Who would you cast as Number 6 in the Prisoner movie?

Forums British Sci Fi Series The Prisoner Who would you cast as Number 6 in the Prisoner movie?

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    As much as I love The Prisoner, I hate to see them do a movie if they’re going to give this fine bit of classic TV the hack treatment. Now there’s the rumor that the role of Number 6 is being given to some mainstream actor ( I can’t remember his name, Tyrese Gibson, or something like that. ) Although I would probably be disappointed by any actor other than PMcG in the role as he is the definitive Number 6, I thought they might at least try to cast a classically trained actor somewhat worthy of the role. Someone capable of the fiery intensity required.

    To be honest, every name I can think of just doesn’t seem to fit. Most of the actors I can think of are too old to play the role now. With the physical nature of the role, it would have to be someone in fairly good shape, young, but not too young. I believe PMcG was in his early 40’s at the time. It needs a face with character. Ideally, it should be a British actor, or someone who can at least do an excellent British accent. I mean, you wouldn’t have an American James Bond, now would you?

    I think I would rather see an unknown stage actor in the role, someone I don’t already identify with another role.


    [b]Prisoner: The Movie[/b] has certainly gone through a lot of changes since Patrick McGoohan first started working on a script — rejected I might add. Now he doesn’t seem to be involved at all in the process — sad (I remember reading that he’s not interested in being involved at all anymore — he became frustrated with the whole thing). I just can’t imagine The Prisoner without him — not only was he the star, one of the creators, a producer and writer, but he was it’s major visionary. To my mind The Prisoner IS Patrick McGoohan — in fact I think that’s been one of the problems for the producers of the film getting it made. They can’t use him as No. 6, but the fans will have difficulty accepting anyone else in the role.

    I must say I’m very dubious about the veracity of Mr. T. Gibson playing the part. I seem to recollect hearing before that it was going to be Mel Gibson! 🙄 And there have been rumours circulating that it would be that other Aussie superstar Russel Crowe, and a more reliable rumour was that they were considering casting Clive Owen of [b]Croupier[/b] in the part. I could see that. While I would also prefer an English stage actor from the repertory tradition that is not so well known, ‘though I would quite like Rowan Atkinson in full blown Bean in the part. If they’re going to change the lead character at all they might as well change it big time. 😉

    As for an American James Bond, is it true that they considered Tom Cruise?

    Here’s an idea that I think you’d like (in fact I’m very surprised you didn’t suggest it), maybe not a British actor, and maybe not an American, maybe, just maybe, a Canadian! you guessed it, Michael McManus (aka Kai on LEXX) as No. 6, now there’s an idea! He’s the right age, he has the right look, and it wouldn’t even matter if he brought fiery intensity to the part ’cause the ladies would be smouldering enough as it is! 😉 😛


    A movie….. I did not even know about this until I read it here. I guess I must be getting old as I thought The Prisoner was very dated in time even if many of it’s themes were ageless. It seems the Cold War era with it’s spy vs spy, double agents, and disinformation – were a perfect back drop for The Prisoner. “I will not be pushed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered”…..My life is my own” (or something like that – old man’s memory…..) – is very indicative of that time (so old I lived it). The subterfuge, lack of sexuality or emotion that permeates the atmosphere that is the village probably will not play very well to the audience of today. Very much a cerebral thing…..oh why bother….. I will not watch the new movie. Some things should not be messed with.



    Oh…..I forgot. In keeping with the theme of The Prisoner – I bid you all a heartfelt – Be seeing you!



    [quote]. While I would also prefer an English stage actor from the repertory tradition that is not so well known, ‘though I would quite like Rowan Atkinson in full blown Bean in the part. If they’re going to change the lead character at all they might as well change it big time.


    I’m with you on that one Logan. I’m guessing the Bean approach to escape from the Village would be hilarious. I mean, if the man uses an M-80 dropped in a paint can to paint his apartment, you can only imagine what he’d come up with. I’m also thinking of all of those wonderful Bean facial expressions as they try to break him. It would be funny as hell to see them try to get information out of a man that never talks. 😆 I think he’d drive them so crazy that they’d tie him to a Rover and send him back to London.

