Rebels defeat the Evil Empire in the Heart of the Death Star

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    Ok, ok, I’m a scifi fan not a huge sports fan, but:

    [b]I LOVE THE RED SOX[/b]

    10-3 beat the Yankees at Yankee Stadium, the most amazing comeback in BASEBALL HISTORY!!!!!!

    YEAH!!! everyone in Boston is tired/hungover today!


    Back in game 4, the Yanks were only 1 or 2 outs away from the World Series, what a way to end the curse. And against The Babe’s team to boot!

    Now it’s off to St. Louis to lose to the Cardinals! 😈

    I’m kidding, I think the Bosox will win in 5


    I may be cursed 👿 for saying this but i wouldn’t be surprised if they give it up to St. Louis with the home field advantage, but then bring it back to Boston to win the series…. ❗

    It’s going to be a 7 game series, definately. Both teams are too good for it not to be.


    I’ve worn my Red Sox “Pride of New England” ball cap all day long for the first 2 games!

    It’s actually a Sam Adams hat we made when we had Red Sox licensing last year, and I’m wearing it at work today too!!!!

    I’m just a little too 😳 Boston these days. my family is from here, I live in town(just these last 3 1/2 years), work in town for a Boston company….I don’t think Boston is better than anywhere else.
    I just love the Red Sox.


    Hmm, no response from Sidhecafe yet? I guess your still busy with your friends baby?

    I’m personally very excited about the Red Sox World Series win. First, I don’t have to hear about that stupid curse. (Now if only Chicago can get over their “curse” too) Secondly, the way I figure it, a city can only win one championship a year. And I’d much rather see Boston win the World Series then the Super Bowl. (GO EAGLES!)


    Yes, while the Red Sox were winning the World Series!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I was still in the birthing room with my friends. It was a long labor but the baby boy finally arrived via c-section yesterday.

    So I’m a tired happy asst birth coach and Red Sox fan.

    The game was on in the birthing center waiting room tv, so we got updates from a family member, and then we had the last inning on in the birth room on the radio – the mother’s suggestion! – she thought it might help distract her! 🙂

    But none of us could really pay any attention, how could we?

    Though the happy father is thinking it’ll be a great bragging rights birth story about when his son was born! When the Red Sox won the World Series during a lunar eclipse!

    The last couple of days have been a little too amazing for words!!

    I’ll let you know how the parade goes!!!!!

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