The Iraqi Information Minister spoof

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  • This topic has 10 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 21 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #39060

    Couple of funny pics from this site I wanted to post to give ya all a laugh hopefully.

    Taken from

    {EDITED} I had to edit this because the pictures from the above site sometimes didn’t load. I’ve uploaded them to this server and re-linked them – they should load faster now.


    Since we’re doing political parody pics, here are a couple of very silly Lexx parody composites I came up with several months ago and posted over at (no offense intended).

    Lexx Piracy: Arrr, it’s Captain George and First Mate Tony:

    (parody image edited from Acorn Lexx S4 DVD cover — no infringement or piracy intended)*

    Bush with Hussein at the rear:

    (composite — base pic from Bad Carrot. No violation — copyright or otherwise — intended) ;)**

    *Aleck and Acorn were kind enough not to sue me when I originally posted it, but I did get a darn good beating — joy! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜›

    for more info on Lexx: Bad Carrot please see Sad’s Lexx guide




    Too funny. The saddamised one is a BLAST!


    I should have uploaded the first pics rather than link em, looks like the page went down.

    That Saddam pic is hilarious.


    If imitation is the finest form of parody, then it would appear that the Iraqi minister has become an advisor to Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld . From one wag (or dog) to another.

    The (western) media is now conveniently exaggerating reports of riots and looting , and rerunning a single image: “It’s the same picture of some person walking out of some building with a vase.”

    There appear to be a lot of vassals in politics. ๐Ÿ™„


    This is my fave one ๐Ÿ™‚


    bonnee wrote:

    The (western) media is now conveniently exaggerating reports of riots and looting , and rerunning a single image: “It’s the same picture of some person walking out of some building with a vase.”

    Yep! ANd to add insult to injury, there were pics last night of some looter walking out with TWO large vases.

    Maybe it’s the same guy going back for more. Or those pesky reporters have employed the dude to go around Iraqi generals houses to steel the vases – just to spite Rumsfeld. ๐Ÿ™‚



    I saw lots of news footage of looting. Not just one guy with a vase. Also, there was lots of footage of fighting and looter gun battles in the streets.


    Sorry Flamegrape, not me. It’s a big joke here in Malaysia, when two different papers had the same picture of looters (this was in their respective World news sections), yet the caption for that picture differ’d from paper to paper ๐Ÿ˜ณ ๐Ÿ™„ .


    Flamegrape has a point, everyone lies especially the media, they wont bother getting a dangerous story anymore. The media over decades has gone from impartial reporting to editorials disguised as reporting. And lets face it, its our fault. We hunger for the powerful stories. No one wants to read about boring laws being written and the speeches of our leaders.


    Who they hang out with, what they do at night!!

    And then comes along the real world. And we send these reporters to cover it and are collectively shocked to find out they lie their asses off.

    War is a dirty business. Yes civilians get killed, some of whom make no mistake other than not speaking English. But I invite anyone who feels war should prevent these innocent deaths to point me to a single occurence. WW2 no one cared, everyone on the bad side was evil and that’s all there was to it. Please. We carpet bombed an entire country, most of which was yes you guessed it, civilian. We even dropped 2 atomic weapons on civilian cities albeit near military installations/factories.

    Can you imagine if we dropped an atomic device upon Baghdad? Or Basra?

    Of course not. And thank god the USA and UK are countries that value civilian life. It’s quite possible that in the course of this war we killed LESS civilians than Saddam would have killed on his own in the same amount of time. This is a guy that killed 2 million civilians since 91, and death is a BLESSING compared to what they do to you in the interim. And he’s been in power for much much longer than that 10 years. I think a little looting is in order to be honest. I cant even begin to empathize with what it would be like living under that madman for 30 years since I have only been alive the last 27. But Americans loot and burn and pillage after sporting events, or after a black man is dragged from his car and beaten in LA. Yet the same Americans can stand back and criticize this looting of a fallen regime is beyond me.

    I think it’s more of an insult to us (me, you, all us Sadgeezers, and civilians) that our country and media doesent want us to know the story not because its wrong or immoral but simply because they dont think we can handle the truth or arent willing to find it themselves. And if you go to Aljazeera you just get another set of lies on the other far end of the spectrum. Anyways I’m starting to rant again! =) This was to be a ‘funny’ thread


    And that’s why for accurate news I visit The Onion ( ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

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