    Actually, Rowan is such a brilliant actor, I could see him pulling it off as PMcG wrote it, too.

    [quote]As for an American James Bond, is it true that they considered Tom Cruise[/quote]

    * Streudel shivers as a cold, foul, evil wind chills her to the bone* That would be a sign of the Apocolypse, wouldn’t it? Did I just hear hoofbeats? 😈

    [quote]Here’s an idea that I think you’d like (in fact I’m very surprised you didn’t suggest it), maybe not a British actor, and maybe not an American, maybe, just maybe, a Canadian! you guessed it, Michael McManus (aka Kai on LEXX) as No. 6, now there’s an idea! He’s the right age, he has the right look, and it wouldn’t even matter if he brought fiery intensity to the part ’cause the ladies would be smouldering enough as it is! [/quote]

    Who is this Michael McManus fellow you speak of? 😕 ❓ He’s good looking, and he can act too? 😯 I should check him out on Lexx sometime. I rarely watch Lexx, so I never really took much notice of that Kai chap.

    Sorry Logan, smug mode cancelled. 😉 I’m just so proud of myself for resisting the overwhelming urge to shout ” Michael could do it! And he really could use the work! He’ll work for furniture! ” from the rooftops. Heheheh! Besides I had a feeling someone [i]might[/i] just bring him up. Aren’t you proud of me? Maybe there’s hope for me yet…Nah!

    Since you broached the subject, yes, I had actually thought of Michael. He definitely is suited to the role on many levels. But not even he could hope to do better than simply not dishonor the spirit of The Prisoner. Perhaps, if Michael could through some Trek-like time anamoly, go back in time and play the role as PMcG wrote it, and he was of course the age he is now, then I could most definitely see him defining the role. But I absolutely can not see anyone ever following Patrick McGoohan defining the role, no matter how brilliant the performance.

    However, just to play devil’s advocate for a moment, I’ll try to imagine Michael in the role. I can see it now…Number 6MM is running down the beach and encounters the Rover. He picks it up, tilts his head, pouts, and says, ” I seem to remember having a fondness…for balloons. ”

    Alright, I’m going to be serious for a moment. I have two problems with Michael as Number 6.

    1)Although he is classically trained, and he has managed to stifle his Toronto accent to a large degree when he’s speaking softly as Kai usually does, he still has it heavily when he raises his voice. ( Think of what he sounds like when he yells ” STANLEEYY ” ) Now, don’t get me wrong, I think the Canadian accent is adorable. ( We say ” O ” the same way here in Maryland, so I’m not poking fun at his accent ) I’m just saying that Number 6 yells alot, so Michael would need some intensive vocal training to do the British accent convincingly. Or he’d need to have Patrick Stewart be a donor for a vocal cord transplant.

    2) Michael seems fated by the Acting Gods to never appear in a performance sans an atrocious hairdo and wardrobe. I seriously doubt that the Fickle Acting Fates would conspire to leave his weasel wigs behind. And I couldn’t bear the thought of the dapper Number 6 looking like he had roadkill glued to his head.


    Why has nobody yet suggested the stunningly obvious, no… the blindingly smack-you-about-the-face-with-a-smelly-kipper obvious!?

    The best Number 6 has [color=yellow][b]GOT [/b][/color]to be Hugo Weaving! (not because of his cool portrayal of Agent Smith in the Matrix, but because of his best ever role as the Captain of the English Cricket team in an Auzzy/Anglo production of a series called Bodyline. It was a terrific performance and one which makes him jump out as a prospective Number 6.

