A handy chart, for those interested in watching Lexx eps back-to-back. Just use the program function of your DVD player and enter these titles to play:
Disc Ep DVD Title #
S1V1 1.01 16
S1V2 1.02 16
S1V3 1.03 15
S1V4 1.04 16
S2V1 2.01 02
S2V1 2.02 04
S2V1 2.03 58
S2V1 2.04 60
S2V2 2.05 02
S2V2 2.06 04
S2V2 2.07 16
S2V2 2.08 18
S2V3 2.09 01
S2V3 2.10 03
S2V3 2.11 18
S2V3 2.12 20
S2V4 2.13 01
S2V4 2.14 03
S2V4 2.15 59
S2V4 2.16 61
S2V5 2.17 01
S2V5 2.18 03
S2V5 2.19 18
S2V5 2.20 20
S3V1 3.01 01
S3V1 3.02 03
S3V1 3.03 63
S3V1 3.04 65
S3V2 3.05 01
S3V2 3.06 03
S3V2 3.07 22
S3V3 3.08 01
S3V3 3.09 03
S3V3 3.10 05
[ 02-09-2002: Message edited by: tripps ]