Which Was The Better Star Trek???

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  • This topic has 45 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 21 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #35966

    Okay, I’m interested in knowing who likes what Star Trek the best? For me it’s:
    1. TNG
    2. TOS
    3. DS9
    4. Voyager.
    BTW, what are the Borg?? I know I’ve put TNG first on the list, but I haven’t been able to see anything past Series Two, and I’m curious.
    Also, what’s Enterprise about???? TX.

    [ 14-03-2002: Message edited by: Smartass 2002 ]


    Where do you live? In a number of countries, Star Trek is not as popular as it is in the United States. For example, I encountered one person from Portugal who stated that Space:1999 was far more popular than Star Trek. He said that Trek was “too american”.

    The Borg are an insane race of ski fanatics from Scandinavia.


    1. Star Trek: The Next Generation
    2. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
    3. Star Trek: Voyager
    4. Star Trek (The Original Series)
    5. (Star Trek: ) Enterprise

    [ 14-03-2002: Message edited by: DalekTek790 ]


    1. Star Trek: TOS (seasons 1-2)
    2. Star Trek: TOS (seasons 1-2)
    3. Star Trek: TOS (seasons 1-2)
    4. Star Trek: TOS (seasons 1-2)
    5. Star Trek: TOS (seasons 1-2)



    1) ST:TNG
    =) ST:TOS
    =) ST:VOY
    =) ST S9
    ok, so that doesn’t exactly show a favourite/better show. I simply cannot choose. If you want me to tell you which of the series grabbed my attention the fastest (took 5 minutes to hook me!!), that would be ST:TOS. the others probably took a couple of seasons to grow on me. i’m hanging fire on Enterprise at the minute, though i must admit it’s looking very promising.
    stick ‘star trek’ somewhere in the title, and i’ll watch it…!


    From what i’ve seen in the past there are those out there that refuse to even acknowledge the newer series, and will always say TOS.
    For me it’s TNG, because it successfully kick started it again, and that Picard has been the Captain most admire, Kirk was too much of an Errol Flynn romeo type character, Sisko had a bit of Picards sense of being commanding but was much too strait laced and didn’t pull it off as well, Janeway was too much like a guidance counsellor rather than a Captain, though she did have her moments and it’s too early to make a judgement on Archer.
    Picard had the poise and respect, Patrick Stewart being a trained classical actor managed to carry that over to the audience, he had everything in my book.
    Anyhoo back to which was best:
    I was going too mention DS9, but it doesn’t rate with me at all.


    1) TNG
    2) DS9

    Both TNG & DS9 had original enemies. DS9 had more than a few. The Breen, The Dominion, The Cardassi, ect.

    I see Enterprise following in the same footsteps as Voyager. Bad writing, lame plots, and will eventually use the borg and hotter chicks in tight spandex latter on in the series, not to mention time travel episodes that are cheaply filmed in the backlots of LA.

    Note: Given that transporter technology *still* wasnt goof proof in the future, every other episode of Enterprise should involve yet another transporter accident.



    Originally posted by Evil_Lister:
    I see Enterprise following in the same footsteps as Voyager. Bad writing, lame plots, and will eventually use the borg and hotter chicks in tight spandex latter on in the series, not to mention time travel episodes that are cheaply filmed in the backlots of LA.

    Oh GAWD! You’re right! We should start a betting pool here at SadGeezer! Place bets on “how soon will there be a time travel episode!” *BARF*

    I forgot to list my rankings earlier in this thread:

    1. TOS
    2. ENT
    3. VOY
    4. TNG
    5. DS9

    I liked the old series the best because female officers wore miniskirts! Yowza!


    Deep Space Nine was great until they got into that Dominion stuff. But it could never compare to The Next Generation.

    Enterprise has already done at least one time travel episode.



    Originally posted by Squishy:
    From what i’ve seen in the past there are those out there that refuse to even acknowledge the newer series, and will always say TOS.

