Series 4 previews, and the reality

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Series 4 previews, and the reality

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    Does anyone remember reading those interviews after and during Series 3 about Series 4?

    I remember one of the directors said Eva was going to return for an ep this season. In the same interview he talked about how Xenia had to wear German clothing (referring to Walpurgis Night I assume).

    I also remember reading that Paul or another Bean said that Wist was really supposed to be the Alien threat but because she couldent make it, it became Lyekka.

    Does anyone remember any of this or was I hallucinating?



    Originally posted by LexxLurker:
    Does anyone remember any of this or was I hallucinating?

    You were hallucinating. Now tell those d@mn elves to stop flying around my head and to go away! And make the walls stop breathing! Uh, oh– now the paisely pattern has jumped off my shirt and onto the floor…


    I also remember lots of ppl(ok just like 2) saying that Eva would be back. And someone had posted a magazine article that had stated that Eva would be back.


    They wanted to get Eva, as well as a few others back for seaon 4. But scheduling conflicts kept that from happening.
    (The article was a fake. Whenever someone posts something that seems to good to belive, and they give no source, it’s always fake)
    The beans wanted Doreen Jacobi (Wist) to come back for season 2. But she couldn’t becaue of scheduling conflicts, so the beans replaced her character with Lyekka.


    well they did give a source if I remember and an actual picture from the article. Which isn’t to say it isn’t fake. Actually at the time I thought it was fake and seeing as she has been on this season at all I’m gonna say it’s still fake.



    Originally posted by The_Steven_Bell:
    well they did give a source if I remember and an actual picture from the article. Which isn’t to say it isn’t fake. Actually at the time I thought it was fake and seeing as she has been on this season at all I’m gonna say it’s still fake.

    The “source” was very vauge. Something to the effect of I found this in the paper (or a magazine). If s/he said “tv guide”, “Philadelphia Inquirer”, “Sci Fi magazine” or some other medium which others can go look for themselves, then I would have given it a second thought.
    Unfortuantly with todays technlogy, any idiot with a computer, printer , and scanner can pull off a trick like that.


    Yeah I think thats exactly what I saw. It was on this board but I cant seem to find it. What gave it some believability was that Xev really did wear German stuff this season in Walpurgis. But like Headgehog said its not too hard to insert things and whatnot. Clearly after 20eps Eva isnt coming back [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] But it was interesting to note that Wist’s character was most likely intended to be the Alien threat. Gives me some relief anyway cause I really dont like this evil-Lyekka cousin. The real Lyekka cared too much about Stan to ever lie or trick em imo [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

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