What if Lexx is the first Insect?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx What if Lexx is the first Insect?

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    I just read the post “Earth=Brunnis” and the whole “cycle of time has already restarted” thing and here’s a crazy idea, what if Lexx is the first Insect.

    Think about it. What if in the final episode or two Lexx is given an order to destroy all the humans. Now, if the captain at the time also dies before/while the order is carried out and the key isn’t passed then the Lexx would be left with that final order, destroy all humans. It then just starts wandering the galaxy destroying all humanoid life it can find, trying to finish its final order.

    The only problem is that Lexx would be the only insect. BUT, in season 2 Stanley asked the Lexx why its bridge looked different then before (or a similar question like that, I forget exactly). Lexx responded that it was still growing and changing. What if eventually the Lexx grows to the point were it can reproduce asexually (by its self). Then the Lexx could have all sorts of little insects and teach them to destroy humans. Thus the birth of the insect race. Eventually the Lexx and all its children would run into the Bunnen G, starting the insect war, and the cycle of time would be repeating itself.

    I know, its a crazy idea but I thought I post it and see what everyone thinks.

    [ 22-10-2001: Message edited by: Evil_Dead_999 ]


    Wow!! Not a bad theory, the Brunnen G’s victory over the insect in the great war began in the Dark Universe..they became great warriors…then moved to the Light Universe, where they were destroyed later, (all except Kai of course) and since the earth is in the Dark Universe, perhaps the earth goes supernova or punches a hole in the time-space continuim and sets things in motion for the Brunnen G to be destroyed all over again!!


    Damn! You must be able to read my mind.
    mumble, mumble
    But, hey, great minds think a like. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    That is a very cool theory, and one I have considered myself (though not in much detail). But I think it’s eminently possible….hell, this is Lexx, *anything* is possible!! [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]


    i think that’s a very probable ending! lol! i posted about this subject before, [not here] considering the cycle of time and all.

    i have mixed feelings about the end of lexx, but i have faith they are not only going to surprise us but REALLY affrim some rumors about the cycles of time and where the insects came from.

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