what’s with the bun?

Science Fiction TV Show Guides Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx what’s with the bun?

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    Kai is a cute guy and all, but what is with the bun. They must pay him a lot to wear that. He must get beat up a lot in real life…



    Ummmm…actually, in real life he is a hunk
    and a half…..the ‘bun’ is strictly a wig
    type thing, and woven into his own long
    lovely black locks….and I REALLY..LOVE.It..


    I’ve grown quite fond of the bun of myself. It takes some getting used to, but he just wouldn’t be Kai without it. It was kind of a shame that it has shrunk a bit for season 4. But you can relive all his former bun glory in the wonderful Acorn season 2 releases.


    In retrospect, I think it was the whole wierd Kai “package” that glued me to the screen through my first episode. That ridiculous bun! The pale deadness! He was undeniably and irresistably gorgeous, but *how* could that be?! I was mesmerized, short-circuited, *flummoxed*. Really, a perfect state of mind for Lexxerization! Kai’s bun – essential to the whole Lexx experience.


    Paul: We gotta do something about the pale-faced guy. He looks too much like Data, we’re gonna get our asses sued.

    Lex: Maybe we can give him an Edward Scissorhands haircut.

    Jeff: Okay, if you’re so smart, how are we gonna deal with this robot? The animatronic body still doesn’t work and we’re facing a deadline…


    The bun is cool..but as cool as the long hair in “Wake The Dead”



    Originally posted by siglum:
    i’ll bet that even if kai had been
    completely emptied and ground to a powder &
    spread out through the cosmos, all it would
    take is the addition of a little protoblood
    to some of the dust & kai would reconstitute
    & be up moving around like always.

    Man, siggy, you just stumbled upon an answer here. I was sitting around pondering the “whither Vlad?” question after working on the in-depth piece on Hammer films for Acorn’s website, and this post gelled it all in my mind…In at least one of Christopher Lee’s Dracula flicks done for Hammer Films (I don’t have them handy, and they all run together in my mind after a while), Drac is brought back by having blood dripped upon his ashes (this also happens to Barbara Steele’s vampire/witch character in Mario Bava’s Black Sunday). Something or someone is going to accidentally or purposely expose Vlad’s ashes to protoblood, and she’s going to reanimate. At least that’s my hunch. It’s not based on much except for cinematic vampire tradition and the fact that former British horror starlet Britt Ekland (well, she was in a handful of notable ones, anyway) is going to show up. What would be really interesting, for me anyway, is if she showed up at the festival playing the same (or similar) role that she played in The Wicker Man.

    Sorry, a bit of a rant there…



    Um…Siggy and Aleck…
    There are just as many good de-caf brands
    on the market as the caffienated ones…
    As for the bun, as long as he has more than
    his share (l), I’ll be happy…and he
    has plenty of bun(s)….



    Originally posted by siglum:
    it’s the bun. the bun is
    the source of power for the microscopic bio-
    electronics, and for the brace also (those
    power & control rods only serve to set what
    mode of function kai is operating in b.t.w.)
    protoblood may animate & reconstitute dead
    flesh, like the divine clerics, & even repair
    living tissue, as with the gigashadow, but it
    has never been shown to endow any inorganic
    objects with life what so ever & kai’s been
    decarbonized which means he’s inorganic now.
    yep, it’s that damn bun

    But, um, why did the male characters in the Brigadoom play have buns? Male members of the Brunnin-G had buns as part of their culture? Not that I’m saying you’re wrong or anything, it’s just an observation.

