What was that THING???

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    I think that thing has somthing to do with that little clip in the begining (the one with Marconi). Maybe Marconi woke up some survivor of the insect wars?! P.S, Did anyone notice the way they spoofed Contact (1997) or am I imagining things? P.P.S: When Ifind myself in a moral crisis, I ask “What would Xev do?”



    Originally posted by Hypatia:
    I think that thing has somthing to do with that little clip in the begining (the one with Marconi).

    Those things on its surface looked like antennae, maybe it’s a radio thing.

    Of course, Marconi’s signal would not have the energy to exit the Earth’s magnetosphere. And even if it did, it would take the signal over a million years travelling at light speed to reach where the asteroid (?) was. Then again, it may be symbolic.


    Maybe Marconi woke up some survivor of the insect wars.

    You’re forgetting-that was before the Insect Wars.

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    You’re forgetting-that was before the Insect Wars.

    How was Marconi before the insect wars? The insect wars had to have taken place over 6,000 years ago, and Season 4 takes place in our near future. Are you saying that the insect wars took place somewhere around 1950?




    Originally posted by Hypatia:
    I think that thing has somthing to do with that little clip in the begining (the one with Marconi). Maybe Marconi woke up some survivor of the insect wars?! P.S, Did anyone notice the way they spoofed Contact (1997) or am I imagining things? P.P.S: When Ifind myself in a moral crisis, I ask “What would Xev do?”

    I have a similar phillosophy, W.W.S.D “What Would Stan Do?”


    “Of course, Marconi’s signal would not have the energy to exit the Earth’s magnetosphere. And even if it did, it would take the signal over a million years travelling at light speed to reach where the asteroid”. Originally posted by DalekTek790
    Ok an electromagnetic signal can travel at 186,000 miles per second. Calculating how far it would have been in minutes, then hours, then with in a year and finally with in 100 years you get a total distance of 586,569,600,000,000 billion miles by the time it leaves the year 1901 and is picked up by that “thing” in the year 2001.

    Ok so I may be no astronomer but I think its safe to say that what ever “it” is it is well outside our own milky way galaxy. 586 billion miles makes that a pretty safe bet.
    Ok and as for it not haveing enough energy to leave the earth. That may be true, I can’t really say.


    [This message has been edited by Slopmaster (edited July 20, 2001).]


    Ok where are the fact checkers for my post. Come on I know I am wrong some where. I know of one jerk who just loves to correct me every time I get something wrong. Damn I hate that, ok I am going to do my stress exercises now.

    -SM *whew*


    Well, I’m back.

    I caught Texx Lexx the other night. I see there are new objects, like jacks flying through space or something. I assume they’re related to the asteroid thing.

    Aleck-I address all possible theories in my latest “Divine Shadow” post.

    Slopmaster-What the hell are you talking about?!? your post is almost completely incomprehensible.

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.



    Originally posted by Hypatia:
    I think that thing has somthing to do with that little clip in the begining (the one with Marconi). Maybe Marconi woke up some survivor of the insect wars?! P.S, Did anyone notice the way they spoofed Contact (1997) or am I imagining things? P.P.S: When Ifind myself in a moral crisis, I ask “What would Xev do?”

    Guglielmo Marconi did receive an extraterrestrial signal in 1919 (the same year Charles Fort’s first book was published…coincidence?)! He transmitted them back in 1922 but they shut up ’cause they’d always wanted humans to not know they were there.


    The descendants of Northern Peoples are groping in universal darkness. Their mother mourns. A dark occasion forebodes a time when weakness in high places will revive a high cost of living and an interval of mistakes in high places, an interval fit for distressing.



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    Well, I’m back.

    I caught Texx Lexx the other night. I see there are new objects, like jacks flying through space or something. I assume they’re related to the asteroid thing.

    Aleck-I address all possible theories in my latest “Divine Shadow” post.

    Slopmaster-What the hell are you talking about?!? your post is almost completely incomprehensible.

    They’re FVCKIN’ CARROTS!!!

    As Captain Kirk once said, “The best defense is a strong offense, and I intend to start offending right now.”

    So get some Ruffles Ranch Dip ready cause the CARROTS ARE COMING!!!!!


    Hey maybe if the carrots are intelligent they have enemies. Maybe earth will get caught in the middle an inner galactic vegitable war. I would hate to see the peas that get flung in that war and with what…






    Originally posted by Slopmaster:
    Hey maybe if the carrots are intelligent they have enemies. Maybe earth will get caught in the middle an inner galactic vegitable war. I would hate to see the peas that get flung in that war and with what…


    All we are saying, is give peas a chance.

    Yes, it was obvious, therefore it had to be done.


    LOL! “Give peas a chance” I didn’t see that one comeing, its funny as hell.




    Originally posted by Kali:
    All we are saying, is give peas a chance.

    Yes, it was obvious, therefore it had to be done.

    GUFFAW!!! okay, now i am trying to decide if it hurts more to snort red wine out of my nose or white wine while laughing…maybe i should start drinking cognac while i read y’alls posts thanx kali!



    [This message has been edited by FX (edited July 25, 2001).]

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