    I know it’s off topic slightly, but my fave all time TV scene was in that series, The Captain of The English Cricket Team (Weaving) was on his way to see the Australian Captain to complain about unsportsmanlike behaviour on the cricket field (one of the Auzzy players called him a B’astard!). The door was answered by an Auzzy team player who was mildly flabbergasted at the complaint. He turned to his comrades in the room and said those imortal words, [b]”Which one of you bastards called this b’astard a b’astard?” [/b]

    The look on the agrieved Captains face was the epitomy of the frustration, mild comedy, frightening culture differences and tense action that was portrayed by Number 6 in The Prisoner. …. ok, a lose comparison, but still cool. 🙂

    Hugo Weaving for Mayor! (as number 6) 🙂


    As long as it isn’t Tom Green I’m happy. BTW, has anyone heard the rumour that Gary Coleman will be playing No. 6? Well you have now! 😉 😛

    I’ll be interested to see who’ll be playing the other parts too. I do hope, as it was rumoured before, that Patrick McGoohan will be playing No. 2. But, like I mentioned, I’ve also read an interview with him where he indicated that he was so frustrated with the project that he didn’t want to be involved at all.

    Now who would make a good Rover (the sentry in The Prisoner)? It doesn’t have to be a big bouncy ball of course; I’m thinking Kool-Aid Man. Not only does he have the girth, but it would double as a marvelously subtle product placement — hey I’ve seen worse! 😉

    [img]http://www.members.shaw.ca/funky2funky/bouncyBall.jpg[/img] … … [img]http://www.members.shaw.ca/funky2funky/Kool-Aid%20Man.jpg[/img]

    PS. Sad: I can certainly see why he’d complain, calling someone a b-astard is just not cricket at all!

    Good line BTW, “Which one of you bastards called this b’astard a b’astard?” Now that’s what is called a truly [i]wicket[/i] sense of humour! 😉 Please someone [i]bail[/i] me out from these bad puns!


    (MI = mental image)

    😮 😯 😮 😯

    Tick/Mitzi from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert as #6?!?!? NO,NO,NO!!! Must think of Agent Smith……..

    Ahhhh, that’s better.

    #6MM wearing glued-on roadkill while walking (or running) thru the Village????? GAAAKK. (Takes something for the nausea)

    Ahhhhh, that’s better.

    Mr Bean #6?!?!?!?!?

    (Micro faints dead away)

    Ohhhhh, where am I???

    KAI??? Who is Kai??? Even since I saw how much he buffed up for X2, I only have eyes for….. LOGAN!!!! 😛

    (Is Xavier’s School for Gifted Children in THe Village???)


    I would say Ben Browder, but I think people have been torturing him for information without letting him go home for long enough….

    Mr. Bean is actually Number 5 😈 in much the same way as John Drake is Number 6.




    Jeez Logan, I thought your news posting of the new Prisoner movie was just another hoax, you mean it’s for real? 😕

    I don’t see how you could base a new movie on the series except very, very loosely–not only is the show a classic from a very different era, in the invervening years we may have lost the war the Prisoner was fighting anyways. (Except we’re all 9 digit numbers). Look at the Total Information Awareness Project (oops, sorry–Terrorist Information Awareness), complete with supposed software that will recognize us by our walks! Walk this Way and Rover will find you. Of course a good writer could use all that for a nice paranoid nightmare…..I wonder what McGoohan’s script was like.

    I don’t know who I’d want to see in the film. I don’t think somone like T. Gibson (how do you spell his first name?) would work. Maybe I’m doing him a disservice but I think you need someone who can convey real intelligence. I wouldn’t mind Clive Owen, and I think the role would definitely suit McManus. Doesn’t necessarily have to be a British actor if you set it up right–and isn’t Canada still part of the Empire or Commonwealth or whatever?

    Luckily Arnold will be too busy running for Governor to try for the role 😉



    Hi there,
    I too am a fan of the show & I hope they succeed in bringing it back; it would be cool to have Patrick McGoohan playing his role again, but if not, I too would like to see Michael McManus play the role of #6. I think Michael would be a good # 6 & put a different prospective on it. 8) 🙂

    Prisoner Fans Unite,
    Jhevz 😉


    Great points, Elmey!

