Virus waring from Lexxathon…

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Virus waring from Lexxathon…

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    Someone has been spoofing the address to send out a macro. It’s not coming from here, as the “request” address isn’t a real address, just an alias from the main mail account to filter out the requests from the web site. Someone tried to send one to Tony, but it got bounced and returned to me. If anyone recieves an email from that address with a script file and an html file, delete it.

    I’ve gotten 4 emails that had this trojen, and I’ve got several threating emails over the SGC4 incendent, so I’ve forwarded all of them to my ISP for them to handle. I know the head of the department, and I have faith in him bouncing this jack ass when he catches him.

    Once again, don’t open them.


    Geez, that wasn’t supposed to sound quite that serious. Everyone go back to having fun now.

    If you want me, I’ll be hiding under my rock again. It’s the one surrounded with claymore mines and razor wither 😉


    It’s a serious business!

    I hope you catch and string up the jackass responcible!


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