Lexx.Com board updated!
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- This topic has 139 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 9 months ago by
18th May 2003 at 6:47 pm #66048
ParticipantOk, we’ll wait for Lexx.com. I just realised it’d be a bad idea to post here anyway because we’d only have to transfer them back otherwise we’ll lose our momentum in our race to catch up with the Kai drool. 😉
Ooh! *Agent When goes all wobbly 😯 . A picture of Brian just appeared at the top of the screen *THUD*….. and again *THUD*…. and again *THUD*
No, these conditions aren’t condusive to serious writing 😆
We could bring it back here when (if?) we ever finish it.
(Which begs the question, how can we finish it? Each write alternate words? The responsibility for one person would be awesome. Anyway, don’t want to finish it. Am too busy enjoying the ride.)For those interested the misadventures of Agent When can be found at http://www.planethelen.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/nursewhen.htm
and http://www.telepelwen.com/lexx/ (the latter is more complete)18th May 2003 at 6:52 pm #66049streudel
ParticipantShould we wait and see what happens at Lexx.com? Souds like Fourth is pretty busy at Uni. I’ve really been thrown for a loop here, and I’m not sure what to do. I’d like to keep posting on Lexx.com for those who started reading it over there, and also post it here, if everyone is in agreement.
18th May 2003 at 6:57 pm #66050streudel
ParticipantI’ve got to learn to type faster.
I’ve been thinking about the ending part, too. I think that will require an e-mail conference of some sort. That is too much responsibility for one person. But we’ll burn that bridge when we come to it. I’m still having too much fun on this ride to stop yet, too. My only thought on the end is it should be truly Lexx like. Chaos, and all that, y’know?
18th May 2003 at 7:09 pm #66051nursewhen
Participant[quote=”streudel”]Should we wait and see what happens at Lexx.com? Souds like Fourth is pretty busy at Uni. I’ve really been thrown for a loop here, and I’m not sure what to do. I’d like to keep posting on Lexx.com for those who started reading it over there, and also post it here, if everyone is in agreement.[/quote]
Ooer, I used to be indecisive, but now I’m not so sure. I think what I’d like to do is open up a dedicated thread in the fanfiction area here and post all of our archive into it.
I’d like the posting of the individual chapters to happen on Lexx.com because as you say, that’s where our audience is (and we need to catch up with that Kai thread *pant pant* 😉 ). we can then copy them over and add to the archive over here.If the Lexx.com site doesn’t come back soon though, I’d like to post the chapters here rather than founder through lack of momentum.
Having just looked at the FAQ’s for fiction. We’ve got a problem with the use of real people’s names without permission. Though we weren’t picked up on that over at Lexx.com. What to do?
18th May 2003 at 7:20 pm #66053theFrey
ParticipantNo real way to get around that one except to use stand-in names. Use of real names with out permission gets a bit sticky and is not allowed.
Besides, you do not want to make Flamegrape have to delete another post. 🙂
18th May 2003 at 7:20 pm #66054nursewhen
The whole thing happened by accident. We weren’t planning on doing fan fiction.18th May 2003 at 7:28 pm #66055theFrey
ParticipantSorry Nursewhen, but that is a board rule, and can’t be changed.
18th May 2003 at 7:30 pm #66056nursewhen
ParticipantNo, that’s Ok, I wasn’t complaining. I fully understand and you’ve given me the answer I was expecting.
Do I need to take the links off my signature?
18th May 2003 at 7:34 pm #66057theFrey
ParticipantCool, 😀 good luck on your endevors.
No, they are fine. 🙂
18th May 2003 at 7:37 pm #66058nursewhen
18th May 2003 at 7:48 pm #66059streudel
ParticipantAlot of boards have that rule concerning real names. Our story falls into this weird realm with the characters having taken the identities of the actors that play them. But I can see why the rule is necessary.