    I’m an optimist, I think the war and struggle is never-ending ;), and we haven’t completely lost it yet 😀 … maybe … okay, I guess we have, but I’m still an optimist.

    So, and I’m sort of reiterating some of your points, while there’d have to be changes plotwise, the underlying themes remain relevent (or at least people think they are ;)) — especially as so many people are concerned about their freedoms being taken away (not realising they already have been), increased surveillance is such a concern (not realising that…) , and people are still [i]suspicious[/i] of the government (not realising that..). But maybe too many people’s idealism has been replaced with cynicism for it to appeal to the same extent; of course The Prisoner was ultimately very cynical. As McGoohan said a long time ago, “Freedom is a myth”. But shows that deal with one man’s struggle against oppressive authority are still popular today (Matrix etc.)– it’s a genre in itself. But it comes down to the bottom line, if the public buys it (is willing to consume it).

    It would make for an interesting paranoid nightmare, except more people are realising that what they thought was paranoia is in fact a sane realisation of how the world works. 😉 Ah, but I really am an optimist.

    BTW, I think Arnold “The Running Man” S. would be perfect for No. 6! So many attempted escape scenes… But Arnold would probably terminate Rover too quickly for any suspense. Whatever the film, it will be very different.


    [quote=”Jhevz”]Hi there,
    I too am a fan of the show & I hope they succeed in bringing it back; it would be cool to have Patrick McGoohan playing his role again, but if not, I too would like to see Michael McManus play the role of #6. I think Michael would be a good # 6 & put a different prospective on it. 8) 🙂

    Prisoner Fans Unite,
    Jhevz :wink:[/quote]

    Hi Jhevz! 😀

    But what about Kai as No. 6? He’d make mincemeat of Rover, his brace would pop that balloon pretty quick. Hmm, oh wait, [i]the dead do not resign, they just expire[/i]. 😉 But seriously (I say that a lot), yes I do think Mr. McManus would be good in the part. He has qualities (physique and character) that would make him a good No. 6 I think. But what kind of a wacky hairstyle would he bring to the part? 🙂

    [quote=”Pet”]Mr. Bean is actually Number 5 in much the same way as John Drake is Number 6.


    That is so GREAT; you know I’m a huge [i]Black Adder[/i] fan. 😀 I’ve visited that site many times and never noticed it. Two of my favourite shows brought together. Splendid!

    BTW, related, but if you’ve ever seen it (think I mentioned it in the Dr. Who forum before) Rowan A. did a fabulous parody of Dr. Who called [i]Doctor Who: The Curse of Fatal Death[/i].



    I’m an optimist, I think the war and struggle is never-ending ;), and we haven’t completely lost it yet 😀 … maybe … okay, I guess we have, but I’m still an optimist.

    Being too lazy to start a new argument, I thought I’d just come back, dredge up old stuff, and further embroider on my theme:

    Think of the village….and then think of us:
    Are we not ALL wearing the same clothes?
    Are we not ALL listening to the same music?
    Are we not ALL watching the same movies and TV shows?
    Are we not ALL eating the same fast food?

    OK, maybe there’s a bit of hyperbole there, but you see what I’m getting at. How can the Village seem like a threat nowadays? We’ve already accepted it as the natural way to live. [i]Our[/i] idea of “rebellion” is downloading pre-released stuff from the Internet

    I don’t want to go too far with this, there are obviously pockets of discontent and people who are concerned with the erosion of individual freedoms etc., but a new version of [i]The Prisoner[/i] would have to come up with new imagery and a much different approach to get its point across.

    BTW–have you been to Disney World? I swear it’s like being in the Village. It would be the perfect place for a fan convention if you can’t make it to Portmeiron (sp??)



    I hope I never see ‘The Prisoner’ givin the Hollywood treatment. As if I want to see some flavor of the month playing #6. 🙄

    The fact that they are even thinking about this 30+ years after the series just proves Hollywood has not a clue about what the series was about. Hollywood just wants to find the simplest way to shed us from our hard earned money.

