Yo Way Yo (spoilers)

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Yo Way Yo (spoilers)

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  • #37499

    Well, it turns out Kai was alive all along. It’s revealed that most Divine Assassins were like Drago, they decomposed relatively quickly. That’s why they introduced Drago, to make that point. Of all the Divine Assassins, only Kai kept going and going. That was why the Wozard referred to Kai as a dark legend among Clerics, and why Vlad regarded him as her greatest triumph. Kai had the benefit of Brunnen G immortality, an immortality that was never truly removed, despite the judgement of the Court in Brigadoom. He’s
    always been alive, just trapped in an Autistic fugue.

    It also turns out, much to Xev’s disappointment, that
    he’s gay, something hinted at on and off through the years in various episodes as far back as Lafftrack and Luvliner and most recently Trip.

    Xev’s unstable DNA takes over, and she begins
    reverting back to Cluster Lizard more and more fully.
    Extensive prosthetics were used for her arms and legs to
    show them with cluster shingles. Xev’s personality deteriorates, and she becomes a menace. She murders
    Bunny, fairly graphically onscreen, and Kai has to kill
    her as she eats Bunny. It’s quite graphic actually.

    Stan on the other hand, is shocking. We discover that
    he actually betrayed the heretics and arranged to sell
    the codes to the lexx and the defense screens. He was
    double crossed by the Sub N’s who were prepared to sell
    him back to the heretics, but eventually the heretics were outbid by the Divine Order. The Key is part insect, and
    it’s been eating away at Stan for years. He is now effectively, the new Divine Shadow. The middle part of
    the show is a long drawn out sequence where Kai, having
    had to execute Xev, pursues Stan through the ship
    and Stan manages to fight back pretty effectively,
    ramming Kai with a moth at one point, trapping him in
    the LEXX’s stomach acids at another, and finally expelling
    him into the sun with Prince where they will be trapped until the next cycle of time where they emerge as primordial beings.

    Prince is still the Prince of Evil, and Kai it seems is
    the Avatar of Good. That’s why Water never had a ruler,
    it was supposed to be Kai. There’s a romantic attraction
    hinted at there as they kiss and join forces to stop
    Stan, who is the enemy of the human race. It seems that
    Prince and Kai are creatures of human good and evil, but
    Stan is the insect emissary, bent on destroying humanity.

    Humanity exists only on Earth. The LEXX has actually
    gone back in time to the beginnings of Human Civilization
    in the Dark Zone. It’s pregnant with the beginnings
    of the Insect Civilization. Stan plans to eliminate
    humanity before it can spread, so the Universe can be
    filled with Insects.

    Stan destroys the Lyekka asteroid first, eliminating
    the only other potential threat. There’s a tragic
    scene with a Lyekka sister, and a few pods escape.
    One of these, in the far future will become Stan’s Lyekka.

    Earth is saved, in the end, by Priest, for the smallest
    of reasons. He loved Bunny. At the last minute, he rejects an opportunity to be Stan’s henchman. When he kills Stan, however, the ‘key’ which has finally fully matured into insect essence is released and subdivides, animating all of the larval insect components, eggs of the Gigashadow, that it was carrying in its tail section all along. The final
    scenes are Priest holding his dead Bunny while the LEXX,
    no longer under anyone’s control, is devoured alive by
    the insects gestating within it. Close up of tears in
    his eyes.

    (Or maybe that’s not it at all… [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    The end.



    Originally posted by Valdron:

    (Or maybe that’s not it at all… [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    The end.

    You’re a funny, funny man, there, Den.


    –Aleck ( [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img])


    I mostly lurk here and hardly post, but your “spoilers” have prompted me to say: Brilliant Valdron! Can’t say I’d want it to be that way, but interesting to say the very least. Thanks.

    [ 25-04-2002: Message edited by: Enox ]


    Well that is a truly great ending. Sure beats the demise of the Lone Gunmen. Nice to see Stan finally amounts to something, and that Xev gets in touch with her inner lizzard. Thought that Kai was gay. Maybe it was the hair or that fact he was always well dressed in black. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    And slender, don’t forget he was very slender, and always kept a “neat” cryopod!!



    way to go valdron…having seen the ending, i found myself wishing for your version [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    Don’t forget the girls in bikinis running in at the very end frugging to “Beach Blanket Bingo” at the end. Cameo by Frankie Avalon and the Beach Boys.


    OK, if that’s not it at all, would
    someone be kind enough to post the
    real spoilers, please….PLEASE.



    I tried to prevent myself from reading any spoilers, but please don’t let THAT be how it ends! Stan evil?? Possibly a little deranged, oh I don’t know. I’ll find out on the first of May. EEEk!


    Lier !!!!!!!!!!! I just saw the last episode, and your wayyyyyy off! Nothing you wrote is true! The real ending is the most emotinal and powerful thing I have ever seen. I actually cried in the end, as the brought back to life Kai, sacrifices himself to destroy the astoriod.


    It was a joke. Read the earlier posts. People knew it was a spoof. Frankly, if I’d had access to the final episode, I wouldn’t have written about it before the episode aired. I think that much of the pleasure was simply seeing it blind.


    This episode was great! Not a dull moment, but best of all was the little things, the last minute touches that made me laugh.



    Evil_Lister captured a wonderful homage to When Worlds Collide. (Remember the industrialist at the moment of the truth?) I saw several tributes to the great moments in science fiction history in the finale, albeit with an angle that was pure Lexx. The finale was by giants who “stood on the shoulders of giants.” All, what was your favorite homage?

    mandara k


    Yeah, I got a prob with that rocket pic; my friends. That’s the last vestige of art from humanity; the advertisement of humanity? I say, zip up boys that “Y” chromosome is showing.
    I say they should have cashed in at Salter Street and advertised for Viagra in the rocket; you know the ten gallon drum size for the journey; how else will Longbore ever expect to repopulate humanity? Cripes, Sci-Fi already pushed it. Ah, yes coffee and Viagra to get all parts working in synch in the morning. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

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