    It’s not that I don’t acknowledge the newer series, I just acknowledge that, for the most part, they don’t do anything for me. Picard may have poise, grace, and composure, but he is no fun whatsoever. In fact, even though I’d say it ranks next below TOS (though not close enough to make my top 5), very few members of the TNG cast seem like they’d be the kind of folks that I’d want to hang around with. Worf, I can dig. Maybe a couple of others (but any television program that allows Whoopi Goldberg to find gainful employment loses points immediately). But the primary characters in TNG are so reserved, so stuck-in-the-mud — either that or so freakin’ *annoying* (I mean, really, what was Deanna Troi’s *purpose* other than to tell everyone exactly what they already knew to being with??? “Captain, I’m sensing some hostility from our visitor.” “Really? Would *his hands around my throat* be what tipped you off???”) — that I just don’t get my jollies watching ’em. And while they had some decent writers for the series, the spark of imagination just wasn’t the same. And after Roddenberry’s death, in addition to catering to the self-restrictive set of formulae used to cook up scripts, the writers too often fell into the trap of trying to second-guess what Gene would’ve wanted. Well, Gene didn’t have any *taste* to begin with, and the best episodes of *any* of the series were done mostly *in spite of* the hand of Roddenberry. To try and emulate what he’d want is to try and base one’s ideas on those of someone who really didn’t have that many good ideas to begin with. Like I said, all of the Star Trek series have had decent episodes, but the formula for churning ’em out hadn’t been established for TOS, and there weren’t as many rules and restrictions then. No one really knew what the heck they were doing, so some really great authors and screenwriters were able to sally forth without being hamstringed quite so much.

    And *that* is why I didn’t list anything but TOS. I’ll turn the channel to watch an episode if it’s on at the time, but with any other series in the Trek family, I’ll pass it by any time I’m flipping around.



    Aleck, the statement i made about those who liked the original series and do not recognise the newer ones was not aimed in your direction, but there are many older fans who do feel this is the case.
    As for Picard, again it is down to personal preference, but for the majority of fans he is.
    I’m not one for trying to say something and have you believe it just because it I said it, I can’t really expect you to believe me, but it is a case of me doing the rounds in trek universe and I have picked up a few things along the way.
    And those are that DS9 was not liked, Picard has been the best captain and the Borg the best enemy.
    All I can say is check it out for yourself, but it probably won’t change your opinion or anyone’s else’s here on what the majority feel.You have your own reasons, but I’m happy in this one instance that my feelings towards Trek are shared by the majority.
    We have a lot of clever, witty and intellectual people here who don’t think too highly of Trek, because it’s not the most sophisticated and intelligent programme about, and it will always be classed as a dumbed down franchise.
    I’m more for eye candy and action and great story arcs, so long as the whole thing gels and the writing is ok, then it’s fine with me, I don’t look at programmes that try to be intelligent as I just want to be entertained, as is the case for many…and Trek gives us that.
    And when you look at it that way, then it becomes obvious why your average fan (of which I belong) prefers TNG over DS9 or B5, and likes Picard over the others,I really don’t care for knowing about the pysche of the character and breaking it down…I’m just your average grunt fan…kinda like Saddy.
    On the flip side we have you, DT and Bonnee that look deeper into programmes, and many others who I would describe as an uber fan.
    That’s no disrespect to you or them, but just to say your tastes are somewhat more refined as opposed to mine.
    And your kind of fandom isn’t two a penny in Sci-Fi circles, whereas the grunt fans are a big mass.
    Anyhoo, like I said, I think you’ll find that the ordinary man in the street feels that way also.



    Originally posted by Squishy:
    Aleck, the statement i made about those who liked the original series and do not recognise the newer ones was not aimed in your direction, but there are many older fans who do feel this is the case.

    Oh, hey, no problem. I didn’t take offense at it at all. I just don’t really care for anything in the Trek canon post-TOS (and am not remiss in venting my spleen about certain things…like that whole Counsellor Troi thing…man, I find the whole concept of her character annoying…), and I wouldn’t say that it’s because I look too deeply into the show, or that my tastes are more refined, or anything like that. TOS just, for me, works better than the rest when it comes to gut-level entertainment. I think the writing is, for the most part, sharper and wittier (and not so afraid to be wacky when the times call for wackiness), the predicaments more outlandish and engaging, etc. In fact, the things I like most about TOS are pretty much the same things I like about LEXX, and I see them as basically the same type of show. It’s all down to personal taste, and what one looks for in a series, I suppose, but for me, I’ll take Kirk over Picard any day. Even with…his…unusualwayofspeaking…with its…erratic pauses…while he…tendstorunsomewordstogether…

    Ahhh, the glory that is Shatner.




