Why. oh why, does she love Kai??

Science Fiction TV Show Guides Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Why. oh why, does she love Kai??

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    Why does Xev love Kai? There have been plenty of “hunks” on and off the Lexx…what is it about Kai that she finds so darn attractive…He does’nt bring her flowers or candy or sweet-talk…..He does’nt reciprocate physically…. o.k., I know he provides protection when she really needs it but he does the same for Stan….He is certainly not a “father figure”, is he? He does’nt flirt with her….Maybe it’s just her basic need to belong with someone – to be part of a family – although she does’nt think of him in a “brotherly way”…



    Originally posted by :
    Why does Xev love Kai? There have been plenty of “hunks” on and off the Lexx…what is it about Kai that she finds so darn attractive…He does’nt bring her flowers or candy or sweet-talk…..He does’nt reciprocate physically…. o.k., I know he provides protection when she really needs it but he does the same for Stan….He is certainly not a “father figure”, is he? He does’nt flirt with her….Maybe it’s just her basic need to belong with someone – to be part of a family – although she does’nt think of him in a “brotherly way”…

    If I knew the reason why women are attracted to any particular man, I’d know the meaning of life!


    Because he’s wonderously beatiful? More than any other male in the series.

    To psychobabble about it:

    Kai has never rejected her, while everyone else has.

    She can re-live her past by loving a man who dosen’t return the feeling….and controal her past by loving a man who wouldn’t reject her.

    Re-enacting painful events in order to controal them is common amoung abused children.
    For instance, transforming 790’s personality so that he loves her unconditionally (as she loved her parents) and then drop kicking and abandoning him (as her parents abandoned her, only this time she’s in control and is the one who abandons)

    I’d better stop now, I’m taking this waay to seriously .

    Besides, “The dead do not eat the best chocates and give you the picked-over box”


    Well, my guess is that she loves him for two main reasons:
    1. Her love-slave programming imprinted the desire to please attractive men. You notice she doesn’t go for Stan even though he’s the only live male on the ship.
    2. He’s unbearably beautiful, probably more beautiful than anything she had seen in her prior existense, after all, she was raised in a box..

    She doesn’t reject other attractive males, but they always end up leaving her, either by choice, or because someone kills them, (and sometimes that person is Kai..) And Kai does not abandon her.


    Evidently the Beans believe in love at first sight (re: the passionate gaze she and Kai exchanged on the bridge of the Lexx after Kai got his memories back). It’s just a chemical thing between people, and he may be dead and she may be a cluster lizard, but somehow they just clicked.

    OK, so it’s just a theory, heh.



    Originally posted by mayaxiong:
    She doesn’t reject other attractive males, but they always end up leaving her, either by choice, or because someone kills them, (and sometimes that person is Kai..) And Kai does not abandon her.

    If this were a real person instead of a creation of the Beans, I would buy this argument. The abandonment thing would have left an unholy mark on her. Having someone who does not and will not ever abandon you (like for another sweetie) would be a powerful attraction for her.

    Of course the fact that he is drop dead beautiful (literally) would make an impression on most people, but more so on someone who had never experienced beauty in their surroundings before.



    Originally posted by mayaxiong:
    Well, my guess is that she loves him for two main reasons:
    1. Her love-slave programming imprinted the desire to please attractive men. You notice she doesn’t go for Stan even though he’s the only live male on the ship.
    2. He’s unbearably beautiful, probably more beautiful than anything she had seen in her prior existense, after all, she was raised in a box..

    She doesn’t reject other attractive males, but they always end up leaving her, either by choice, or because someone kills them, (and sometimes that person is Kai..) And Kai does not abandon her.

    I’d have to agree with that. I think the human part of Zev loves Stan because he’s a nice guy, but the love slave part of her lusts after Kai because he’s attractive.

    Her Cluster lizard component may also be attracted to Kai, since it would motivate her to seek out mates with the best inheritable characteristics for offspring, and just by looking I’d guess Kai would have better genes than Stan.

    Heck, maybe the reason she doesn’t go for Stan is because he has the gene for sickle-cell anemia (remember Species II?).


    I’m not sure about the attractive bit. Xev has gone for some pretty unattractive guys in the past. I wouldn’t call any of the monks in Nook hunky. What about the scuzzy Navigator from Love Grows, or Junior from White Trash, or Grizzled Old Codger from Texx-Lexx? Stan may not be Mr. Universe, but he looks damn fine compared to some of Xev’s past picks.

