The Prisoner: Technology: Speedlearn

<>Speedlearn is a revolutionary educational technique involving a combination of courses designed by a mass education computer known as the General and a sublimator which allows transmission of the General’s courses through any form of visual mass communication.Speedlearn

Speedlearn is a revolutionary educational technique involving a combination of courses designed by a mass education computer known as the General and a sublimator which allows transmission of the General’s courses through any form of visual mass communication. The uses for this extend far beyond their original human tests on historical facts. With time it could have been used to impress ideals and values on viewers.

Sublimator Projection Room According to a report by Administration’s Number 12, also a member of the Approval Board, “A miniaturized course is projected through the sublimator at a speed thousands of times faster than the eye can record. [The information] is imposed directly onto the cortex of the brain, and with occasional boosts, is virtually indelible.”

The General Unfortunately, both the General and the Professor who invented it were destroyed in a laboratory accident, and attempts to recreate the process have been unsuccessful.

Speculative scientific aspects of The Prisoner have come from a combination of the television episodes, related comics and novels, and unrelated scientific resources.

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