We’ll figure something out, I’m sure. Nursewhen, I’ll be e-mailing you that last chapter as soon as I leave here.
18th May 2003 at 9:11 pm #66060purple_unicorn
Participant[color=violet]Yep! You can tell the Lexx.commers are here! This thread went from 2 pages to 5 just since this morning!
Hi everybody!!!
[i]*runs around hugging and patting everyone not quick enough to dodge her*[/i]
Emoticons for everyone! 😀 😛 🙄 😉Boy oh boy, I’m glad Sad’s is so hospitable. I’m really having a major case of withdrawal from the bored. I’ve just been wandering around the internet like a lost puppy looking for a pat and a treat or two since Friday. The crew here at Sad’s have been very obliging in making the lost puppy feel wanted and loved, and for that I’m ever so grateful!
I’m [i]really[/i] having some major withdrawal from the Stanfic thread, though. I can’t wait to read the next chapters. I’m not sure if it was Streudel or Nursewhen who suggested it, but I’m in complete agreement with posting the chapters somewhere if the bored doesn’t come back to life soon. I’d hate to see this great creative endeavor lose its momentum![/color]
18th May 2003 at 9:21 pm #66061streudel
ParticipantHuggles! I’ve been a bit like a lost puppy myself. And the fic withdrawal is killing me, too. They say revenge is a dish best served cold, but waiting to avenge the untimely demise of my inflatable Mikey is driving me nuts!. I have such plans for the Perfidious One…Muahahahaha!!!! Perhaps another stinkbomb is in order…Hmmmm.
I will begin trolling the internet for places to post just in case. We will finish this story somehow or another. 😀
18th May 2003 at 9:29 pm #66062purple_unicorn
Participant[color=violet]Oh, yes! The perfidious Fourth definitely must suffer horribly for the horror he inflicted on that poor, defenseless inflatable companion!
Maybe you could take away his little red hat, and set him adrift in a decrepit old Russian satellite with no one but the Kai-obsessed 790 for company and spam and stale water to sustain him? Just a thought…… 😈 [/color]
18th May 2003 at 9:54 pm #66063streudel
ParticipantIts a good thing he killed MY doll and not yours! Spam is a fate far worse than death! 😉 And I do agree this one ” merits punishment beyond death “. I’m tapping into “Her Divine Streudel” mode as we speak. The last thing the Perfidious one needed was time for me to stew over this one. Muahaahahaha!
18th May 2003 at 10:41 pm #66064nursewhen
ParticipantHi there! Oh No! It’s happening again ! 😯 ..*THUD*…..*THUD*…*THUD*
(NO, must scroll down, must scroll down)All is not lost, I’ve had an e-mail from TheFrey and he’s suggested some stunt double names and to be honest, they’re not all that far removed from reality (Specially since I spend most of my time referring to Brain before I go back and check spellings.)
So I think a quick search and replace and a check from the moderators and we may be able to surge ahead. 😀
So I suggest we spend a blissful day or so playing with names.
Here’s the suggestions
Brain Boney
Marky McMarvelous
Zandra SeeweedHere’s my suggestions
Bryn Upsey
Xavia Iceberg
Marcus McMikus
Jim Hattersfield(have we taken anybody else’s name in vain?)
18th May 2003 at 10:54 pm #66065theFrey
ParticipanttheFrey is happy SHE could be of service. 😀 Changing Names into some close Nickname is a time honored trick of Satire.