    Originally posted by Aleck:

    Oh, hey, no problem. I didn’t take offense at it at all. I just don’t really care for anything in the Trek canon post-TOS (and am not remiss in venting my spleen about certain things…like that whole Counsellor Troi thing…man, I find the whole concept of her character annoying…), and I wouldn’t say that it’s because I look too deeply into the show, or that my tastes are more refined, or anything like that. TOS just, for me, works better than the rest when it comes to gut-level entertainment. I think the writing is, for the most part, sharper and wittier (and not so afraid to be wacky when the times call for wackiness), the predicaments more outlandish and engaging, etc. In fact, the things I like most about TOS are pretty much the same things I like about LEXX, and I see them as basically the same type of show. It’s all down to personal taste, and what one looks for in a series, I suppose, but for me, I’ll take Kirk over Picard any day. Even with…his…unusualwayofspeaking…with its…erratic pauses…while he…tendstorunsomewordstogether…

    Ahhh, the glory that is Shatner.


    I actually got a gut instinct that you liked TOS for the same reasons as Lexx, I’m sure there are those that won’t see a similarity between the two…but I can.
    TOS never took itself as seriously as Trek today does, and was very light-hearted in it’s approach, the same as Lexx doesn’t really take itself seriously.
    But even todays Trek is kinda light, compared to the intenseness of programmes like B5 and although I disagree with this, many feel Andromeda is intense.
    I think that’s why Trek has survived so long, o.k it’s neither original or fresh, but it doesn’t burn itself out with it’s writing, the likes of JMS put everything into the likes of B5, and the writers themselves suffer from a burnout, you can’t expect to keep up that level of writing indefinitely.
    And that gives Trek an edge, it will produce shows that can go either way in being good or bad, but they are not exhausting themselves in the process.
    B5 produced consistently, it could never maintain that level forever, the fans probably believed B5 would run forever, but JMS as a human being could only do so much excellent writing before reaching his point.
    Treks quite clever with it, they will mix it up, you go 3 or 4 eps of mediocrity before you get to the good stuff, and then they return to the mediocre, clever because you had stay tuned to wait for it too happen, and that you knew it would…so they just dangled a big carrott in front of you, enticing you into sticking with it.
    And once the best ep has passed, you soon forget the previous three average ones.
    Good recipe to ensure a franchise’s longevity, making you wait to get your fix, so to speak.
    It’s exactly the same with Lexx, but with Lexx it’s more extreme, it goes from dire to average and then outright mind-blowin, but whatever happens you’ll watch.
    B5 was it’s own worst enemy, as the fans then became to expect brilliance every week, any lowering of standards and it wouldn’t be such a legend in Sci-Fi.
    Anyhoo, TOS didn’t do that either, and it died of natural causes, there was no carrott being dangled, so the show lost it’s support eventually, and it was only the fondness of the show that resurrected it for the movies, in the same way Star Wars has come back with a bang, people missed it, and Lucas couldn’t lose, he’s had about 15 years to let it prey on people’s minds, until one day he thinks it’s time to give them what they want, and of course people took to it, it’s a way of reinventing the past, and as so many remember the good ol days when Star Wars was in it’s prime, we all quite happily decided to chase that dangling carrott!!!Berman has made one mistake, he should have let Trek lie for a bit, let people miss it, then bring Enterprise to the fore, I think many would see it in a different light had he done so, so much so, that you would forgive it for anything, because Trek had returned and that’s all that would matter.


    Actually, what it all boils down to is this:

    TOS had Shatner. The Man, The Myth, The Legend.
    Shatner: A Poem

    Captains may come, and Captains may go, but one man looms large over the rest.

    They speak of the hair and its artificiality.
    They speak of the girdle.
    They speak of the stop-and-go delivery.

    These are the quirks of one man.


    Do they speak of the gleaming domes of Picard and Sisko?
    Do they speak of Janeway’s rasp?
    Do they speak of Bakula’s squint?


    Would Patrick Stewart make a movie in Esperanto?


    Leave that to the Shat-man.

    Would Avery Brooks go into battle
    With a Satan in the form of Ernest Borgnine?


    Leave that to the Shat-man.