    I’ll never see a Prisoner movie, no matter who is in it.


    [quote=”#7″]I hope I never see ‘The Prisoner’ givin the Hollywood treatment. As if I want to see some flavor of the month playing #6. 🙄

    ….And I really don’t want to see a car chase knocking over a fruit cart and a token love interest who is thrown in for no other purpose than to provide a weakness for the hero. I also don’t want to see Kevin Costner, the first rumor. I watched that guy for ten minutes in something and he didn’t change facial expression [i]once![/i] Amazing!

    I think the only way this could be done is if a rabid eccentric millionaire Prisoner fan handed over some money to McGoohan so he could start an Indie film from the ground up in his own image.

    (Did I remember to get my lottery ticket this week?! :D)



    [quote=”elmey”]…Think of the village….and then think of us:
    Are we not ALL wearing the same clothes?
    Are we not ALL listening to the same music?
    Are we not ALL watching the same movies and TV shows?
    Are we not ALL eating the same fast food?[/quote]

    I know I’m wearing my official No. 6 blazer right now with one of those nice straw boaters (hats) while listening to “All You Need is Love” and watching [i]The Prisoner[/i], and eating some drugged fast food (i.e. “speed”) Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating, I’m not taking any speed (maybe I should, I’ve been feeling particularly slow the last few days). 😉

    [quote=”elmey”]OK, maybe there’s a bit of hyperbole there, but you see what I’m getting at. How can the Village seem like a threat nowadays? We’ve already accepted it as the natural way to live. [i]Our[/i] idea of “rebellion” is downloading pre-released stuff from the Internet 🙄

    I don’t want to go too far with this, there are obviously pockets of discontent and people who are concerned with the erosion of individual freedoms etc., but a new version of [i]The Prisoner[/i] would have to come up with new imagery and a much different approach to get its point across.[/quote]

    Yep, points very well taken. I guess I just have very big discontented pockets; must be the over-sized Prisoner blazer (you can buy them at The Village Store in Portmeiron BTW).

    [quote=”Elmey”]BTW–have you been to Disney World? I swear it’s like being in the Village. It would be the perfect place for a fan convention if you can’t make it to Portmeiron[/quote]

    I haven’t been, but I can imagine. I suppose that Mickey Mouse would be Number 1. 😉

    [quote=”#7″]I hope I never see ‘The Prisoner’ givin the Hollywood treatment. As if I want to see some flavor of the month playing #6.

    The fact that they are even thinking about this 30+ years after the series just proves Hollywood has not a clue about what the series was about. Hollywood just wants to find the simplest way to shed us from our hard earned money.

    I’ll never see a Prisoner movie, no matter who is in it.[/quote]

    While I rather ashamedly must admit that I would go see it, I’m not pleased at the prospect. BTW, an excellent and funny film on how Hollywood can take a project and Hollywoodify it is [i]The Player[/i].

    [quote=”Pet”]I think the only way this could be done is if a rabid eccentric millionaire Prisoner fan handed over some money to McGoohan so he could start an Indie film from the ground up in his own image.[/quote]

    [b]Pet[/b], yes! Actually, I’m thinking about making my own very short Prisoner Indie film in stop-motion with dolls, and if I ever get around to it I will stay true to McGoohan’s creative vision. So if there are any rabid eccentric millionaires out there… 😉


    [quote=”Logan”][quote=”elmey”]…Think of the village….and then think of us:
    Are we not ALL wearing the same clothes?
    Are we not ALL listening to the same music?
    Are we not ALL watching the same movies and TV shows?
    Are we not ALL eating the same fast food?[/quote]

    I know I’m wearing my official No. 6 blazer right now with one of those nice straw boaters (hats) while listening to “All You Need is Love” and watching [i]The Prisoner[/i], and eating some drugged fast food (i.e. “speed”) Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating, I’m not taking any speed (maybe I should, I’ve been feeling particularly slow the last few days). 😉

    I’m wearing my piped jacket while listening to “I Helped Patrick McGoohan Escape” coming from the radio in my fridge, watching my video of Dr. Syn, and I never eat fast food. My food stays right where I put it. I don’t know where you’re getting your food, but if it’s fast, you either haven’t cooked it long enough or it’s been in the fridge too long.

