Two Nights Only! The reairingof Brigadoom

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Two Nights Only! The reairingof Brigadoom

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  • #36491

    I found out not to long ago that SciFi US will not be showing 4.10 Magic baby tonight (9/21) so that it can show the WTC victims telethon. (Along with every other channel) So instead they will show the fan favorite Brigadoom at 1:00 am. As usual they will follow it Sunday night at 2:00 am. Magic Baby will air next Friday night., After that, Lexx will go into reruns on Sunday nights until Jan 4, 2002 where it begins with the rest of S4.

    As much as I wanted to see a new ep tonight, I’ve never seen Brigadoom on TV. I’ve only watched it on bootlegged Canadian tapes. (I bought the tapes when S2 was unavailable in the States, and I’m currently buying the DVDs. I want to support the great people of Salter as much as any other true Lexxian.)

    For those who don’t know, I have quite of an affinity toward Brigadoom, so I’m very excited about this, as are many other fans.



    Originally posted by Headgehog:
    I found out not to long ago that SciFi US will not be showing 4.10 Magic baby tonight (9/21) so that it can show the WTC victims telethon. (.

    thanx headgehog


    Yummm….! Brigadoom, at 1:00 am EST or 12:00
    CST, (that means you guys in Texas) and there’s even a teaser on the sci-fi bboard
    main page….what a concept!
    Hate to see it end so soon for the season,
    I wanted to see little baby cluster lizards
    running around DC…. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    Aside from the initial week it played.. two airings on Friday and the repeat on Sunday.. Brigadoom has never been rerun on SciFi before.. very Xciting!! and in some way very appropriate.

    For a small, brief moment of time SciFI has earned my respect, if only for one night.


    Kudos to Scifi for not showing Lexx (Am I actually saying that???)

    When you realize that so many people have lost a loved one and will have to deal with the financial shock as well-
    And if the economy dosen’t shape up, they’re in for some tough times. So I think it’s a good idea.

    I’ve never seen Brigadoon, but from what I’ve heard it seems appropriate.


    just posted on scifi’s lexx page:

    Vlad sinks her
    teeth into the Lexx
    crew in “Magic
    Baby,” FRI 9.28 at
    10PM ET/P



    Ok, my period of “respecting” is over [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

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