As you can guess, the cultures of Babylon 5 are rich and varied. Since the story is a bout a specific meeting place for cultures to get a long peacefully, we are able to observe 6 dominant races: Humans, Centauri, Narn, Mimbari but also the Vorlons and arguably the Shadows.
A number of other races make up the League of Non-aligned worlds. this is a group of races that was formed as a result of the Dilgar War which happened 30 years before the Babylon 5 saga starts.
The Shadows
– Sinister & Secretive.
The Shadows are some of the most miss-understood spidery ruthless baddies you have ever seen. I’m sure all they want is to be loved, but unfortunately, everyone hates them. They are all about chaos and progress from destruction and survival of the fittest etc.
Probably the most sanctimonious and arrogant of the Babylon 5 races. Mind you, what should we expect, they are Methane breathers. Oh, and they can kick ass – BIG time. They can be particularly ruthless when they want to make a point. |

Most SadGeezers love the Centauri as though they are brothers (or bald sisters). They have a polite and endearing decadent nature and they can be total gits when required. Their sexuality is both frightening and weird and funny. |
Most SadGeezers love the Centauri as though they are brothers (or bald sisters). They have a polite and endearing decadent nature and they can be total gits when required. Their sexuality is both frightening, weird and funny. |

The Narns are certainly the most entertaining of the Babylon 5 cultures, but they can also be ruthless and sometimes – completely stupid! |
The Drakh
– Nasty Shadow “Shadows”
The Drakh are a mysterious and secretive race that served the Shadows. One look at them and you can see why – The Drakh are pug ugly and very nasty. (Review by Patrick L. Jones) |
These geezers scare the hell out of me. They look as if someone has poured lighter fluid on their heads and set light to it. However, they also have a marvellous ritual called the ‘Day of the Dead’ (which happens at night!). |
The Drazi
– Hermaphrodite thugs.
There is very little about the Drazi that we can like. Their political system is completely bonkers, their bedside manner is scary and their paranoia and willingness to fight is loathsome. But they would sure liven up any party! |
The Gaim
– Quiet Alliance members.
Imagine talking to someone who has a hand sticking out of their nose! How much fun would that be! The Gaim may be a quiet and thoughtful race but their kinky clothing makes you wonder what they would really be like. We only ever see the members of the race ‘genetically modified’ to interact with other cultures. They are most certainly the most unusual of the races reviewed. |
Babylon 5 Discussion Forum
The Culture Reviews are © 1999-2010 Tony Fawl.
Not for reproduction without the authors permission.
The BABYLON 5 names, characters and everything else associated with the series are the property of J. Michael Straczynski, TNT and Warner Brothers,
a division of Time Warner Entertainment Company. All rights reserved.