    When Kate Mulgrew played Kate Columbo,
    Did she ever have to hang from the hood of a car?
    Deal with Adrian Zmed?


    Leave that to the Shat-man.

    Scott Bakula may have leapt into the body of Elvis.
    But did he ever cut an album?
    Have the cajones to lay it on the line,
    And sing, d@mn it, sing?


    Leave that to the Shat-man.

    Shatner, seeing a man on the wing of a plane.
    Taking the advice of a fortune-telling machine.
    Blowing into a small southern town to stir up racial hatred.
    Hosting a beauty contest.
    Looking into the sky and screaming at the top of his lungs —
    His uniform torn,
    His hair mussed,
    Blood dripping from his mouth,


    For the inspiration to Beck’s “Where It’s At” video, and the most mind-melting expression of Shatnerism at its finest (beating out even his rendition of “Mr. Tambourine Man” from, perhaps, the greatest album of all time, The Transformed Man), please click below to view…

    Shatner performs “Rocket Man.” (streaming, real video)



    Wow! I can’t believe I left the forum for a day and got that many posts! Amazing!!


    The Borg are an insane race of ski fanatics from Scandinavia.

    I sincerely doubt that, Flamegrape. I really can’t imagine the Enterprise being attacked by insane fanatical skiers from Scandinavia!!


    Where do you live?

    Albury, in Australia. I get Austar, which is why I know about Star Trek. They don’t have Star Trek on normal TV – or any other sci-fi show, come to that!


    stick ‘star trek’ somewhere in the title, and i’ll watch it…!

    Me too!!!


    I mean, really, what was Deanna Troi’s *purpose* other than to tell everyone exactly what they already knew to being with???

    Yeah, they could have done without her. I didn’t really see her point, either.


    “I sense displeasure in the fans!”

    Oh, come on! I really like Deanna Troi! She was my favorite character on TNG. But, YES, they had serious scripting and plot problems with her character. They should have delved deeper into Betazed culture and the role they play in the Federation. It seemed to me that telepaths couldn’t be trusted.

    Then I saw Babylon 5 and it’s Psi Corp and I thought that JMS did a much better job of addressing the concept of telepaths. Keeping true to my own nature, may favorite character on B5 was Lyta Alexander.

    And yes of course I have both Marina Sirtis’ and Pat Tallman’s autographs!


    Hey, I like Troi! She was just poorly written for in the first season or two.


    Hey smartarse, whats the job situation like in Albury ?
    I am very keen to get out of this hole called Sydney and move to a quieter life. Sydney is no longer a good place to live.

    For me…..
    TNG – Simply put, good captain actor and a big fast ship that blows stuff up.
    DS9 – Better characters
    VOY – Nice ship, woman captain
    TOS – Sentimentality sake
    ENT – Didnt last 2 episodes before reaching for the remote


    i’ve always had a fondness for TOS- i’ve memories of leaping madly up & down, yelling ‘Star Trek’s back!!!’ on finding out it was being shown again when i was little. i had to beg my mum & dad to let me stop up after my bed time to watch it. When TNG came along, i was often heard to say ‘this isn’t any good- bring back the original series!’ now, however i find myself embracing the whole Trek idea. just because.



    Hey smartarse, whats the job situation like in Albury ?

    I have no idea. I’m too busy coping with this School Certificate thing and my martial arts.


    Sydney is no longer a good place to live.

    Yes, I’ve heard that. Mildura is no longer safe to live in, either, according to some people I know from there.
    Ah, if only everyone watched sci-fi, it would solve everyone’s problems!!!!!!



    Enterprise has already done at least one time travel episode.

    Did they shoot it in the backlots of Los Angeles?



    Originally posted by Evil Lister:
    Did they shoot it in the backlots of Los Angeles?

    Actually, the heroes didn’t go back in time, it just involved characters from the 26th century. I’m not sure if that counts as a time travel episode or not.



    Actually, the heroes didn’t go back in time, it just involved characters from the 26th century. I’m not sure if that counts as a time travel episode or not.

    I wouldn’t, if it only involved people from the 26th century and not everyone going back to the 26th century.


