We’re just about ready to start testing for the production of a regular sci fi podcast.
I’ve just got to try and persuade some of the regular mods and contributors to get a headset (or mic) and download skype (free) so that we can get together to test technology and chat about content and how we want the show to develop.
Initially I’d ask people such as Headgehog, LexxLurker, Hollydays, theFrey, Lexxrobotech, Logan, Pet and anyone else that’s interested and can use skype, to meet up in a skype conference room.
If you would like to be part of this, simply leave a message in this thread and I’ll respond in a few days with a shedule and times for us to get together.
[b][i]DON’T – publish details in this thread about your personal skype name/handle.[/i][/b] I’ll private message you with joining details.
Skype is GREAT fun. I can’t wait for us in the sci fi community to get together to start producing sci fi podcasts!