Wow, nwmonikr,
That’s great news; I just wish I was in Southern CA during that time. But as I’m not, I’ll call a friend of mine to see if he can get me an autograph; since I don’t live in Southern CA, I’ll have to wait till she comes up here or at a convention that I’m attending in order to meet her.
I feel for you 2; & since CA’s a big state, others might think it’s just Southern CA that’s all of CA. That’s not true; I live in the North-Central part of CA, near Sacramento. The Bay Area (San Francisco, San Jose, etc) is about a 3 hr or so drive from me; & Southern CA (LA, Pasadenda, etc) is about an 8-12 hr drive from where I live. In other words, that part of CA is not close by from where I live; I thought I’d clear that up for folks who don’t live in the state of California.
Xenia Fans Unite,
Jhevz 😉