What happened to Brian’s website?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx What happened to Brian’s website?

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  • #40423

    Hi all!
    Does anyone know what happened to Brian’s website?:( Not only is it down but it seems that the domain name is up for sale 😡 (?!?). I’ve misplaced Brian’s e-mail address, and I’m not at home to look for it. I know a few of you guys pop in from time to time over at Brian’s so if anyone can or has found out anything it would be appreiciated!!


    Renee .S

    On the Lexxfans board, mmlover found a link that brings up Brian’s message board and then you could find his e-mail from there or just post on the site:


    BK speculated that his .biz domain expired but his message board is on a separate domain and still active.


    The domain does not expire until 2006 per Betterwhois.com. Also the webmaster informs me that is it not being moved to a different hosting company. Of course other words like “Ep!” And “I’d better check and see what is wrong” were also uttered.

    So I imagine that it was a server problem and it will be fixed in a few days.


    Dispite numerous attempts at a convo, cell phone reception problems in Texas and failing batteries in Flordia, I got a bit more info.

    Anyhow, the site was apparently not abandoned, hacked or suspended. I could not get the full story due to the choppy communication problem, but I think what he said was that somewhere in the chain, between his own servers and the site (registar?) a change in protocol was made that should not have affected individual sites, but in some cases it did.

    So it should be back up again soon.


    Thank You thefrey. I am sure there are several worried regulars to Brian’s board, and they will be glad to know this info.

    again thanks: Sam

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