    [quote=”Elmey”]BTW–have you been to Disney World? I swear it’s like being in the Village. It would be the perfect place for a fan convention if you can’t make it to Portmeiron[/quote]

    Ha Ha! They actually mention that in one of the books! 😆 I just got to that part last night! It’s also the book with No. 7 in it! (Though a little disappointing in other ways….)

    [b]Pet[/b], yes! Actually, I’m thinking about making my own very short Prisoner Indie film in [i]stop-motion with dolls[/i], and if I ever get around to it I will stay true to McGoohan’s creative vision. So if there are any rabid eccentric millionaires out there… ;)[/quote]



    [b]Please don’t go for supermarionation! They are an abomination! [i]Kill ’em all!!![/i][/b]

    Aaaarrgghhh! 👿 😯 👿 😮 👿



    There’s a chance! Bean Meets Bond!

    Did y’all know about this? I’m a little out of touch now that I don’t watch TV….




    It’s the first step towards Bean as No. 6! I wonder, will Teddy be Number 2?

    Hooray! That looks hilarious! I’d heard a long time ago that they were planning on producing one called [i]A Touch Of Weevil[/i] with Rowan Atkinson, and it seems this is the same movie (guess they thought the lovely Touch of Evil reference would be lost on some people). [i]Bean[/i] looking forward to this one for a long time. Thanks, and I’m sure you noticed Atkinson’s character calling his superior Agent 1 — I wonder what Johnny’s number is? I bet there will be quite a few Prisoner references in the movie (and obviously more Bond ones, did you see Rowan A in Connery’s Never Say Never Again, or have you seen the Barclay’s bankcard commercials with him?)

    “I am not a number, you animal! I am a human Bean.”

    Quote from the trailer: “Remember when I told you the only way you’d become an agent was when all the other agents were dead? … Well, put your clothes on.” 😆


    I almost fell in the floor when I saw the commercial for Johnny English. Apparently, someone else thought Rowan as a British super spy would be hilarious, too. Or Logan won the lottery and decided to finance this project instead of the ” Portmarionation ” project. 😛 Feel free to lob the rotten tomatoes for that unforgivable joke. 😯


    [color=violet]I’ve been seeing the trailers for this movie on TV for a week or two now, and I still practically fall off the couch laughing every time it comes on! This looks like a definite must-see. Maybe I’ll catch it at the drive-in with the ex and kids one night. 😀 [/color]




    *mumbles to self “John Drake covered in honey…. John Drake covered in honey…”*

    *relaxes, calmly rereads post*

    *thinks about Portmarionation”




    *streudel runs up with the smelling salts*

    ” Pet, speak to me…John Drake covered in honey AND pancake syrup…John Drake covered in hot fudge and whipped cream…John Drake covered in sweet and sour sauce, with a side of shrimp fried rice and a pot of oolong tea! ”

    *streudel lifts Pet’s eyelids to show her pictures of John Drake covered in the aforementioned foodstuffs. Still no response*

    ” What have I done? What foul evil did I release when I uttered the incantation ‘Portmarionation’? ”

    *Pet groans at the mention of that evil P word we won’t mention from here on out*

    *a soul chilling wind begins to blow…*

    ” Something wicked this way comes…” 😯


    Ahh! That’s better….

    Actually, the unmentionable word you coined is so cute I might actually manage to watch it, but those things used to give me nightmares. My grandmother had a guestroom with built-in display cases for her doll collection. And when you turned out the lights, the lights in the cases would turn on and you would wake up in the middle of the night and see their earrings moving like they had just stopped whispering to each other….


    I just have a thing about dolls….


    Especially the ones that move on their own….

    *breathes into paper bag*

    Although I will have no problem whatsoever with a Port**** Rover. 😀


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