    Princess of Fire



    Originally posted by siglum:
    actually i believe the bun holds the key to
    how the show will end. having noticed that
    as time goes on the bun gets smaller, & i’ve
    come to the conclusion that although the
    protoblood seems to animate kai, it’s the bun
    that gives him his artificial life. remember
    back in “gigashadow” when kai ran out of his
    protoblood he didn’t cease functioning for
    good, only until he recieved more protoblood.
    the idea that vlad could have destroyed kai
    by draining him of all of his protoblood was
    misleading, it would simply have rendered him
    inanimate. i’ll bet that even if kai had been
    completely emptied and ground to a powder &
    spread out through the cosmos, all it would
    take is the addition of a little protoblood
    to some of the dust & kai would reconstitute
    & be up moving around like always. kai isn’t
    destroyed just by the loss of protoblood so
    something else must be behind his seeming
    indestructibility. it’s the bun. the bun is
    the source of power for the microscopic bio-
    electronics, and for the brace also (those
    power & control rods only serve to set what
    mode of function kai is operating in b.t.w.)
    protoblood may animate & reconstitute dead
    flesh, like the divine clerics, & even repair
    living tissue, as with the gigashadow, but it
    has never been shown to endow any inorganic
    objects with life what so ever & kai’s been
    decarbonized which means he’s inorganic now.
    yep, it’s that damn bun. the bio-scholars
    were pretty slick, they knew someone might
    try to destroy an assassin by draining it of
    all protoblood so they secretly hid kai’s
    real source of power in the bun. it’s like an
    artificial soul for kai. think about it, kai
    has been ‘out of whack’ a number of times but
    the worst time was in “wake the dead” when
    the bun was really ‘out of whack’ too & when
    he was revived the bun was all fixed & so was
    kai. i’ll bet that what really happened was
    the kids caused the bun to get out of align-
    ment when they woke kai up the wrong way &
    essentially giving him a ‘bad hair day’ that
    caused him to be so susceptible to murderous
    ideas (it’s not unusual for someone who is
    having a ‘bad hair day’ to occasionally have
    thoughts of killing other people but for the
    most part this only manifests itself as the
    occasional freeway shooting) before kai was
    revived with the protoblood xev and/or stan
    ‘fixed’ the bun thereby realigning it return-
    ing kai to normal function in a scene that
    was probably cut by scifi (those bast*rds).
    the bun is the essence and so it is with the
    bun, so it is with kai. but there’s a problem
    – the bun is not a replinishable resource –
    kai’s hair doesn’t grow & slowly but surely
    the bun is being all used up! when it finally
    goes, so will the last of the brunnen-g. the
    one chance for his continued existance can
    only come in the form of a bio-viser who also
    has a beautician’s license & let me tell you,
    they’re damn difficult to find these days.
    so there you have it, the depletion of the
    bun bringing about kai’s final demise and the
    end of “Lexx”. i hope this spoiler will not
    cause you to avoid watching the rest of the


    [ 05-10-2001: Message edited by: siglum ]

    I *definitely* want one of whatever siggy’s drinking!


    To support siglum’s theory I offer the following:

    Princess of Fire brought up the fact that Kai’s whole culture also wore buns. Indeed they did and if you will remember.. the Brunnen G had discovered the secret to immortality.

    Also.. Poet Man, who was obviously no longer alive when they went to Brunnis, did NOT I repeat NOT have a bun.

    The math here is obvious:

    Bun = power and strength (much like the BowfleX)

    Siglum = drunken genious



    Originally posted by Hollydays:
    Kai is a cute guy and all, but what is with the bun. They must pay him a lot to wear that. He must get beat up a lot in real life…


    You gotta feel more sorry for Vlad! The Marge Simpson of the Divine Order. Do you reckon she has to have a specially shaped front door and an extended bed?

    [ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: JumpingJedi ]


    well, i would say i want some of what siggy and aleck are drinking as well except after this weekend in halifax trying to keep up with the lexx animals in smoking and drinking, my liver is about to secede and my lungs are about to follow…i made a point of watching the bun being constructed one day (invaded McGarbo’s space, but more on that later ) and i pointed out that the bun should be bigger as it appeared…shrivelled…this was greeted with silence by the hairdresser and McGarbo as apparently the hairdresser has been steadily shrinking the bun against MM’s protests…MM gaZ


    McGarbo eh?…As in “I just want to be alone.”…Okay, cough it up, tell us what
    happened, no fair teasing…..


    Thank you..thank you…thank you….!!!
    I imagine there’s been alot of ‘stalking’
    type behaviour where MM is concerned, and
    being that method actor mentality, perhaps
    he likes to keep himself ‘in character’
    before shoots. Or maybe he’s just a grumpy
    smurf….The McGarbo thing..is that what the
    crew call him, or did you hear it from
    someone else..? Hehehe…


    Originally posted by FX – and i pointed out that the bun should be bigger as it appeared…shrivelled…this was greeted with silence by the hairdresser and McGarbo as apparently the hairdresser has been steadily shrinking the bun against MM’s protests

    Yeah, He did say that he prefered the season one and season two bun size. Perhaps he feels if he is going to have to go through all the fuss of wearing one, it should at least be a good one.