Now just make sure no other guidelines are bent or broken and we will all be happy campers. 😀
18th May 2003 at 11:05 pm #66066nursewhen
Participant[quote=”thefrey”]theFrey is happy SHE could be of service. 😀 [/quote]
😳 I do beg your pardon. 😳
(Damn but these boards are confusing)19th May 2003 at 12:56 am #66067streudel
ParticipantI have a feeling I’d still get us sued. I mean, when I think of the things I could do with a name like McManus… 😉 and I don’t think Brian ” Goin’ ” Downey would cut it, either. 😯
19th May 2003 at 1:02 am #66068Meep
Participant[color=red] 2 days and counting [/color] 😥 [color=#444444][/color]
2 days I can barely take, but after 72 hours of no lexx forums I will turn evil 👿
If you haven’t already, check out stan’s station at http://www.sadgeezer.com/lexx/interviews/brian-01.htm19th May 2003 at 1:28 am #66069streudel
ParticipantI, too, am 1 day away from getting chased by the little guys in white coats…well, they’ve actually been chasing me with a butterfly net for years. But, yeah, this is really beginning to get to me, too. 😥
Thanks for the link, I’m gonna go check it out now. Stiff upper lip and all that. We’ll get through this together.
19th May 2003 at 1:47 am #66070Anonymous
GuestJeez guys, if it’s that bad, start reading old threads 😀
Plenty of ?Zev or Xev? threads here too 😉Somehow new software installation always takes longer than advertised.
Frey’s suggestions for how to do the names is excellent. I was gonna tell you to go the “Prisoner” route and have them all numbered but it just wouldn’t be the same.
19th May 2003 at 1:56 am #66071fourthof5
ParticipantI just realised that nursewhens avatar is… well… a nurse.
Take all the time ya need, coz this time round fourth is going to come out on top Muwahahahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaa
19th May 2003 at 2:11 am #66073gela
Participant[color=violet][/color]oh well, what do I read here… ;). just away from lurking for a while, then online again, and who is here?? the “do women find stan sexy” crew ;)). heyas everyone!! hehehe…. I really missed the ppl from lexx.com… I hope our board will be back soon. I’m sure it’ll be nicer than ever 🙂
hope to talk to you all soon again…
gela 🙂
p.s. nursewhen, your cds are ready!
19th May 2003 at 2:45 am #66074streudel
ParticipantHi Gela!
Good to see you here. How are you doing?
Take all the time ya need, coz this time round fourth is going to come out on top Muwahahahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaa [/quote]
Never underestimate the power of Acme, defender of truth, justice, and inflatable sex toys everywhere. Do you not know my top agent has the [i]gift [/i] for writing cartoon violence? Does not the expression ” Anvil Chorus ” strike fear in your perfidious heart? When we get back to our story, bring an umbrella. Muahahahaha!
19th May 2003 at 3:16 am #62537Anonymous
InactiveWelcome to all the new sadgeezers!
Hi Gela, Doc_E, Fourthoffive, Meep, Nursewhen, Purple_Unicorn, and Streudel — while you’re no doubt missing lexx.com, I hope you’re ALL enjoying this little slice of sci-fi heaven (sadgeezer.com) and will continue to contribute here. This site and the forums IMHO are way too good to just be a waystation. In my travels I’ve found this to be one of the best sci-fi sites around, and the sadgeezer members, while generally not such prodigious posters as those at lexx.com, are some of the best people around. So, explore the site, get adventurous with the threads you post in, or just relax, kick back and then enjoy everything this site has to offer — you can even have a virtual beer in [color=orange]The Pub[/color]. Cheers.
BTW, as a sci-fi buff one of the things I really love about this site, and one won’t find to quite the same extent at more single-mindedly dedicated boards such as LittleHouseOnThePrairie.com, is that I get to meet other people with other sci-fi interests than myself that I wouldn’t normally meet since this site has so many different forums. Of course we always find common ground. For intance, I probably wouldn’t normally meet many hardore [b]Tripping the Rift[/b] or [b]Aeon Flux[/b] fans like in those forums at sadgeezer.com — okay, even in those forums I don’t exactly come across a lot of fans of those shows; bad example. I wouldn’t normally meet and chat with several (more than one) [b]Andromeda[/b] fans all at the same board, not that I visit those forums much, but I meet them in [i]The Pub[/i] forum, [i]Laughterhouse 5[/i], or my personal favourite forum here, [i]General TV Sci Fi Stuff[/i].