    Kai hasn’t exactly been Mr. Perfect Man, either. He rejected her, and not very kindly, in “Love Grows”. He’s shown 790 more outright affection than he’s shown Xev.

    I like what Hypatia said about Xev trying to control her past, but I think she may also be re-living it by choosing a man who will ultimately reject her because, well, he’s dead and (say it with me) the dead do not (fill in the blank).

    But what the heck, he *is* drop-dead gorgeous.



    Originally posted by Kali:
    Kai hasn’t exactly been Mr. Perfect Man, either. He rejected her, and not very kindly, in “Love Grows”. He’s shown 790 more outright affection than he’s shown Xev.

    Now, I wouldn’t say Kai was unkind in Love Grows. He had a very good reason to reject her. Sex isn’t the same to Kai as it is to Zev, and he explains that to her. She’s was just too immature and horny to accept that. That’s my favorite scene in that (otherwise rather unentertaining) episode. It does a good job of contrasting the characters.

    As I see it, it is to his credit that he rejected her.

    [ 05-11-2001: Message edited by: DalekTek790 ]


    Good topic. IMHO, Xev loves Kai for all of these reasons:
    – She never received the love slave brainwashing (which 790 got in her place) so she is free to fall in love with whomever she pleases, er-um, rather, whoever pleases her.

    – As a survivor of that abusive childhood in a box, she’d probably be inclined to fantasize about heroes, rebels, warriors and rescuers. She wouldn’t have any experience with emotional intimacy, so she’d be most comfortable with men who are emotionally unavailable, but kind and honorable. She identifies with those who’ve suffered, and feels a desire to help.

    – The first man she ever met was Stan. he was cowardly, selfish, whiney, and known as an archtraitor. He represented everything she would *never* want in a man. So she’s never going to love him in *that* way.

    – The second man she met was Thodin. If he’d lived, she would have loved him. He seemed to be everything a woman like Xev could want (and sexy too!). He died though. Crap.

    – Man number 3: Kai. Kai is the tragic hero, romantic warrior, kind and decent man of honor, protector and rescuer, rebel, and gorgeous guy, plus he’s emotionally unavailable. Xev never had a chance.
    OT, btw: (As a survivor of long-term childhood abuse myself, I can vouch for the deadly attraction to that kind of guy.)

    As Xev’s character has grown, I think she could probably be reasonably happy with a decent, hunky guy who loves her. She knows by now it’s useless to pine over Kai.


    “I’d have to agree with that. I think the human part of Zev loves Stan because he’s a nice guy, but the love slave part of her lusts after Kai because he’s attractive.”

    Umm, Stan almost destroyed a planet (twice!) to save his girlfriend, he’s tried to blackmail Xev into sex (Supernova), he’s tried to trick her into sex (Nook), he’s tried to destroy Holland…

    “As I see it, it is to his credit that he rejected her.”

    Uh, did he have a choice? He’s not exactly, ‘functional’.

    I don’t think Kai was being mean, rather ‘tough love’.

    Frey: But the wonderfull thing about Xev is that she ‘exists’, as much as any fictional character can.



    Originally posted by :
    …..Uh, did he have a choice? He’s not exactly, ‘functional’.

    I don’t think Kai was being mean, rather ‘tough love’.

    ….but the wonderfull thing about Xev is that she ‘exists’, as much as any fictional character can.

    Ummmmm, sex is not always about tab A in slot B. If he wanted to, even if it was just to make Xev happy, I am sure that Kai’s memories contain enough information to make use of what he does have, in a convincing manner.

    I agree, with the tough love thing though. In the long run, it was probably in Xev’s best interest that he not encourage her that way.

    Yes, it is wonderful that Xev exists. Perhaps to be clearer I should have said that fictional character choices are driven by the story line. While the writers usually follow a certain character outline, they are not above throwing some strange stuff into the mix as a plot device to get from point A to point B.

    Oh, and the recently mention point A & B are not the same as the eariler mentioned A & B Totally different A’s & B’s I assure you. At least I hope so.



    Originally posted by :
    Umm, Stan almost destroyed a planet (twice!) to save his girlfriend, he’s tried to blackmail Xev into sex (Supernova), he’s tried to trick her into sex (Nook), he’s tried to destroy Holland…

    My point is: she clearly has strong feelings for Stan, but the love slave part of her makes her feel like she should seek the most physically attractive men.

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