Season Five – Episode One

Science Fiction TV Show Guides Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Season Five – Episode One

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  • #57914

    No, no, no, no, no. It can’t be that easy for them to find Kai. A story arc spanning several episodes must take place.

    Something must be done about 790. And Little Lexx, as a character and location must be explored. This would cover the first few episodes.

    Also, what about Prince, Priest, and Bunny? You have to remember that all of the good planets in the universe have been eaten by Lyekka. And what became of the souls of Earth, Fire, and Water?

    Where are any of these characters going to go and have adventures?

    [ 28-08-2002: Message edited by: Flamegrape ]


    I have a really cool idea for season five. I’ll talk to you about it at DragonCon.


    Ha! Gotya. I have been pondering what would happended if, suddenly the powers that be and MMM twack decided to do a season five. (Why did they change their minds? How do I know? Drugs? Brain damage? Why is not important, this is television.) So the premise is that They DID.

    I would like to out line and create a story arc for this mythicial season. Not a story. An outline. All the ideas that get worked into the plot will be transfered to the Sadwriters forum until we have our completed outline. After that? Well perhaps every one that contruibuted can write their part up and we can break it into episodes. Heck with the way His Divine Shadow is doing on the costumes, perhaps at a future UScon we could film an episode.

    In the words of Judy Tunuto, “It could happen!”

    Any how, what I need is a few sentences to detail the next part of the story. Also if you like, your thoughts on what the over all story arc should be and a direction that the next section might take. this would be a suggestion, not an order to the next poster)

    Oh yeah, I am the Paul Donnovan of this production, so I make all final story arc decisions. I’m realize that I am not thin, and thinning. Nor do I have nice knees, but I can usually get people moving in the same direction.


    Our story begins…

    Little Lexx, not being fully trained, stumbles into one of the half demsions that the game took place in. 790 is aboard, but has Stan and Xev don’t yet know it. They have two moths which much be protected, and somehow against all logic (this being Lexx) Kai is alive or sort of alive, on this demension.

    How is he alive, and how do they find him?



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    No, no, no, no, no. It can’t be that easy for them to find Kai. A story arc spanning several episodes must take place.
    – Flamegrape ]

    Several episodes to find Kai? Art thou insane? I couldn’t wait that long for MMM twack to show up, besides it is an hour ep… or better a two hour season opener. So plenty of time to spend searching.

    790 can stay lost an ep or two for all I care, I wouldn’t mind a bit.

    Pleanty of time to work in Preist Bunny and Prince in future episodes… as you said it doesn’t all have to happen at once. There are lots of other plot hooks to set, yet not necessarily answer.

    How did they end up in this place.

    How is it that they even find Kai, it might not be a whole or real planet, but it still looked like a big place.

    How did Kai end up there.

    Does he know he is Kai?

    Is he real or is it just a manifestation of his spirit like prince was?

    If he is just a spirit will he be able to leave this place?

    But if he is real, will he be able to pull a Prince and develop a real body?

    What affect did the trama of becoming alive and then being blown to bits have on him?

    Is he even sane as we know it (or even by the looser Lexx standards)

    Does he remeber anything from his time as a Divine Assissian? Or did his spirit revert to it’s first death.

    If there was personality alteration (temporary or not) does he even like Stan and Xev now?

    Where did those spirits from the destroyed earth go?

    Will they manifest themselves in someway? And if so when, where and how?

    How and when will they meet up with Prince, Preist and Bunny?

    Will Bunny stay innocent?

    Can she convince Preist to resist Prince’s evil?

    And what exactly is going to happen to the ship board bimbo’s?

    Are the Bimbo’s going to make a play for Kai. (well duh) and what problems will this cause..

    Important questions all.



    Originally posted by thefrey:

    Several episodes to find Kai? Art thou insane? I couldn’t wait that long for MMM twack to show up, besides it is an hour ep… or better a two hour season opener. So plenty of time to spend searching.

    Definitely two hour season opener. And there’s more than one partial universe isn’t there? That could add some nice confusion.