    What I mean is what Evil Lister said about the cheap time-travel plot. WHEN is Enterprise going to have a time-travel story that takes place on modern-day Earth? It’s not a question of IF, it’s a question of WHEN. They have already established (in the pilot episode, no less) that there is some sort of “temporal cold war” going on– time-travellers from the 26th century. There is NO QUESTION that they are going to have an episode filmed in some Los Angeles backlot. If not in Los Angeles, then someplace on location somewhere in the world. But the point is that they ARE going to time-travel to the first years of the 21st century, make some tacky jokes about our “crude” culture, etc., etc., ad nauseum. And no, I haven’t been reading any Trek literature or frequenting any Trek bboards. I don’t read spoilers, I just watch whatever new episode airs. The show has become so predictible, right out of the gate!



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    There is NO QUESTION that they are going to have an episode filmed in some Los Angeles backlot. If not in Los Angeles, then someplace on location somewhere in the world. But the point is that they ARE going to time-travel to the first years of the 21st century, make some tacky jokes about our “crude” culture, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

    Isn’t that exactly what Lexx is doing, now? They’re on Earth, not fitting in (especially the emotionless character), and they’re constantly talking about how backwards the culture is. They’re even making frequent references to how the past (modern) Earth is teetering precariously on the edge of destruction, just like the original Star Trek episodes made at the height of 60s nuclear paranoia.

    But at least Lexx hasn’t overdone it as much as Star Trek. All the dumb culture clashes and comic misunderstandings. It’s not funny, it’s just stupid! I don’t get all those other trekkies who lived Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. It’s really simple humor that gets old by about the second scene 20th century Earth. And at least with Lexx there isn’t any apparent time travel, so they don’t have to be careful not to alter the past, and they aren’t having writers cook up a batch of nonexistent laws of physics to get them to the past and back home. You know, if that whole flying around the sun at close range routine is so dangerous, how come the Enterprise crew did it about 3 times and always came out with minimal damage? I could go on and on, but I’ll stop now.


    Well Im probably the *oddest* ST fan out there because Im not really a fan of the ‘ST universe’

    I’ve seen every ep of the original series maybe 5-10 times over my life and every ep of TNG at least once. I’ve never seen Voyager, watched the pilot of DS9, watched the first 2 eps of Enterprise and hated em. Just not my brand of sci-fi. TOS was fantastic because its our(American) Red Dwarf. It was a cardboard set with projector screens acting as star maps. The plots were lame, the lines were lame, but it was great!

    William Shatners acting is atrocious, but its now a staple in American Society. Being a “Ham” is funny, and Kirk was the king of it. There was this one ep where he reads the Constitution or Declaration of Independence forget which, but its the single worst acting scene in the history of TV. It’s hilarious.

    We….the People (clenches fist)



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    Isn’t that exactly what Lexx is doing, now? They’re on Earth, not fitting in (especially the emotionless character), and they’re constantly talking about how backwards the culture is. They’re even making frequent references to how the past (modern) Earth is teetering precariously on the edge of destruction, just like the original Star Trek episodes made at the height of 60s nuclear paranoia.

    Third stone from the sun
    Jimi Hendrix

    Star fleet to scout ship, please give your position. Over.
    I’m in orbit around the third planet from the star called
    the sun. Over.
    You mean its the Earth? Over.
    Positive. It is known to have some form of intelligent species. Over.
    I think we should take a look.
    Strange beautiful grass of green,
    with your majestic silver seas
    Your mysterious mountains I wish to see closer
    May I land my kinky machine?
    Although your world wonders me,
    with your majestic and superior cackling hen
    Your people I do not understand,
    so to you I shall put an end
    And you’ll
    never hear
    surf music again



    What I mean is what Evil Lister said about the cheap time-travel plot. WHEN is Enterprise going to have a time-travel story that takes place on modern-day Earth? It’s not a question of IF, it’s a question of WHEN.

    Yeah thats what i mean. Sorry if I dont come across better. But it does annoy me when each trek series (TOS/TNG/DS9/Voyager) has to create an episode (or two) that involves going back in time to Earth. The Voyager one was the worst. Ed Bagley Jr? Give me a freakin break! Its probable that Jim J Bullock wasnt availble, so they knocked on Ed’s door faking intrest of electric cars.



