Topless Lexx!!!

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Topless Lexx!!!

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  • #37081

    For a cheap Lexx thrill, check out this auction;


    lol, that is quite funny.


    Her boobs are too high and too big, a typical horny male cartoonist’s mistake. Also, the nipples are too big. Take a look for yourself:

    Nonetheless, this illustration provides a guide for an X-rated version of my Xev Q3A model!


    Ha! $45 is a bit much for a starting bid, ya think?

    For the non-art types here – “Graphite on bristol” == “pencil on cardstock”

    As for Flamegrape’s boob comments, all of the topless pics he (Alex Cidman, not Flamegrape) does seem to have almost identical boobs.

    [ 16-06-2002: Message edited by: stormsweeper ]


    I don’t think Alex Cidman was properly weened.

    I have a theory that all comic artists always render breasts at one-half a boob diameter higher than they really should be.

    Adam Hughs is one of the exceptions. He [b]really[/b] knows the female anatomy.

    [ 16-06-2002: Message edited by: Flamegrape ]


    I wish Playboy would do a “Women of LEXX” series.

    Sketeches of Zev isnt all that he has.
    [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] [url=][/url]

    [ 18-06-2002: Message edited by: Evil_Lister ]


    That effort would be hampered by Xenia’s refusal to do frontal nudity.




    Don’t tell me…let me guess! He’s into big boobs and bondage, right?

    A legal question: are these topless drawings legalto sell? I know they are not being represented as actual renditions of actors who posed nude, and I know there are First Amendment issues. Nonetheless, I also know celebrities are supposed to have some control over images of themselves. Personally, I’d be ****ed if an artist sold drawings of me posing nude if I had not actually posed in the buff. I am an artist myself and have worked as a model, and I know that one generally needs some sort of permission to use images in such a manner. I’m not planning on calling the Art Police on this artist or anything, I’m just curious how legal his drawings are (since they are for sale) and whether or not he’s gotten into trouble over them.


    A good celeberty learns to take things like this in stride. The classic examples are the Tijahuana bibles. Things like that are best left ignored or else they wind up attracting more attention than they are worth.

    In this case, there is certainly no worry for Xenia Seeberg. First of all, it’s a singular work of art and is not mass-produced. (That may be another issue.) And second, it’s not very good! Here on SadBoard, one of the more popular Lexx message boards, one of her #1 fans (me!) pointed out the terrible inaccuracy of the illustration.

    I could probably conjure a better-looking fake nude using Photoshop. (And no, I’m not gonna do it!)

    [ 19-06-2002: Message edited by: Flamegrape ]


    After ‘reviewing’ (heh) this guy’s other pictures it seems clear to me that this man has never actually seen a real set of breasts. Sheesh! No one’s boobs are in their armpits! Oy vey.


    He didn’t even do her belly button tattoo right. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]


    quote[quote]seems clear to me that this man has never actually seen a real set of breasts [/quote]

    Im sure he has. Just look at the women DC Comic God Stan Lee has done. None of the women in those comics were even close to being realistic. Im sure Stan has gotten more pussy than he would care to comment on.

    They are just artist renditions of celebrities. Without a live model to base the sketches on, its a little harder to get body parts done right.



    Originally posted by Sarah_Silver:
    He didn’t even do her belly button tattoo right. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]

    In case anyone is curious:




    Originally posted by Evil_Lister:

    They are just artist renditions of celebrities. Without a live model to base the sketches on, its a little harder to get body parts done right.

    This fundamental anatomical rendering error is so common among comic artists that it’s almost become a style in and of itself! But that doesn’t legitimize it either. Boobs are bags of flesh. Not mounds of sculpted putty. Most comic artists seem to forget the former in favor of the latter.


    So many of the boobs we see on celebrities and other “beautiful people” are fake, so I suppose it’s a bit hard to tell what real ones are supposed to look like. Personally I don’t really see why a chest with two large inverted salad bowls would be attractive, but there seem to be a lot of them out there!



    Originally posted by :
    So many of the boobs we see on celebrities and other “beautiful people” are fake, so I suppose it’s a bit hard to tell what real ones are supposed to look like. Personally I don’t really see why a chest with two large inverted salad bowls would be attractive, but there seem to be a lot of them out there!

    Yes, but usually those salad bowls are off the rib cage, not the collar bones!


    *I’m sorry for the pun, I couldn’t resist*

    Boobs? I’ve become rather attached to mine.


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