From a proud sadgeezer, lexx.commer, and Lexxian,
Logan/FunkETP.S. I first started posting at this board in a thread about Lexx.com too. I’ve always been meaning to start a sadgeezer.com thread over at lexx.com. Anyway, welcome all, and remember to have fun!
P.P.S. I’m also very slightly anxious about the lexx site, not quite missing it yet ’cause I’ve left it, and this site too, for many weeks at a time before, but as Streudel said, it does have a silver-lining. You’re getting the chance to become acquainted, and get involved with other lexxians on the net.
19th May 2003 at 3:33 am #66075fourthof5
Participant[quote=”streudel”]Hi Gela!
Good to see you here. How are you doing?
Take all the time ya need, coz this time round fourth is going to come out on top Muwahahahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaa [/quote]
Never underestimate the power of Acme, defender of truth, justice, and inflatable sex toys everywhere. Do you not know my top agent has the [i]gift [/i] for writing cartoon violence? Does not the expression ” Anvil Chorus ” strike fear in your perfidious heart? When we get back to our story, bring an umbrella. Muahahahaha![/quote]
I am starting to feel like Wyle E Coyote 🙂
19th May 2003 at 3:36 am #66076fourthof5
ParticipantGela. I have been to the bank and it looks like to will be quite easy to send a check to you. It will be a bank check so its not going to bounce at all.
Will email you in a day or two with all the details. Once the check is on the way it will be at your place within 72 hours.
19th May 2003 at 4:07 am #66077streudel
ParticipantI am enjoying myself here. There’s so much to look at, it’s taking me a while to check everything out. I plan to check out the other forums, too. I have always been a huge sci fi fan, so I will definitely be here even when I’m back at Lexx.com.
I think I’ve become hooked enough on chatting with others about Lexx that just one board isn’t enough to get my fix. I think I will be making the rounds from here on out.
19th May 2003 at 4:17 am #66078streudel
Participant[quote]I am starting to feel like Wyle E Coyote [/quote]
And that’s why you’re so damn entertaining! I love Wyle E. Coyote. Not as if you couldn’t already tell. Combining two of the most ridiculous TV Shows I’ve ever watched into one story has been a real blast for me. Your character has been such killer comic relief. I have to ask, do you do a Foghorn Leghorn impression too? 🙂
19th May 2003 at 5:19 am #66079gela
Participant[quote=”fourthof5″]Gela. I have been to the bank and it looks like to will be quite easy to send a check to you. It will be a bank check so its not going to bounce at all.
Will email you in a day or two with all the details. Once the check is on the way it will be at your place within 72 hours.[/quote]
[color=violet][/color]hi fourth/nigel,
thanks for your post :). well I’m happy to hear from you again, just send me an email if you know more. I think a bank check will be ok, I hope I don’t loose any money when I pay in the check….it should at least cover the costs for buying the cds and shipping :). I will send you a mail back if I can tell you exactly the costs for postage. I’ll know that this afternoon! please don’t send me anything before that…thanks 🙂many greetings from
gela19th May 2003 at 5:23 am #66080gela
Participanthi logan/funkET 🙂
thanks for your nice words! unfortunately I have to keep this short because I’m at work…I can only tell you that I am and have been for a long time (before I signed in) a lurker at sadgeezer.com but I don’t feel very familiar with this board…and I’ll definitely go back to my “home” lexx.com as soon as it’s online again :).
gela 🙂
19th May 2003 at 5:26 am #66081gela
Participant[quote=”streudel”]Hi Gela!
Good to see you here. How are you doing?
hi streudel,
thanks for asking, I’m ok, just missing the lexx.com board. thanks for your email, I’m glad you got the letter.
gela19th May 2003 at 7:26 am #66082nursewhen
ParticipantHi Gela, Good to see you 😀
Thanks for doing those CDs. I see you’ve been busy with 4th too. What a star you are! I like it over here, but am looking forward to going home. Lexx.com is a technophobes paradise. I like stuff simple and old fashioned.Hi Funket, thanks for the welcome, it’s good to see so many friendly faces over here.
