We saw some lovely Trance & Harper development in “Fear and Loathing in the Milky Way” and this episode will delight audiences with insight into the beautiful Beka Valentine.
Read moreWow! What a great episode. The scenes were tight, the acting tighter, and the f/x seamless. The scenes left the usual long set up and were the quick shots needed in an action feature.
Read moreWell, I thought it was a fantastic episode except some of the story lines seemed on familiar territory but there were enough plot twists to make them acceptable.
Read moreIt could have been a whole lot better. A whole lot more plausible. A whole lot more exciting…anyways…
Read moreThis episode was too self-contained. – It wouldn’t matter what season you placed it in, it’s a filler.- Just where the heck is Rev Bem all this time?
Read moreI think it’s really cool to sort of learn more about Trance and her abilities. It was much more interesting to see her being somewhat evil. The professor (cancer man from x-files) was terrific! It was also nice to see non humanoid aliens for... Read more
The visuals were stunningly layered with detail and colour in every shot. The fight scenes were superbly reminiscent of Matrix. Although the parody was there, the story was compelling and gripping. It was also refreshing to see a warship... Read more
Well, one day I would like the writers of this show to come up with plausible excuses as to how our intrepid hero gets onto planets that Andromeda can’t even get near, and I would like to see the Maru pass a safety test, I don’t think that... Read more
Just like our ‘different’ versions of Rommie, the identical Rhades were well differentiated in each scene. A few nitpicks; I was surprised there was no mention of whom Sara married, or how many children she had or the steps she took to... Read more
Watch it only once, unless you want to see the cat suit girl wielding a whip over and over again. Oh no, I probably just made its ratings jump!
Read moreThis was a great episode. I liked the development of Rommie. It was surprising to see how naive she can be in the area of love and how young she is in her personal development
Read moreHmmm…well I think the highlight of the show was seeing another of Trance’s species…other than that there isn’t much to say, except…where the heck did the strong, bum kicking, Beka Valentine disappear to?
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