The End is Nigh.

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx The End is Nigh.

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  • #36930

    Well, only a few more new episodes of Lexx to go. I’m going to miss chatting and debating with you guys when its all over. I hope this place doesnt become a ghost town (like it usually is when the show is between seasons). Hopefully there will be some sort of Spin-Off and a similiar Lexxian type sci-fi show will begin that will capture our (twisted) imagaination. Heres to the future.
    LONG LIVE LEXX. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]


    Author, Author Jedi guy!


    Well I’m hoping you guys are still here when Series 4 airs on Channel 5 here in the U.K. Because if not, I won’t have anyone to discuss it with [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]


    never fear, we’ll be here…and if you are up late enough, we always chat after lexx shows on friday nights here in the states; 11 pm est which is 4 am saturday morning your time [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]…just go to and follow saddy’s links to #sadgeezer at the darkzone


    I’ve been here a pretty dang long time, but didnt start posting till right before Series4, hence the psudeonym. Series4 for me clinched the entire series. Seeing Lexx evolve from Series 2 into the *very* serious Series3 into Series4 which is a perfect hybrid of series 2 and 3. For me that defined just how fresh Lexx could be albeit the abundance of “filler” in S4

    Ill always be here lurking if not posting If nothing else but to play with my DT, Jedi and Flame dolls to act out some of the wars here. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] “Take that Flamegrape doll” *DT-doll bonks Flamegrape-doll over the head*

    [ 05-04-2002: Message edited by: LexxLurker ]

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