Meep, thanks for the link, I like that one.
My favourite is this one http://www.angelfire.com/weird/RingaSunn/BrianChat2.html
It all went bad and he had to get strict with them GGRRRR. And the chat kept being interrupted because he was PHONING them. What a guy!Well If people are happy about the assumed names, (Actually, I’d like to switch to Bryn Dempsey so I don’t have to change all those initials we used). I could see about putting a thread together for our marathon. Agreed?
Hi also to Purple_Unicorn and anybody else I’ve missed.
😀Oh and 4th, 10 out of ten for observation, yes, my avatar is indeed a nurse. 😉
19th May 2003 at 9:22 am #66084fourthof5
Participant[quote=”gela”][quote=”fourthof5″]Gela. I have been to the bank and it looks like to will be quite easy to send a check to you. It will be a bank check so its not going to bounce at all.
Will email you in a day or two with all the details. Once the check is on the way it will be at your place within 72 hours.[/quote]
[color=violet][/color]hi fourth/nigel,
thanks for your post :). well I’m happy to hear from you again, just send me an email if you know more. I think a bank check will be ok, I hope I don’t loose any money when I pay in the check….it should at least cover the costs for buying the cds and shipping :). I will send you a mail back if I can tell you exactly the costs for postage. I’ll know that this afternoon! please don’t send me anything before that…thanks 🙂many greetings from
You will not lose any money, the check will be in Euro dollars (or Deuchmarks if you prefer) The cost of converstion is at my end.
19th May 2003 at 9:33 am #66085fourthof5
Participant[u]Altered names[/u] :
[b]Micheal McMannors
Xena seabird
Bryn Drowny
Heva Haveaman[/b]
19th May 2003 at 10:34 am #66087theFrey
Participant[quote=”fourthof5″][u]Altered names[/u] :
[b]Micheal McMannors
Xena seabird
Bryn Drowny
Heva Haveaman[/b][/quote]
Hummm, don’t thinks so. While misspelled some of those like Micheal and Xena are still pronounced like the actual names of people. In fact those and Drowny are common mis-spellings of the real names. 😀
19th May 2003 at 10:42 am #66088nursewhen
Participant[quote=”fourthof5″][u]Altered names[/u] :
[b]Micheal McMannors
Xena seabird
Bryn Drowny
Heva Haveaman[/b][/quote]
I like [b]Bryn Drowny[/b].
How about [b]Xavia Seabird[/b]?
I think Micheal is a bit too close to reality [b]Marcus McMannors[/b]?
Heva Haveaman (Yes, Fourth, I can see where you’re coming fom 😉 ) [b]Heather Haveaman[/b]?I have a feeling this could take days 😀
19th May 2003 at 10:47 am #66089nursewhen
ParticipantThanks theFrey,
So how about
Bryn Dempsey
Marcus McMannors
Xavia Seabird
Heather Haveaman and
Jim Hattersfieldpass muster?
19th May 2003 at 10:48 am #66090theFrey
ParticipantI did think Haveaman was a cute pun, and cute puns are if not the soul of satire, then at least the spice of it. 😀
The other names certainly are different enough. 😀 Now does the rest of the story pass the guidelines? ;D
19th May 2003 at 11:09 am #66091nursewhen
Participant[quote=”thefrey”]The other names certainly are different enough. 😀 Now does the rest of the story pass the guidelines? ;D[/quote]
Thanks, thefrey. I’m quite confident about the rest of the story. The sex hasn’t gone beyond a kiss and a hug (well apart from Fourth nearly being raped by a 5ft tall rabbit, but we rescued him in time)and the violence usually involves acme ejector seats, guns that squirt chocolate sauce and being stink bombed.I think that’s probably given you a flavour for the mood of the story. 😉
19th May 2003 at 11:11 am #66092fourthof5
ParticipantByron Frauny — Stan
Shesa Havaman — Zev
Seena Freebird — Xev
Geoff Herchild — 790
Bigel Ne’nett — Prince
Mick Mach — Kai
19th May 2003 at 11:16 am #66093nursewhen
ParticipantOh not again 😯 Thud… thud…Thud.
