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  • in reply to: Hitchhiker´s movie again… #64941

    I don´t know which version it will be based on… they didn´t mention that, it was just a very short message.

    I like the tv-series more than the radio-series, I don´t like the guy who played Ford on radio… Ok, Trillian sucked in the TV-series…but the other actors were real cool, I think.

    But for the movie I hope that it will be based on the books.


    in reply to: Hitchhiker´s movie again… #64905


    I fear this movie will not be made until I am 42… 🙁

    in reply to: Blue biscuits… #59371

    Oh yeah…I am [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    But my patience led to a result…finally! It was the third recipe I tried out, the two before led to green cake.

    It tasted…very interesting…it had a quite strong taste of metal…I think because of the colour. And I felt a bit sick after eating…maybe a bit too much of that colour [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] Normally I am not allergic to food colours…but if had used less, than they would have turned green again…so I put in everything I had…
    I think this cake is better to look at than for eating [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
    But now I am very pleased that it worked and can sleep well again [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    in reply to: Blue biscuits… #59369

    Hm…sorry but I cannot see the slightest shade of violet in these biscuits… Maybe it´s because of my DVD-player…just one in the PC…not the best quality. But anyway…I tried it out now with a recipe with no eggs in it and LOTS of blue colour (I tried another kind of blue colour, this worked better). And it turned blue now! 🙂 …ok, it has still a slight shade of green, but very slight.
    I am working on a new homepage now…I will post a pic of this cake there, when it is finished.


    in reply to: Blue biscuits… #59367

    Yeah, I will see what I can do then…but at first it has to work with the recipes… When they are turning green again I will bite into the kitchen table!!! Promise! [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    in reply to: Blue biscuits… #59365


    Thank you!
    I´ll try both Madeira cake and Angel Food cake and then see which one gives the best result. I would like to post a pic then, if I knew how… If someone could tell me then…


    in reply to: Blue biscuits… #59363


    I got a recipe for Madeira Cake from a friend now…but it contains eggs…that means it will probably turn GREEN again. How did they do that to have them blue? But I´ll try out now with eggs and maybe without and tell you how it worked…(If someone is interested) [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]


    in reply to: Blue biscuits… #59362


    What they mentioned on the DVD is that it was “blue dyed Madeira style cake” whatever that is… I searched the Internet for Madeira cake, but didn´t find anything (Maybe I am too stupid to search?) But if someone has a recipe for that then we´re getting to the point, I think [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] I would be thankful for anything…
    By the way… I don´t know if I used bleached flour, I didn´t check but it was VERY white.
    The recipe from is nice but doesn´t mention how to make the cake that is to be dyed…
    I did not think that it could be so difficult to make blue biscuits *sigh*


    in reply to: Blue biscuits… #59359

    Hm, I used a recipe from scratch with the following ingredients: flour, coconut-fat (which was white, too), sugar, full-white cocos flakes and a full packet of liquid blue colour. The packaging said that it is unhealthy to use more than ONE packet for this amount of ingredients…so I left it with the one packet…
    And what is “Blues Clues” cake??? I have never heard about. (I live in Germany, so… [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
    Any other suggestions? Isn´t there any possibility to get this original recipe somewhere?
    But thank you so far!


    in reply to: Just want to introduce myself… #59353

    Yeah, I know what you mean…
    So, I watched it yesterday and I HOPE that this is now the complete version… When I first saw it as a child on TV it was of course the German version, too… So there is no way for me to compare with anything, you know. But three of the episodes where even LONGER than originally broadcasted (so the packaging stated)…for example Ford´s penguin scene which for the first broadcast was cut out was now in…so I am pretty sure that this DVD is complete…at least I hope so. But there is no way to find out on the one hand and on the other hand I don´t want to spend money on a THIRD edition.
    I think you should buy the UK version you won´t be disappointed! It features many specials like two making offs (together approx. 80 min.), a deleted scene, production notes subtitles, picture gallery etc…. compared to the German version there are dimensions between…

    in reply to: Just want to introduce myself… #59351

    oh, I am very sorry about to hear that… But luckily you were not injured. But this is probably not the best way to start a holiday (if you were here on holiday)…

    By the way, today I received the UK version of the Hitchhiker´s DVD and I will watch it tonight… I spend 40 Euro besides the 32 Euro I spend for the German version already… [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]

    in reply to: A Very Dirty Joke #59615


    in reply to: Just want to introduce myself… #59348

    Yeah, that´s really bad… I spent money on the german version and two weeks later I heard that it is cut… [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img] So I have got to spend more money on the GB version…

    You had a bad weekend? I am sorry about to hear that… Why? What went wrong?

    in reply to: Just want to introduce myself… #59346

    I saw it too long time ago (when I was 5 or 6 years old) but when the DVDs came out I bought them at once! But unfortunately the German version is cut 5 minutes each episode…so I´ve got to buy the GB version when I have enough money. Another very annoying thing about the German version is that the Making of´s don´t have any subtitles or things like that…very good for the people who can´t speak english or not very well… Sometimes I really wonder whats going on in the heads of the people who release films in Germany…

    in reply to: Just want to introduce myself… #59344

    Never heard of Hippenheim, but I know Frankfurt, very nice city, I think. But it´s quite far away from where I live 🙁 about 3 hours by car. The city where I live is called Dormagen, maybe you´ve heard about. It´s the city where the first factory of Bayer Chemicals was build.
    Where do you live in the UK? I was in Exmouth when I was younger, very nice there. Would like to go again sometime.


    in reply to: Just want to introduce myself… #59342

    Lorsch? I don´t know that, but have lots of fun there!

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