[url=http://www.thevillage.ie/]Join the Village[/url]
I think it’s a good idea, but I don’t think I’ll be leaving my Village for it any time soon. (Though I do have a windmill waiting in my machine shed. Just can’t find a structural engineer to come out and put it up. Grrr…)
The following presented just for giggles: 😆
Their charter outline:
The vision and objectives of the Village;
The ultimate size (number of houses and estimated population) of the Village;
How to join the Village, perhaps including a trial period;
How to leave the Village, perhaps giving first option to buy to the remaining residents or a limited (usually by time) right of refusal to an intending buyer of a house by the remaining residents;
The internal decision making systems;
A disputes resolution system;
The payment of internal rates or levies;
Any requirements for community work such as our labour points scheme.
Community meeting systems,
A range of other matters which concern the internal functioning of the eco-Village and the development of ‘community’ within the eco-Village.