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  • in reply to: (SPOILERS) Kobol’s Last Gleaming Pt 2 #73986

    I disagree about the basestar explosion being anticlimactic – this was not deathstar destruction redux, this series is too smart for that. The climax to the Boomer storyline happens when she ventilates Adama. A very cool looking explosion though 🙂

    The real shocker for me is in the gogovernmentakeover. Anything can be done for the next season with any of the sci-fi/fantasy storylines (ala ‘The Search for Spock”) but the coup is human interaction and should have longterm consequnces. This series is good about ‘keeping it real’ with the characters so I wonder how Adama and Roslin will ever get along again.

    Did Adama radically over react with Roslin? I think not:

    She broke both promises to Adama; to leave military matters to him (or at least defer), and to keep his Earth secret.

    She turned his most trusted warrior against him, one that is even quasi-family. Starbuck is also is very senior. Adama would instinctivly see this as a threat to military disipline and thus a threat to humanity as the fleet absolutely depends on the efficient funtioning of the battlestar.

    Roslin sited as the reason for this amazing betrayal as the need to get the ‘Arrow of Apollo’ which Adama sees as reckless fantasy . He may even know that Rosin is taking hallucinogens.

    Roslin commendeered the cylon raider which was the best chance to rescue the downed raptor and it’s crew (including Baltar and the Tyrol). This is direct interference with a critical military rescue.

    Adama is a patriot, but does not see the colonial government as legit. This was set up in the miniseries and had to come to a head. He seems to view the govt. as a usefull indulgence. Fine as long as it doesn’t threaten his authority.

    Roslin for her part misjudged badly in thinking Adama would not react strongly and was bluffing. The guy with all the coercive power and all the presige on the line is NOT bluffing. Just ask Saddam!

    That being said how could Adama order what was sure to be a bloodbath? Roslin, Elosha, Tigh, Apollo were all on Colonial One in a Mexican standoff. Did Adama judge right in thinking Roslin was bluffing or was is just the free-thinking Apollo that prevented mayhem?

    I could go on with the complexity of just this incident. What a cool show!

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