    Kai’s the tough part–he was so cool as the Divine Assassin, but it’s not really fair to bring him back exactly the same way now that he’s been alive (and dead) again. That would really p*** him off. Hmmm…

    Maybe we’ve all been thinking about how we would continue the story if we could; I have– but it’s not like I’m going to do anything about it in the near future. So this might be kind of fun.


    [ 29-08-2002: Message edited by: elmey ]


    Perhaps he comes back in the same way that Prince always does, and is something not quite human? A petty godling in training? An elemental force?

    Ps. I meant petty in the form of small and not yet strong, not the vindictive jerk way.


    Hey Frey,
    I like that idea; I think that’ll be great; it even sounds good; & I have a few ideas myself that I’d like to share with you at Dragon*Con.
    [Somthing must be done abou 790. & the Little Lexx, as a character….]
    Flamegrape, you also have some great ideas; may be this weekend, we can get together & discuss our ideas with 1 another & see what we come up with.
    Take care & I’ll see you all this weekend.

    Lexxians Unite,


    Hate to be controversial, but how about…no Kai at all? DON’T KILL ME! The guy’s been through enough, and to bring him back again would just undermime his sacrifice. Just let him rest in peace. Now I’ve said that, I’m going into witness protection.


    D’OH! Sorry all, I thought I should catch up on the last of S4. I’m only slightly a neat freak and thought my replies seemed “messy.” My bad for forgetting that creating is always messy in the beginnings.

    Reply, Take II:

    Stu: LOL! I know somebody who knows somebody who’s fourth cousin three times removed had a roommate who’s uncle is from Turkey that knew a Mexican who went to Central America and talked to this guy who forged papers that
    soon after they talked got swallowed by a python.
    Erm… I guess he couldn’t help you hide out after all, nm.

    If you eliminated Kai as an active character in the story then it would (of course) have to go a totally new way, which wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing. New can be good.

    All the good planets have been eaten. Hrm… OOO!
    Lexx wasn’t explored a great deal with it’s vastness. Perhaps the little one could be explored more, Stanley and Xev find sustenance on it. Perhaps it could be ….a new way of living. Instead of people living on planets, now there are several ships out there and the societies contained on them
    are the remnants of civilizations that escaped Lyekka.

    That leaves plenty of different stories. Some
    ships could be worse off than other ships, pirating and horrible things as each ship tries to survive. Little Lexx could run into these and stories evolve. Perhaps it could come down to Prince and a group of ships
    against another group and Lexx caught in between. (Maybe the ship would name itself? Should it even be named Lexx anymore?) That way, Xev and Stan are neither “good” or “evil” but just caught between two parties that want something. Who would they team with? Would they help Prince be a leader of all ships? Or would they work
    against Prince?

    For a twist of fun, Bunny could turn out to be the leader of all humanity.

    [ 09-09-2002: Message edited by: Praxilla ]


    Well, you could use an old scifi standby to bring Kai back. The Higgs-Boson supercollider has collapsed — with kai near the center. Instead of creating a black hole (not enough mass?) the conditions were just right for a “worm hole”. POP! Kai (now alive and still laughing that sardonic laugh) comes out the other side. Conveniently on a planet with atmosphere—

    He promptly cuts his hair and grows a gottee beard hoping that those two people he was stuck with for thousands of years and that annoying Prince guy can’t find him, but he is going to miss the robot head—-

    The story could follow the adventures of our friends seperately for a while, until they all run into each other at the restaurant at the end of the universe or some such.

    Question: What happened to Kai’s brace when prince made him alive? is it still on his arm? Can he use it?


    OK, Frey–you asked for it. I don’t know how you’re going to put this together from all the ideas being thrown at you–but you started it so you’re stuck…..
    Expanding on your guidelines, here’s my setup for Little Lexx’s adventures in the partial Universe:

    When the Higgs Boson particle collider creates a black hole, there is a ripple effect that carries out far beyond our solar system. This wave of gravitational flux (very scientific!!) causes the portals to the other zone(s)to stretch and open in unexpected shifting patterns. The ripple effects continue for a length of time, like aftershocks of an earthquake. (They continue for as long as needed for plot purposes–I’d say for a good part of Series 5). Little Lexx, being inexperienced in space, drifts in and out of these portals, and ends up inside a partial Universe.

