Babylon 5: Main menu
Babylon 5 is warm in the hearts of all serious sci fi fans. It provided interesting stories, fun and drama at a time when many people were getting a little tired of the standardised formula driven TV sci fi such as Star Trek Next Generation and subsequent spin-offs. The creators developed a large story arc that spanned 4 seasons and a who host of interesting cultures and character that delighted, annoyed and above all, engaged us. The links below provide details of Episodes, character biographies, spaceships and cultures associated with the show – there is even a Babylon 5 Purity Test!
Babylon 5 Crazy CulturesThere is s rich and varied cultural backstory to the saga. Some of the cultures are really odd and this section should help answer a few questions. It is mainly used however, for the race rating which will help you decide of this particular race is worthy of attending one of your parties. Important questions such as humour and dress sense are addressed. |
Spaceships of Babylon 5A guide to the spaceships of Babylon 5 (all the major cultures) and details of their power and how they were used in the saga. |
The Famous Babylon 5 Purity TestSo you think you know about Babylon 5? This will test your knowledge thoroughly – it will also provide you with a Psychometric Test that is so accurate, you can take it with you on a date to show prospective suitors how cool you are! |
Introduction to the guide from 1999By way of a historical reference only, this is the introduction to the SadGeezers Guide to Babylon 5 from 1999 – it was a different era of Sci Fi TV and fan-site reviews. |
Discuss the saga in the Babylon 5 & Crusade Forum
The BABYLON 5 names, characters and everything else associated with the series are the property of J. Michael Straczynski, TNT and Warner Brothers, a division of Time Warner Entertainment Company. All rights reserved.