    Originally posted by Evil_Lister:
    Yeah thats what i mean. Sorry if I dont come across better. But it does annoy me when each trek series (TOS/TNG/DS9/Voyager) has to create an episode (or two) that involves going back in time to Earth. The Voyager one was the worst. Ed Bagley Jr? Give me a freakin break! Its probable that Jim J Bullock wasnt availble, so they knocked on Ed’s door faking intrest of electric cars.

    One thing going for that Voyager two-parter… I think Sarah Silverman is really cute.


    DS9 had the absolute BEST space battles followed by Voyagers “Scorpion pt.s 1 & 2”.Space battle is where it’s at bub.


    B5 has some damned good space battles, too… and I liked the Mantrid drone/790 drone battle in Lexx, too.



    Originally posted by Chameleon:
    B5 has some damned good space battles, too… and I liked the Mantrid drone/790 drone battle in Lexx, too.

    The question was “Which Was The Better STAR TREK”.My thing was space battle and DS9 is king in the ST universe.However,since you brought it up….B5 is the ABSOLUTE best in the space battle subject,both in content and frequency!Just my opinion.


    Ever heard the Star Trek Rhapsody?


    Don’t worry Aleck, you’re not completely alone. TOS is the only trek for me. They just had more of an adventurous spirit than the later stuff. And it was cheesy. I love cheesy.


    I think that TOS is the best Trek for the same reason I like LEXX so much. Simply that it’s innovative and fresh (or it was in the 60’s).

    Most TV sci fi nowadays is based on a formula. Enterprise is a good example. Most of the shows are written to the lowest common denominator and I can’t really dissagree with that approach, (Enterprise for all it’s faults is better than most nonscifi programmes on TV) It’s just rare to find sci fi that’s fresh.


    I’ve never seen Enterprise myself but if it’s based on a formula, how bad is it?


    Okay…in this order…

    1. TOS
    2. TNG
    3. Enterprise
    4. Voyager
    5. DS9

    Favorite movies:

    1. ST 2: Wrath o Khan
    2. First Contact

    the rest kinda blow…


    Enterprise is not that bad , it alright , it as got better as the series as progressed.

    Fav star trek
    1. TNG
    2. Voyager
    3. Origanal
    4. Enterprise
    5. DS9


    I like the original Star Trek series the most, and other than Spock’s oddly irritating (both irritating and odd) performance, my favourite of all Trek’s was probably the pilot The Cage — Christopher Pike was Captain of the Enterprise. Here’s a very interesting take on it: The Cage

    My second favourite episode (mainly because it’s an oddity) is Assignment: Earth. Its main character is Gary Seven — they were planning on making this into a series.

    My favourite of the Star Trek films is also the original: Star Trek the Motion Picture.

    As for Enterprise, well, I think I expressed my feeling quite well here:

    Put the Star Trek Franchise Out of its Misery!



    I wanted to like Enterprise, really. But they kept smacking me in the face with how bad it was. I finally took it off my TiVo after the ep where Archer not only left a hundred or more people to die, he also blew up the station they were trapped in.


    That reminds me. Enterprise is not playing on any TV station where I live. So I don’t know if the second season is any good.



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    That reminds me. Enterprise is not playing on any TV station where I live. So I don’t know if the second season is any good.


    Season 2 is ep 27 and forward. Ep 30 is the one I was complaining about.



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    But the point is that they ARE going to time-travel to the first years of the 21st century, make some tacky jokes about our “crude” culture, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

    There is an ep this season where T’Pol tells a story(!) about her grandmother crashing on Earth in the 1950s and having to integrate into a small town until rescued. Sadly, it was one of the better episodes this season. It could have been better if they had done it like “Northern Exposure” did their “story” shows – have the regular cast members play people in the story. Here, only Jolene Blalock was involved, playing her character’s grandmother.


    TOS was best, the others were tv shows. Only TOS was real. The rest of you are suffering Trek illusions. Remember Chekov and the illusion at Tombstone? The woman was real to him, all else an illusion, so he survived the gunfighter without Vulcan mind meld help. My mind to your mind…keep repeating…

    only Kirk and Spock and Bones and…only they were real…nothing else

    only Kirk and Spock and Bones and Scotty and…
    check out the way cool Captain’s uniform I’m wearing he he he he he


    I thought the best Star Trek was supposed to be Deep Space Babylon 5?

    [this is a joke, btw]


    CTM ๐Ÿ˜€

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