    Originally posted by mayaxiong:
    being that method actor mentality, perhaps
    he likes to keep himself ‘in character’
    before shoots. Or maybe he’s just a grumpy
    smurf….The McGarbo thing..is that what the
    crew call him, or did you hear it from
    someone else..? Hehehe…

    you are most welcome, may…i came up with mcgarbo my own self before seeing him based on interviews and snippets of gossip, so in that sense he did not disappoint …the cast and crew had various characterisations varying from ‘so cynical’ to …well, we won’t go there …the hair and makeup crew also had an endearing tidbit to share; apparently our boy is fairly frequently late for makeup/hair call…so they started fining him 20 dollars every time he was late so that finally it got to the point where he was just wandering in and peeling off bills silently for each of the affected staff…i thought that was cute…i will also add that the first scene we saw being shot was the ending of lexx…needless to say i was ready to go home right then in a blue funk…but if i had i would have missed one of the most magical things i have ever witnessed; brian was shooting against green screen and was not letting go the way paul d was asking for…mm came in to give his lines for stan to play against(as opposed to just an empty moth in a studio)…mm started singing the anthem for brian, and in this dark studio full of crew with that a capella voice ringing out i finally ‘got’ what theatre is all about…see, blackie has worked in theatre and knew about that one moment when everything finally falls together and just works, but i am a brainless child of television and film, never liked theatre, so it was an epiphany to finally see what all the fuss is about; i was truly moved…he really is a good actor, and does take his work seriously so i guess you just have to take all the rest with it and be grateful for the result…still think his mama should have beaten him more as a child though



    Originally posted by siglum:
    oh yeah! give already!
    all the little details with pictures and
    diagrams even – hey, i’m not to proud to live

    the first time i saw McGarbo was as we were trotting in opposite directions on the stairs…we did the new york thing were you look and then look away and pretend you are not sharing the same space …he proceeded to give off that ‘i vant to be alone’ schtick for the entire time…that’s okay :i’ve spent years doing the same thing … keeps the bag people away don’t you know…he did come out of his cave at one point while lex was giving us the tour, waited til he had our attention, then asked if we were the web board moderators, said “i’m michael” and shook hands… he made some sort of comment about my grip which was greeted with “yeah, she got me too” by a couple of the other guys, and then talk about kung foo ensued and we eventually wandered off to continue the tour with lex…at any rate, we all made a point of not invading mm or xenia’s space as they were obviously not into it, and xenia was also sick on top of the ridiculously long hours so why torture the girl…it’s just that the standoffishness was more glaring because of the incredible graciousness of everyone else there…anyway, for the record, droolers, he’s my height (5’11” or so), painfully thin,
    green to hazel eyes, with hair about as long as mine (shoulder blades) with a lot of white roots growing through the brown dye…the hair is usually tied up in a bun at the back of his neck when he’s not in costumes, or on one memorable occasion, in little heidi rolls all over his head complete with a stretchy sweat band to keep stray strands out of his face …this is while he was waiting to put THE WIG on, which he understandably puts off as long as possible because it’s pretty well stapled to his head for action scenes…for you boys, xenia is also extremely thin and small,as is bunny, but bunny has the better bum IMHO and you’ll be seeing a lot of it in upcoming eppy’s …xenia’s lips are not quite as prominent in person…brian downey is also extremely thin, and a very sharp dresser as well as being incredibly funny; i mean he has a comeback or smartass comment for every occasion and just starts improvising vignettes that will have you rolling at the least provocation …i did not get to see prince but i talked and smoked way too much
    with Priest…more later kiddies, time to work


    Wow!! I’m impressed….what a wonderful
    story. I’ve always thought Michael was a much
    better actor than they let him be, I’ve seen
    other work of his, and his depth in his
    performances can be truly staggering. I’m
    glad you got to witness it. I know some of
    the fans got to see him live in “Three Days
    of Rain” when it played up there, and were
    blown away. I imagine the whole tv thing is
    getting old now, and he may be antsy to go
    to other things. But the grumpy smurf thing
    still stands…Perhaps you could share some
    gossip ‘offlist’ as it were….
    As for him getting some beatings…a little
    ‘discipline’ never hurt anybody…(quiet you
    worm!) Evil chuckle…..

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