    In the meantime, the Noah–run by computers–manages to avoid these gates, and continues to travel through the Dark Zone towards a planet that seems to have life (not all planets in the Universe have been eaten by the Lyekkas–it’s a big Universe!). They will find this to be a rather odd but inhabited planet, and will pick up a passenger there who will be VERY IMPORTANT if we follow this particular scenario.

    The partial Universe is confusing, it’s not like travelling through the known universe, (description …) Little Lexx moves farther into it, not knowing what else to do and getting no useful instructions from the Captain.

    Oh, and by this point of course, the Captain is Xev. Xev and Stan are are alone, they’re scared–they don’t know where they are, no Kai, no 790 to explain things–they have a baby ship with unknown capabilities and not much knowledge either. Xev in a moment of weakness turns to Stan for comfort. Naturally Stan loses the key to her immediately. Little Lexx, by the way is female. She is also going to be smarter that her father Lexx. She chose Stanley as her Captain, and she is miffed that he gave up the key. She obeys Xev because of the key, but she is going to let Stanley know that he should have taken his responsibility more seriously….

    As for Kai–I also don’t want to make a mockery of his death, but on the other hand, I would find it pretty uninteresting to have even a hypothetical Season 5 without him. So I’m gonna think about that a little more and get back to you.

    And finally, since it’s Lexx and anything is possible I have an idea for the Noah that should make Flamegrape very happy, but I’m sure you don’t want that much detail now.




    Originally posted by elmey:
    OK, Frey–you asked for it. Expanding on your guidelines, here’s my setup for Little Lexx’s adventures in the partial Universe: When the Higgs Boson particle collider creates a black hole, there is a ripple effect that carries out far beyond our solar system. This wave of gravitational flux (very scientific!!) causes the portals to the other zone(s)to stretch and open in unexpected shifting patterns. The ripple effects continue for a length of time, like aftershocks of an earthquake. (They continue for as long as needed for plot purposes–I’d say for a good part of Series 5). Little Lexx, being inexperienced in space, drifts in and out of these portals, and ends up inside a partial Universe.

    Oh, very nice Elmey! That could be used to create lots of fun. Perhaps the ripples would bring Prince’s ship in to the picture at plot perfect times and such.


    Originally posted by elmey:
    Oh, and by this point of course, the Captain is Xev. Xev and Stan are alone, they’re scared–they don’t know where they are, no Kai, no 790 to explain things–they have a baby ship with unknown capabilities and not much knowledge either. Xev in a moment of weakness turns to Stan for comfort. Naturally Stan loses the key to her immediately. Little Lexx, by the way is female. She is also going to be smarter that her father Lexx. She chose Stanley as her Captain, and she is miffed that he gave up the key. She obeys Xev because of the key, but she is going to let Stanley know that he should have taken his responsibility more seriously….

    Well that would be a good thing too, Making Little Lexx less likely to follow Xev’s orders with out being persuaded. Perhaps, Stan would have to chime in and add his plea’s to Xev’s orders. That way Xev would sometimes have to have Stan’s support when LL was feeling particularly stubborn. Lots of nice conflict possibilities there. Especially since neither Stan nor Xev are very good at making air tight deals.


    Originally posted by elmey:
    As for Kai–I also don’t want to make a mockery of his death, but on the other hand, I would find it pretty uninteresting to have even a hypothetical Season 5 without him

    Ditto. Humm, perhaps somehow in one of these newly formed partial universes they could find a Kai archetype? Who woke up there like Prince just wakes up somewhere new. One that is basically Kai, without his memories. Stan and Xev would have to persuade him to join them. When and if the repellant Robot head is found, a Kai much more willing to take a hard line with the evil thing.

    A Kai that Xev would have a chance with…. if he were not so wary of her, and wondering if she likes him or just the memory of the old Kai. I am sorry, but that unrequited love thing is a plot point constant! Who am I to buck tradition?



    Originally posted by thefrey:

    Perhaps the ripples would bring Prince’s ship in to the picture at plot perfect times and such.



    Lots of nice conflict possibilities there. Especially since neither Stan nor Xev are very good at making air tight deals.


    perhaps somehow in one of these newly formed partial universes they could find a Kai archetype?
    …but that unrequited love thing is a plot point constant! Who am I to buck tradition?

