sooo, Mr. Bond…..

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    (seeing as i didn’t get to see what people thought before the board bombed!!!)
    it occurred to me that although Bond himself may not be ‘sci-fi’ (after all, at the end of the day all he is is a government employee!), a lot of his adversaries were. Drax, Scaramanger and a host of others used their vast wealth and resources to develop scientific and technological monsters that scientists and governments now can only dream about…hence my reasons for starting a thread here!! i know that there are many Bond fans out there, as well as those who, for whatever reason cannot stand him. so, what are your thoughts? do you have a favourite Bond? film? bad guy? for the record..
    my fave Bond – Roger Moore
    my fave film – Moonraker
    my fave bad guy – Jaws !!
    i do have my reasons for the above. i prefer Moore as Bond for the simple reason he was my first experience of Bond, so to speak- i grew up with him as Bond. Moonraker- apart from the space/travel aspects, which i have always been fascinated by, i have fond memories of telling my mum i would rather go to see ‘moonraker’ as a birthday treat, than go and see ‘Snow White & the 7 Dwarves’!
    and Jaws…well, i find him quite funny!! he’s as indestructable as Captain Scarlet, yet despite the fact he’s supposed to be a cold blooded killer, he turns out to have a heart after all. so maybe he wasn’t such a bad guy..

    [ 21-07-2002: Message edited by: snooklepie ]


    You know, I think you’re right. There is quite a bit of sciffyness about Bond, no wonder I like it.

    Actually they used a lot of sci-fi plots in certain spy movies and shows like Our Man Flint and The Avengers.


    Favorite Bond: Peirce Brosnan (poor Roger didn’t stand a chance in my mind. He was the “when-I-was-a-kid” bond and Peirce is the “grown-up” one for me. I’ve always enjoyed his work.)

    Favorite Picture: Golden Eye (I really liked it, interesting story, action/chases that made sense, sexy bad guys.)

    Favorite Vilian: Boris (Does he count? He bought it in the end in such an original way.)


    Got to go with Pierce Brosnan as well, he seems to fit the bond persona perfectly, he was born to play bond. Roger Moore was an unusual Bond, I think his fair hair and his taller, thinner frame was not what I would portray Bond to be, but he did play Bond well, it was just his appearance that didn’t seem to click.
    After seeing ITV play Bond to death I no longer have a favourite, I would go for the next movie, simply because I haven’t seen it yet.
    And the favourite villian…Dr No, but only because it gave Mike Myers the idea for Dr.Evil!!!, but Jaws was definitely the most frightening and awesome villian, he was almost indestructable and although not overly intelligent, a good physical foe for Bond.
    Squishy [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]


    fave Bond: Tim Dalton ( he was Fleming’s Bond and I’m a fan of the books)

    fave film: Goldfinger

    don’t have a fave bad guy but hate everything I’ve heard about Casino Royale.

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