Underclocking – the new craze

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    After they put a link to sadgeezer.com, I checked out the satirical tech website [url=http://www.bbspot.com]BBspot[/url] and found this amazing article 😉

    [url=http://bbspot.com/News/2003/07/underclocking.html]Underclocking Becomes Latest Computer Craze[/url]
    By Brian Briggs

    Eastwick, NH – Overclocking, where a computer user increases the clock cycles on their CPUs past the manufacturer’s recommendations to squeeze out even more performance, has been popular for many years. Now, a new technique has taken intrepid computer extremists in another direction – underclocking.

    [url=http://bbspot.com/News/2003/07/underclocking.html]Read More…[/url]


    The Babylon 5 article on that site had me spit my coffee onto my screen, no joke.

    How can people be that silly? =0

    On the topic of underclocking, I recently bought a working PS-2, simply so I could play old-DOS games 😕


    [quote=”LexxLurker”]The Babylon 5 article on that site had me spit my coffee onto my screen, no joke.

    How can people be that dumb? =0[/quote]

    You do realize the news articles are satire, right? Here’s another LOTR article from taht site:



    It’s satire, until you check out the newsgroups. There *really* is quite a few that don’t realize that LoTR isn’t old fiction 😕 But until I hit the end of the article where they claimed JMS was silent, I didn”t know it was a satire site =p JMS has often claimed there are many homages.

    That Jar-Jarimir thing is a riot, was just about to link it myself.


    [quote]One fan tried to rationalize the move. “Maybe the Star Wars universe and Middle-earth intersect. Middle-earth certainly is a long time ago and why couldn’t it be in ‘a galaxy far, far away?’ Nothing said it’s our earth.” He then broke down and started crying.[/quote]


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