Ooh Byron! I like that!
Hmm, no, I think I see him more as a Bryn than a poet.
19th May 2003 at 2:41 pm #66096Anonymous
Guest[quote=”nursewhen”]….The sex hasn’t gone beyond a kiss and a hug (well apart from Fourth nearly being raped by a 5ft tall rabbit, but we rescued him in time)and the violence usually involves acme ejector seats, guns that squirt chocolate sauce and being stink bombed.
I think that’s probably given you a flavour for the mood of the story. :wink:[/quote]
Sounds like a BLAST! Can’t wait to read it 😀
19th May 2003 at 3:01 pm #66097purple_unicorn
Participant[color=violet]Speaking as one who has been following this little adventure from its somewhat accidental beginning, make sure you have a box of kleenex handy and a super-absorbent Depends on when you sit down to read it. You’ll need both because this little piece of comedic genius will have you laughing so hard you’ll be snotting yourself and suffer a total loss of bladder control in the process! Might not be a bad idea to put some sort of protective plastic cover over your computer, as well. 😈
In a nutshell, it’s Wyle E. Coyote meets Lexx. 😉
I personally think the Beans would be flattered and honored by this humble little fanfic.[/color]
19th May 2003 at 3:31 pm #66100nursewhen
ParticipantThank you Purple Unicorn, we’ve appreciated your support, laughter, sprays of coffee and falling from chairs throughout. 😉
Thanks SadGeezer, once we’ve agreed on the names, I’ll get it loaded up in the fan fic forum. I hope you’ll enjoy it too.
😀19th May 2003 at 3:50 pm #66102fourthof5
In a nutshell, it’s Wyle E. Coyote meets Lexx. 😉
I personally think the Beans would be flattered and honored by this humble little fanfic.[/color][/quote]
Hmmmmmmmmm I wonder who Wyle E. is 😆
19th May 2003 at 4:39 pm #66103uber_vixen
ParticipantArgh, argh, argh and argh again!
Nursewhen and I have been in email contact for a day or so now, and I had been complaining about how the Sad Board hates me and wasn’t sending me a confirmation email. This will just go to show how computer illiterate I am.My story:
When I started posting on the Lexx.com board last month, I knew I’d registered a few months ago, and had them send me my forgotten password. And then I got called a n00b by someone cause I’d posted about 3 times. They replied afterwards with a strange comment with a date and how I was still a n00b to them. I had no idea what they were talking about. And one night I got bored (as per usual) and went to see who the first person to register for the board was. And there was my name at number 6. 6th to join and no idea! I still can’t remember registering…
And now with my strange issues with the board, I tried to register again, but my email was already being used. I thought that was strange and said I’d investigate further later, and so I went to check the member list.
**I Am So Slow**
uber_vixen joined 04 Jan 2001… 😯
I *dont* remember registering… I’m on the first page too…
I must be some sort of BB-registering slut with amnesia. 🙁But now I’m here! Embarassed as usual and ready to have some Stan/Prince/Kai/Whoever lovin’ fun. 😀
19th May 2003 at 4:48 pm #66104fourthof5
ParticipantUber. Ya make it.
19th May 2003 at 4:57 pm #66105uber_vixen
Participant[quote=”fourthof5″]Uber. Ya make it.[/quote]
Hi fourth. 🙂 Hola peoples, one and all!
/me arghs again!
Sad’s hates me, it really does…
*Points to absent avatar* -
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