Why have S4 on Earth?

Science Fiction TV Show Guides Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Why have S4 on Earth?

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    This is in response to Mandara K’s last post on the commonality of using Earth as the ultimate destination of most scifi shows, but it seemed like as good a topic starter as any.
    Why come to Earth? It has been done before, and that’s supposedly “not Lexx.”
    Personally I liked that they went to earth. As a freelance scifi writer, I know how hard it is to create entirely different worlds. They did that in Season 2. And those worlds all had a gimmick. The Beans knew it wouldn’t last.
    So why not have it on Earth? I think Earth is a good place because at the very least people know the region. Familiar dialects can be used, landmarks, etc. Plus it’s less thinking on the part of the audience. Not to detract from them, of course, but just to say that using places people can identify on a map helps people understand the show. This is why all pre Sept. 11th disaster movies were set in New York and not Poughkippsee(sp?).


    I’m convinced that they were really itching to blow up Earth, that’s why they had to send the crew here.

    I’m not saying that totally facetiously–their approach all along has been to blast away at everything within reach, and wreak as much havoc as possible without moralizing or sentimentality. Here’s a bunch of guys who manage to get rid of a whole universe AND of the afterlife without too much handwringing, how could they possibly resist the Earth as a target? And S4 was an opportunity to satirize modern society, popular culture, and whatever else the Beans could find to mock, including a few jabs at the expectations of their own Lexx “cult”. It was too good to resist.

    Satire tends to be hit and miss, but I thought showing the Earth from the point of view of the Lexx crew (who seem to think they’re normal) worked pretty well, and there were enough surprises and odd twists in the stories to keep a “Lexx” feeling in most of the episodes.

    Money and schedule considerations aside, what struck me all along was that this group was making the show they wanted to make and that’s pretty unusual for four seasons of series TV.



    I didn’t like the idea of The Lexx and crew going to Earth…I felt that it was a bit of a cop-out. But then again I didn’t like S3 at the start, either.

    Both turned out pretty well, and since S3 is slowly going to DVD, I am just begining to really appreciate the S3 “universe”.

    As for S4, I felt that it was probably the funniest season of Lexx. My favorite S4 ep has got to be “Game”. But I felt ripped-off somewhat since the finale was just an hour long. They should have let ’em have a two-hour sendoff to really tie a lot of loose ends together.


    Lexx had to address Earth for the mere fact that that is where the audience is. Whether it was as a pristine utopia under attack, a post-apocalyptic nightmare with inhabitants struggling to survive, or a near present-day world with self-destructive forces at play, it was bound to show up some time.

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