SadCAST: News & Reviews: S01E10

Recorded on Friday 1st September at 11.30 PM GMT Those that took part were SadGeezer, Mike and Newkate and joining via Skype was Hollydays.

Part 1

Part 2


Transformers Details Revealed SCI FI Wire got a rare peek at the production and some spoilers for the film: S P O I L E R S

•The film will offer background about the origin of the war between the Autobots and Decepticons.

•The film is seeking permission to be the first production to film the exterior of the Pentagon since the terrorist attacks of 9-11

•The film will feature a top-secret military unit called Sector 7.

•Voice casting of the Transformer robots is being left until later in the production, except for Peter Cullen, who was previously named to reprise his role as Optimus Prime.

•The movie will use a mix of computer animation and large-scale puppetry to depict the giant robots. Megatron will appear as a plane, not a giant gun, as he did in early versions of the franchise.

•The film’s first full trailer will appear sometime during the holiday season this year.

Overall, director Bay told SCI FI Wire that the movie strives for realism, despite its cartoony origins. “I only wanted to do Transformers if I could do it realistic,” Bay said in an interview. “And from what I’ve seen and what we’ve done with our digital studies, putting it in real-world stuff, that is lots of effects around that are real effects, that’s how we make it realistic.” When Bay got the first call from producer Steven Spielberg, he said, “My first thought was, ‘Nah, I’m not interested.’ And just because I thought, ‘OK, how am I going to do a toy movie?’ And then I realized, when I went to Hasbro, ‘OK, start over and go for a realistic alien-invasion-robot movie on Earth.’ And so, with that thinking in mind, that’s how I went about it.”

Checkout other News & Reviews from Sci Fi SadGeezers:
Battlestar Galactica: Transcripts: S01E01: 33

Most of us thought that this was all hype, but Hollidays explained why she was looking forward to the release.

Death Comes To Galactica Ronald D. Moore, executive producer of SCI FI Channel’s original series Battlestar Galactica, told fans that the upcoming third season of the hit SF series could see some fatalities among the characters. “Oh, there’re some changes in the air,” Moore said at the 64th World Science Fiction Convention, or WorldCon, in Anaheim, Calif., over the weekend. “We’re going to lose some people this year. Not all of our friends are going to make it all the way.” Moore declined to be specific, but said that the show’s writers have finished breaking the story arc for the end of the upcoming third season

American Astronaut Review Checkout Rotten Tomatoes for a mixed bag of reviews. Personally we loved the flm! This is besically a one man show! erm… with other actors. Cory McAbee wrot, starred and directed this absolute nutty film with a budget of less than 2 million. It’s a great antedote to mainstream hollywood and is a shot it the arm for those of us who feel that cinema is too samey. A trailer for the film was shown. It’s a great film! Buy it!

Stargate SG1 CANNED! SCI FI Channel has decided not to renew Stargate SG-1 for an eleventh season. (edit: Ryan; the ratings are down from the last two seasons!) Stargate Atlantis is being renewed for a fourth season, so maybe we’ll get some guest-spots from SG-1 people, but there’s no official word. And, as always, there remains the hope of SG-1 movies.

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