    Yeah, I was thinking archetype would be a good way to go (no wig ). I was thinking about the Noah finding the archetype though–you got Prince, you got the bimbos, could be interesting. And how about if Tina survived somehow (it’s Lexx!) and stowed away on the Noah (this is for Flamegrape). They need someone to run the computers. She wouldn’t mind having an archetype around either.

    Unrequited is definitely the way to go….

    What if over the course of time, it comes out that the archetype (I guess he should have a name) actually has an evil agenda?

    Maybe this is getting too complicated, but maybe the real Kai’s essence is still in one of the partial universes as its trip to the Dream Zone was interrupted somehow by the appearance of Little Lexx (typical). It could manifest itself, sort of real but not really. I don’t know what kind of a personality it would have though–pretty grumpy!

    I wonder if it would be helpful to figure out what gets destroyed at the end…needs to be something BIG! It would help drive things in a specific direction…

    How many episodes did you say you wanted?



    If Kai has to be alive, then why not make it so that he never did die, but instead Prince somehow transported him to the Noah, erased his memory, and tells him that Xev and Stan are evil? This could lead to a situation where Kai wants to kill Xev and Stan, but they have to find a way to convince him that Prince is evil. This could be a great way to bring in Prince’s manipulative side, which has always been his greatest talent, and put Xev and Stan in a very difficult and suspenseful situation.


    I don’t know when, and I don’t know how (I’ll think about it as the story developes), but at some point, the bimbo’s should be sacrificed to the greater cause and become lil Lexx fodder, to continue the legacy of dear, departed papa Lexx.




    Originally posted by Camelyn:

    at some point, the bimbo’s should be sacrificed to the greater cause and become lil Lexx fodder, to continue the legacy of dear, departed papa Lexx.


    But not till after Bunny teaches them a few aerobics routines!



    Gosh, these are all great ideas. Now as soon as our stragglers weigh in, we can start distilling this to a starting point and general outline.

    Cam – I agree about the Bimbo’s Little Lexx foder eventually. But not until they cause trouble for Kai and Xev and have the gratuitous aerobics scenes with Bunny.

    Prax – Why delete your posts to clean the thread up? You had some good points.

    Flame and Stu – Dispite your heresy of suggesting a Kai-less Fantasy Season 5, we will let you live. But it was a close vote.

    Elmey – Gosh you had lots of good ideas… *theFrey narrows her eyes… are you sure you are not an SS lurker from the writing department?*

    Ummm, stragglers. the time to chime in is now. After all the more the merrier.


    This is fun!

    But I also hope Praxilla doesn’t stop adding ideas–it’s a collaborative effort and what other people say can spark off a good train of thought…and there’s a long way to go here.


    *theFrey narrows her eyes… are you sure you are not an SS lurker from the writing department?*

    Ahhh……….no. It comes from a misspent youth buying second hand scifi paperbacks and Marvel comics.



    Well, the biggest question in my mind is: in our hypothetical S5: Does revived Kai have his “equipment” back??? ( I don’t mean the brace, I mean his ‘other’ equipment). This is an important question for the development of the Kai-Xev relationship.

    Not only that, but we have seen that cluster lizards devour their mates– so maybe new Kai would not make it too far into the show if he did not have an effective means of self defense.

    mandara k

    Personally, I still like the idea of a male-sort of replacement semi-lead that changes every few eps; why fence us in for eye candy. A type of character to off set Prince in a new universe.
    In order to play The Game they went to another universe; I say let’s go there with baby LEXX; something newly formed can have scads of possibilities for undercurrents and arcs and can stretch a lot of imagination.

    You can make the new male of he cast as unobtainable as Kai (I’ve met a few peeps that are just as good as dead in my time) and give us more than brooding dark looks. Cripes, some of the actors out there are gorgeous and I’m not just talking the caucasian ones.
    Throw a little diversity in the mix and see what happens; put out some male bait and see what bites and then stick with that.

    A movie is what is needed now to either sum up everything or to jump start something new.

    Just my song and dance

    mandara k

    Oh, BTW Mr. D DOES have cutie-pie knees; I wonder if he’s ticklish?

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