more serious in attitude when he became a general for the battle at the end.
    Exactly my thoughts, it did seem that Ep:1 was a vehicle predominately aimed at young children, rather than the fans that grew up with it, and Jar Jar represents that idea.
    I didn’t mind Jar Jar that much, but I prefer the legend to have a thread of seriousness, but still being fun, Jar Jar seemed slightly insulting to Star Wars.
    I remember reading somewhere that some fans in Italy upon meeting George Lucas, started to make some nasty comments about Jar Jar directly to Mr Lucas.
    I think Star Wars doesn’t need to go all Pokemon on us with silly cute characters, certainly the story might have been better for lacking Jar Jar, and I’m sure the kids wouldn’t have missed him.

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