Nowhere Man: Science: Observational Cybernetics

A committee of the Organization observes Thomas Veil through the cybernetic eyes of another member.

The Organization readily uses cybernetic implants and other forms of minor bionics.

In this case, Alexander Hale, a member of the Organization, has contacted Tom, gained his trust, and arranged a meeting to find out everything he knows about Hidden Agenda. Unbeknownst to Tom, Hale’s eyes and ears have been replaced with cameras and listening devices, so their entire secret discussion is being broadcast live to a committee.

Who knows how many other people Tom meets are acutally walking recording devices?

Nowhere Man reviews are © 2004 by Pet Serano.
Not for reproduction without the author’s express permission.

Nowhere Man names, characters and everything else associated with the series are the property of UPN and Touchstone Pictures.

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