Nowhere Man: Main Menu
Nowhere Man ran for 25 episodes in 1995/1996 and was never (it seems) seen again (certainly in the USA). This is a very thought provoking and cerebral story. This is not for the average “Entertainment Tonight/Desperate Housewives” TV viewer. The mandate from UPN when the creator, Lawrence Hertzog and then-executive Mike Sullivan sat down to develop the series (or so according to the interview included in the DVD box set) was to create a Prisoner-type show.
For a fuller introduction to the series, checkout the Series Overview by Pet Serano. |
Nowhere Man – Characters and Clues – details of characters from the show |
Nowhere Man – Episodes – A list of reviews of the shows |
Nowhere Man – Science – Mad or otherwise |
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Nowhere Man reviews are © 2004 by Pet Serano.
Not for reproduction without the author’s express permission.
Nowhere Man names, characters and everything else associated with
the series are the property of UPN and Touchstone Pictures.
You can get more information on Nowhere Man at Bruce Greenwood’s Official Site.