Sexiest Stars?

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  • #68219

    I would have to add Roselita (Gladise Jimenez) from Tremors. Definite heavy breathing material. 😯



    Lexx seems to have the most. Lisa Hines (original Zev) Xenia, Bunny, Wist, the girl from Twilight, the three goth girls from season 4.

    Bab5 had a few Talia, Londo’s girlfriend that was poisoned, Na’Toth, Lyta.

    Xena: Gabrielle

    This one may be a stretch as far as being scifi but I think it still manages to fit: Pam Dawber from Mork and Mindy.

    All I can think of for now.


    Yes Dave,Roselita off tremors has got SEX APPEAL,she definately fits sexiest stars profile.(look at those twins under that tee shirt)Tremors is sci-fie kinda,we all watch it now and then even though we dont want to admit it! GOOD WORK !(starmanjohn) 😆 😆 😆


    Ok I have to put my sick and twisted 3 cents in here 😈 .

    Some of the sexiest characters on Scifi TV, according to me:

    Heero Yuy
    Milyardo Peacecraft aka Zecks Marquise

    (both from GundamWing)

    John Crighton (Farscape)
    Aeryn(Farscape), because she’s strong beautiful and kicks serious “*%$”,

    Sting as Feyd in Lynch’s Dune *thud*

    Vampire Hunter D ❗

    I can’t remember her name but the shaved head woman in the first Star Trek movie!


    Sorry for the cartoon characters in there, I’m on the second day of a fast, so I can’t be responsible for my thought patterns at the moment, they are all in bliss la la land from deprivation.

    Though having a cartoon character as a boyfriend could possibly solve some of those tough issues humans tend to have with each other….

    am I really typing or is this just a figment of my hungry mind????


    Im just gonna say:

    1.Xenia Seeberg from Lexx
    2. Nurse Jenny from Pokémon

    Man, that makes me hooot!


    [quote=”starmanjohn”]Yes Dave,Roselita off tremors has got SEX APPEAL,she definately fits sexiest stars profile.(look at those twins under that tee shirt)Tremors is sci-fie kinda,we all watch it now and then even though we dont want to admit it! GOOD WORK !(starmanjohn) 😆 😆 :lol:[/quote]

    Oops, you were only off by one. I nominated Rosalita and the Twins, not Dave. She is the one that gets me going in a grunty animal sort of way (although if the writers keep finding reasons for Jolene Blalock to keep taking off her shirt in Enterprise… ) 😉

    I’m more attracted to strong brainy type female characters than sexpot bimbos usually. Scully, Aeryn, Ivanova … I felt betrayed when Gillian Anderson revealed in TV Guide and on Leno that she really “is a bubblehead.” 😥


    Yes sgent Scully deserves to be in our list!Very sexy,blazing red hair,wonderfull delisious body,and dangerous she is the law,FBI.Good choice!!YEa brains to. 😉 😉 😉


    [color=blue][/color][size=18][/size]Well,I have to add another wonderfull delisiouse beauty to our list CYLON number 6 off Battlestar Gallacetia! She is a super hot blond with silky smooth long legs and she had sex just before cylons set off about 7 thermo nuclear bombs now that is cold!Still she got all the good stuff!!!Worthy of this list for sure!


    Aww I dunno, maybe the new robo-babe from Battlestar Galactica should get a mention (the promo pic below doesn’t do her justice).



    [quote=”Hammertoe”]It’s not even a contest. LEXX-Eva Habermann all the way. Bunny’s o.k., Lyekka’s alright, Xenia’s not bad (ya hear me dudelove) but Eva is perfect. I learned german just in case I meet her one day I can seduce her and we’ll live happily ever after. JAWOL! :roll:[/quote]

    Grüß Gott 😀


    [quote=”Zaphod42″][quote=”Hammertoe”]It’s not even a contest. LEXX-Eva Habermann all the way. Bunny’s o.k., Lyekka’s alright, Xenia’s not bad (ya hear me dudelove) but Eva is perfect. I learned german just in case I meet her one day I can seduce her and we’ll live happily ever after. JAWOL! :roll:[/quote]

    Grüß Gott :D[/quote]

    Gezundheit. 😕 😉

    As a member of ZIT (Zev Institute of Terror), I have to go with Eva, and I pity the fool who says otherwise (just puttin the [Mr.] T in Terror)…


    “I want Zev, not Xev you moron, ZEV!!!” (790)

    [quote=”#7″]Here is an oldie but a goodie.

    Does anyone remember Gabrielle Drake from ‘UFO’

    Let me jog your memory


    It aint my memory you’re jogging. Yowza, VERY nice! 😀

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