Valdron, re: your idea…

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Valdron, re: your idea…

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  • #37057

    Valdron: I missed you on the Sci-Fi board and am having trouble getting into the Yahoo site, so I hope to catch you here.
    You asked what people thought about creating “new” episodes of Lexx by doing some editing and mixing Lexx scenes with Farscape scenes. I have never watched Farscape, but I remember a similar technique was used to fiddle with some Star Trek episodes and it was quite successful. Before I saw your post I posted that it would be fun to have the Lexx crew take over the Enterprise. Prime Directive? HA! (I’d love to see Stan in the Enterprise driver’s seat). Anyway, it sounds like a fun idea, although you may have to overcome what seems to be a fair amount of Farscape-hating among Lexxians.

    On another note, I really hope you will publish your book on Lexx, authorized or not. You hinted that you might do your own version via a different publisher (or self-publishing?). I hope you do-I know a lot of us would buy it.


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