Season 2 UK :D

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    No idea of the exact date but I’ve heard the following from the Sky One forums regarding season 2.

    “The first ten episodes of the season are going to begin showing june/july sometime and the second half of the season in November”

    Not sure why there’s a pause mid season but rumour has it that Sci fi USA are doing the same thing only with a bigger pause. If the rumour is accurate the UK will get 10 episodes in july then after a 1 month pause will get the other 10. In America they will start slightly earlier in july then after 10 epsiodes will have to wait untill Jan 2006 for the other 10.

    mandara k

    If the rumour is accurate the UK will get 10 episodes in july then after a 1 month pause will get the other 10. In America they will start slightly earlier in july then after 10 epsiodes will have to wait untill Jan 2006 for the other 10.

    Hon that would be a rumor, the month break is for the actors and others to finish the last 10 eps which they will finish in December. it’s hard to watch the last 10 if they haven’t been made yet?

    I think that is the sequence of events. 😳


    It wouldn’t surprise me if Sky One finished the second season before Sci Fi Channel. But for them to finish 3 months ahead seems a bit odd. I would suspect Sci Fi would try to keep the airings withing a few weeks, lest they have the same problem as last season with downloaders. But I’m certainly not privy to those details, and if the UK finishes way early again, then so be it.


    If anyone wants to sponsor the second series on Sky One they should go here and download the word doc: 😯 😯


    I’ve heard it’s going to be around October time, but I dont know if I can wait that long, I might have to do the dodgy πŸ˜‰

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