Production 8
Direction 9
Characterisation 10
Storyline 10
Acting 10
Fun/Sexy/Cool 9

A heartbreaking episode, magnificently acted by Claudia Christian. The rest of the cast were pretty good too!

Summary 9.3 awesome
Production 0
Direction 0
Characterisation 0
Storyline 0
Acting 0
Fun/Sexy/Cool 0
Summary rating from user's marks. You can set own marks for this article - just click on stars above and press "Accept".
Summary 0.0 terrible

Babylon 5: S04E21: Rising Star

Another terrific episode!

It opens with an ISN report on the final hours of the Clark administration. It shows a picture of a snuffed out Clark in a chair with a sign over him saying ‘Traitor to Earth’. The reporter also says that Sheridan has surrendered to Earth officials and now awaits their judgement for his actions against the "What do we do with him?"Earth administration (???). Then we are introduced to an attractive but very official looking Susanna Luchenko of the Russian Consortium (now Active President) who asks people for calm and assures them that those who committed crimes during Clarks term of office will be prosecuted.

Back on Babylon 5 we see the sad sight of Marcus slumped over Ivanova. Franklin arrives later; he is informed that Marcus is dead and that Ivanova is, in effect, cured. When he sees Ivanova, she is slumped in a corner of the room sobbing her heart out. Claudia’s performance was creditable and very convincing (it’s a great shame she is leaving the show).

Ivanova, in tears, angrily launches into an attack on Marcus, complaining that he should not have killed himself for her, that he shouldn’t have sacrificed himself and that he should not have taken himself from her thereby denying her the opportunity to love him.

Oh great! I’m sure the ghost of Marcus will be consoled by that. She treats him like a dickhead for years knowing full well that he worships the ground that she walks on and only expresses interest in him when he pops his clogs!…….

And I’m afraid that is where the review must end.  The rest of this episode review was destroyed following a server and database crash in 2005.  This is as much as we could recover. There were no copies.

The “Rumors, Bargains and Lies” episode review is © 1999 – 2001 Tony Fawl
and not for reproduction without the authors express permission

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Babylon 5: S04E04: Falling Toward Apotheosis
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The BABYLON 5 names, characters and everything else associated with the series are the property of J. Michael Straczynski, TNT and Warner Brothers, a division of Time Warner Entertainment Company. All rights reserved.

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